[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

Hey everyone. I had some questions about my current build and how to tackle playing this build during the new league.

Here's a POB link to my current standing with the build:


This is only my 2nd league playing this. Also, only my 4th league overall in the game. I just started mapping and I'd like to know if my damage is on par with what it should be at level 78 and how my gear is looking. I've probably spent just over 1ex on everything (I barely know anything about self crafting yet).

Also, I'm wondering what's up with the storm brand self cast I've been reading about. How does that work and what should I be doing with it? I'm going to farm Jun to try and get the better version of trigger a socketed spell for sure.


Edit: Also, I'm probably going to stick with CI rather than transition to the low life version.
Last edited by cpennington on Apr 26, 2021, 11:59:48 AM
With the changes to Harvest, how are others approaching self-crafting 3 notable cluster jewels?
First league playing this build and it has been lots of ups and plateaus, but mostly fun learning how to play it and getting upgrades.

Recently got my trigger craft and swapped to EE and the build is insanely different now with the one less spell to drop. Much easier to run around only using vortex and Vaal CS when I want. Also recently fused my first 6L after many leagues of trying, which was a cool upgrade I had been waiting to swap to.

I think my main goal left is min/maxing CI as I push through red maps. Planning to make another build before trying LL... Or, is bossing on this build something worth looking in to?


You're looking good. Just keep pushing, get a 6L body for massive dps upgrade. It is hard to decipher your PoB skills since you transferred your char in to the vortex levelling PoB. Just keep looking at the items and tree in the CI PoB Shak gave us and slowly upgrade now? Adding more damage and ES to stuff, get Rime Gaze, etc.

I think the storm brand self cast is just people using a similar set up to the pre-trigger wand OOS/hextouch self cast. You likely already used that levelling, and swapped to trigger now. So you know both worlds, and should be able to decide if you liked auto or self casting better.
People link the hextech to storm brand and double curse for boss usage so it has a 100% EE and curse uptime.

The trigger socketed is mainly for normal clear.
ChambsHue wrote:
Not trying to be rude, but most of the questions in this thread can be answered by using PoB.

I'm a noob, so really struggling. I can't work out which of these wands is best for an EE setup. I've tried in game, can't really seem to tell, just wasted some regrets. Any help would be appreciated please :)

Which of these is the best option as a Trigger Wand with EE?

Is running Orb of Storms/Storm Brand/Frost Bite the ideal gem setup?

Thank you!!
Xierg wrote:
ChambsHue wrote:
Not trying to be rude, but most of the questions in this thread can be answered by using PoB.

I'm a noob, so really struggling. I can't work out which of these wands is best for an EE setup. I've tried in game, can't really seem to tell, just wasted some regrets. Any help would be appreciated please :)

Which of these is the best option as a Trigger Wand with EE?

Is running Orb of Storms/Storm Brand/Frost Bite the ideal gem setup?

Thank you!!

1st one will break your ee so skip that one.
others are ok just be sure that you dont have any other source for added cold dmg. check your gear.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." -PoE Design Team Member.
"Get your magic finder characters ready!" -Chris Wilson
Last edited by CelciusX on Apr 26, 2021, 9:42:34 PM
CelciusX wrote:
Xierg wrote:
ChambsHue wrote:
Not trying to be rude, but most of the questions in this thread can be answered by using PoB.

I'm a noob, so really struggling. I can't work out which of these wands is best for an EE setup. I've tried in game, can't really seem to tell, just wasted some regrets. Any help would be appreciated please :)

Which of these is the best option as a Trigger Wand with EE?

Is running Orb of Storms/Storm Brand/Frost Bite the ideal gem setup?

Thank you!!

1st one will break your ee so skip that one.
others are ok just be sure that you dont have any other source for added cold dmg. check your gear.

Thank you so much!! I'll run Orb of Storms and Storm brand on the wand so that should do it. I'll spec into EE right now, can't wait to try it out. Shame that "Adds 2 to 3 Cold Damage" ruins the whole wand. No way to fix it via crafting?
CelciusX wrote:
Xierg wrote:
ChambsHue wrote:
Not trying to be rude, but most of the questions in this thread can be answered by using PoB.

I'm a noob, so really struggling. I can't work out which of these wands is best for an EE setup. I've tried in game, can't really seem to tell, just wasted some regrets. Any help would be appreciated please :)

Which of these is the best option as a Trigger Wand with EE?

Is running Orb of Storms/Storm Brand/Frost Bite the ideal gem setup?

Thank you!!

1st one will break your ee so skip that one.
others are ok just be sure that you dont have any other source for added cold dmg. check your gear.

The previous advice you got is wrong, the 2-3 cold damage is local and doesn't affect your spells. If it had said 2-3 cold damage "to spells" then it will mess up your EE.

That is actually a really good wand for Vortex, don't sell it.

The previous advice you got is wrong, the 2-3 cold damage is local and doesn't affect your spells. If it had said 2-3 cold damage "to spells" then it will mess up your EE.

That is actually a really good wand for Vortex, don't sell it.[/quote]

Thank you!!!! I was about to get rid of it, purely luck really as i haven't had an opportunity to be online.

So you'd say the Kraken Spell is the best of those 3? I'm running CI, just specced into EE too.
Decided to give this build a try as I would like to try early league bossing next league so I'm trying out a few different builds. Just finished leveling my character today so it's still pretty low level but heres my current gear (Most of it came from the CI Essence drain/Contagion league starter) I do have the currency to go lowlife if I enjoy the build by the time I've leveled it to around 90 or so and done some bossing with it to see how I find it.

I feel like I'm missing something with EE in this build. I have Stormbrand + Hextouch + Frostbite in my wand with trigger craft which is how I apply both frostbite and lightning EE. But I feel like because of the change to the trigger craft to 8s cooldown that while mapping, 75% of the time monsters have cold resistance from EE due to the intial hit of vortex/coldsnaps. Even during boss fights where the stormbrand sticks around on the boss for longer than a second or two like regular mobs I'm still constantly dropping new vortexes/cold snaps which then proc cold EE again

Edit: I don't have EE on my tree atm as I've been messing around with taking it off/on to see how it feels
Last edited by Scotteeh on Apr 27, 2021, 8:38:27 AM

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