[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

I'm really struggling with single target at t14+ maps. They die so extremely slow. I'm not quite sure how I'm ever going to be able to afford the items that I think are going to make the difference. I'm missing Hyrri's Ire, Watcher's Eye (haven't bought one because I can't afford the ones with cold dmg) and Barrage Enchant on head. Also don't have a 6-Link for Ice Shot, but that's not a problem whatsoever right now. That part is still very easy.

Really don't know what to do. When I change to Hyrri's Ire I gain around 15k dps. That's about a 50% increase. Which is nice and all, but it costs around 600 chaos orbs and 50% increase isn't going to make THAT big of a deal seeing how slow the bosses die right now.

Could really use some advice, not quite sure what to do.

Edit: forgot to say that I have 4600 health right now. Still missing some nodes due to being lvl 89 and haven't got the Watcher's Eye either.

Last edited by ongur on Jan 10, 2020, 5:36:42 PM

What pob are you using, because isnt same as build guide at main page.

Don't know what the heck i was following or i messed up that badly, but made updates to the tree, so if you could give anymore advice would be great! Thanks for all the help!
Hello again!

I think I'm close to have a good build, I change a lot of stuff.

Next change will be a new amulet, new gloves with chaos resist, boots with onslaught ( i removed it for accident ), and double influence ring. Also I need a jewel with corrupted blood and change the flask, but I don't have any idea about what jewels I need ( I don't use now abyss gloves with blind attack etc ). I'm very confused with my options. Please help me.

Thanks a lot and regards!
Last edited by Ecoscuro on Jan 10, 2020, 6:30:12 PM
Arganista wrote:

What pob are you using, because isnt same as build guide at main page.

Don't know what the heck i was following or i messed up that badly, but made updates to the tree, so if you could give anymore advice would be great! Thanks for all the help!

Well, i guess you have more life and damage than me so i cant say anything more. You mind on buying a pandemonius? All stats increases damage into the shadows.

Well, i guess you have more life and damage than me so i cant say anything more. You mind on buying a pandemonius? All stats increases damage into the shadows.

Is it worth allocating int in the tree just to use pandemonius? becasue without a int/onyx base i'm lacking 6 int atm.
And i'm still not over 5k HP yet, not even close
Last edited by Arganista on Jan 10, 2020, 9:20:08 PM
I was following a similar guide and want to transition into this build, I'm kind of a noob and I'm wondering if 2 ex would be enough to transition into the build while having enough to recap res and get more life and such

I have some the recommended items already, but my rares are pretty bad and I would need to replace a few slots, so I have about 2 ex but I have a 6l Wildwrap and the to-be replaced unqiues to sell as well to help fund

Here's my POB, I know my res isn't capped and life is trash but I've been holding back on upgrading rares before I transition: https://pastebin.com/HuKVrK6T

Just looking for some reassurance before I commit I guess
Colbi0 wrote:
I was following a similar guide and want to transition into this build, I'm kind of a noob and I'm wondering if 2 ex would be enough to transition into the build while having enough to recap res and get more life and such

I have some the recommended items already, but my rares are pretty bad and I would need to replace a few slots, so I have about 2 ex but I have a 6l Wildwrap and the to-be replaced unqiues to sell as well to help fund

Here's my POB, I know my res isn't capped and life is trash but I've been holding back on upgrading rares before I transition: https://pastebin.com/HuKVrK6T

Just looking for some reassurance before I commit I guess

Because you were doing my build, I might aswell try to help you here, see if you have better luck.

Move your Single target to the six link and use the barrage setup (page 115 or 114 of yabb a user posted his barrage setup that people have found helpful)

Yoke of Suffering works best with Scourge, that's my fuck up and im sorry.

If not Aqualism's build is a really good alternative
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
Last edited by SynixProcessing on Jan 11, 2020, 12:45:19 AM
Today I won the poe lottery and got an awakened multi strike on my first Sirus kill. Any good ideas for how to juice this build to the max?

What can be changed with gear?
No problems with boss at tier t14-16, but often get one shot with HP is 2500 :(
Damage is normal in pob 6M-7M dps.
Want to buy Bubonic Trail, 2 Jewel with good hp + cold dmg
Maybe at 90lvl will be hp 3500-4000 but is low.

where should I go from here, I'm going for 2 frenzy in tree now and my jewels are standard life, flat damage, atk speed or dmg on crit/kill or whatever. 20/20 gems right now, plan to getting better boots so I can craft attack speed on my gloves. Have dying sun, crit flask, atziris promise.
Last edited by Burkill on Jan 11, 2020, 5:02:59 AM

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