[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

say I wanted to run this build as MF next league how viable would that be?
If I use Barrage on swap and instead make a 6L Herald of Ice can I use 2 curses if I use Awakened CoH gem? Or do I need to get 'can apply additional curse' from skilltree aswell?

What would be best? HoI with 2 curses or instead other gems to boost HoI dmg?

Currency is not a concern. Just for fun on standard league.
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curses on herald of ice are pointless. in general you should be able to kill trash long before herald manages to apply curses. and it doesnt work on bosses from what i read over and over
Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer
how long should i keep gmp gem for ice shot after finishing act 10? swap out immediatly when i start mapping or keep it for some time?
Hi, great guide! I'm using this build as a league start this league, I was aiming for the low budget and replicated most of the gear that was in the low budget guide but my damage was way still way off, any chance you can help me? Thanks

Just wanted to say:

I came back to this character in Standard because I got bored of temp league and holy! It's nutty af, now even more than before because of the Cluster jewels.

Thanks for keeping this guide up to date, its really good, thanks
@LilyGrshmn ★
liberate_asdf wrote:
how long should i keep gmp gem for ice shot after finishing act 10? swap out immediatly when i start mapping or keep it for some time?

Since, the author is missing and I played this character before Ill try to help.

You should remove GMP and work towards your awakened gem set ups, gmp reduces your damage and you can get the same effect with + arrows (flask + quiver + bow + deadeye) without the damage reduction GMP is attached to.
@LilyGrshmn ★
JyFanboi wrote:
Hi, great guide! I'm using this build as a league start this league, I was aiming for the low budget and replicated most of the gear that was in the low budget guide but my damage was way still way off, any chance you can help me? Thanks


Hi! I played this char back in Metamorph and im still using it every now and then in Standard so I think I can help.

Get your awakened gem set up for clearing and bossing, I feel like Barrage is better for bossing but you need the Barrage helm enchantment and the awakened gems to start feeling ok while bossing.

I also remember having troubles with dps and helmet enchantment helped a lot.

Just remember that if you use Barrage for single target you wont be able to kill phys reflect bosses (unless you have good life leech but its still a miserable experience)
@LilyGrshmn ★
Hey whats up im fairly new and was curious if you can use a crafted harb or imperial bow with cold damage as opposed to a crafted physical bow. On page 2 someone has a dope crafted cold bow.
The guide says to use added cold rather than ice bite until you can sustain 7 frenzy charges, but the leveling section says to use ice bite first. And how does the 7 frenzy charge factor into the mapping tree that doesn't give any any additional max charges?

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