[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Hello, I'm in the process of harvest-crafting a bow for my ice shot char on standard.

T1 %Phys
T1 Flat Phys dmg
T1 Flat Cold dmg
2 additional arrow
T1 crit chance
Crafted Att speed and Quality
Crafting it with t1 %Phys Fractured, so no influence mods allowed on it.

Accordingly to my pob it should be a huge upgrade compared to the legacy Death Opus.
How about compared to the shaper cold to dex bow?
Last edited by Asra101010 on Aug 5, 2020, 4:58:49 AM
My gear so far
-still have to replace helm
-thinking of replacing chest with explode chest

Check my profile for passive tree or jewel

I've been playing for about 3 weeks total now and this is where I'm at on my first league character. I know the helmet is turbo trash but it has the enchantment I guess. I have curse on hit with ass. mark and ele. weakness with whispers of doom on my amulet. I just would like to know where I should be investing my money next since I've reached the point where I'm a little stuck. I have about 6/7ex currently saved up from farming t15/16 blight maps since that seems to be what gives me some consistent money. I'm having fun playing in the gear I'm in so if farming to like 15-20ex is the play I'll do it.

Crafting and harvest crafting seem too much for me to maintain while playing the game since it's a lot to manage at once, and now that I'm farming blighted maps I don't have seed income at any point.

I also haven't been using cluster jewels since finding the right ones I found a little difficult for some reason, so lioneyes is what I'm using atm

If anyone could just tell me what direction I should be heading next that would be awesome!
Last edited by isahajee on Aug 5, 2020, 11:39:48 PM
I don't get it. Where in PoB do i change the builds to see the tree and skills? It doesn't have anything in the "lower left' of the program.
is there any way i can get rid of the mana flask early on? if i saw correctly later you get mana leech from a cluster jewel
liberate_asdf wrote:
is there any way i can get rid of the mana flask early on? if i saw correctly later you get mana leech from a cluster jewel

I just leveled this from start to finish today, if you have a Praxis Unique ring laying around it will help a fair bit. That being said I was still stuck with a mana flask until my damage was high enough to really put the mana leech node on my cluster jewel to work.
ncredible wrote:
My gear so far
-still have to replace helm
-thinking of replacing chest with explode chest

Check my profile for passive tree or jewel

How do u craft the bow?
My 1st awakener orb slam.
. Exalted increased strength. Quite happy cause tailwind and elusive gave me a nice boost.
Last edited by Emalijones on Aug 12, 2020, 10:47:22 AM
Amazing build, im planning to sell my gear to make another one, if anyone is interested add me ingame..
Hey buddy, thank you for this comm , and where i can see ur skill tree ?
Thank you .

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