[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Yeah, this build was fun for awhile but it is just ridiculously squishy. I have 5.1k life, the necessary resists for maps and the steelskin buff but you can't go to t15 without godly gear.
phosTR wrote:
Yeah, this build was fun for awhile but it is just ridiculously squishy. I have 5.1k life, the necessary resists for maps and the steelskin buff but you can't go to t15 without godly gear.

Hi there, I'm not sure what's your standard for budget, but this build should be clearing t15 quite easily with 10~20 Ex investment, and that should be considered like medium budget in general, definitely no godly gear needed.

Looking at your character, there are a lot of places that can be improved other than gears. Your gem links set up is not optimal, and neither is your passive tree. And for gears, you should be better off just using a 6l death's opus, and there are also tons of cheap upgrades you can buy such as mark of the elder, some cheap decent abyssal jewels, and better flask choices, etc.

This build will not be a good boss killer without tons of investment, but should definitely be a great mapper with a reasonable budget.
lazyrabbit711 wrote:
phosTR wrote:
Yeah, this build was fun for awhile but it is just ridiculously squishy. I have 5.1k life, the necessary resists for maps and the steelskin buff but you can't go to t15 without godly gear.

Hi there, I'm not sure what's your standard for budget, but this build should be clearing t15 quite easily with 10~20 Ex investment, and that should be considered like medium budget in general, definitely no godly gear needed.

Looking at your character, there are a lot of places that can be improved other than gears. Your gem links set up is not optimal, and neither is your passive tree. And for gears, you should be better off just using a 6l death's opus, and there are also tons of cheap upgrades you can buy such as mark of the elder, some cheap decent abyssal jewels, and better flask choices, etc.

This build will not be a good boss killer without tons of investment, but should definitely be a great mapper with a reasonable budget.

I checked with POB and this bow is way better than DO. My gems are fine, i even got chance to put Precision because of the Enlinghten lvl 3. I can't change to damage on full life becayse of the squishness of the build and i can't remove the crit gem because i don't have enough crit chance without the flask and the expensive cluster jewels. My amulet alone is expensive af and i can't change flasks without dying against a simple sneeze from a monster at T15. The only problem in the three is the first projectile nodes i got, this build wants you to have a ton of cluster and special jewels that are ridiculously expensive.
Last edited by phosTR on Sep 8, 2020, 12:30:54 PM
phosTR wrote:

I checked with POB and this bow is way better than DO. My gems are fine, i even got chance to put Precision because of the Enlinghten lvl 3. I can't change to damage on full life becayse of the squishness of the build and i can't remove the crit gem because i don't have enough crit chance without the flask and the expensive cluster jewels. My amulet alone is expensive af and i can't change flasks without dying against a simple sneeze from a monster at T15. The only problem in the three is the first projectile nodes i got, this build wants you to have a ton of cluster and special jewels that are ridiculously expensive.

Well, I'm just suggesting that there are ways to build up a much stronger Ice shot character with less than 20ex. I don't know whats ur budget, but I definitely don't think 20ex is considered ridiculously expensive. Most clusters/jewels this build needed are ridiculously easy to craft via harvest, so are amulet/rings. The key of ice shot or similar builds is that you accept the squishness, and try to clear everything before they get a chance to hit you, and defensive flasks will never save you if you don't have enough clear power. But if you insist your set up is fine, then so be it.
Sooo.. any one have any ideas for power charge generation now that assassins mark got deleted from the game :(
Sooo.. any one have any ideas for power charge generation now that assassins mark got deleted from the game :(

phosTR wrote:
Sooo.. any one have any ideas for power charge generation now that assassins mark got deleted from the game :(


Heist spoilers, assassins mark now only applies to a single enemy at a time.
phosTR wrote:
Sooo.. any one have any ideas for power charge generation now that assassins mark got deleted from the game :(


Heist spoilers, assassins mark now only applies to a single enemy at a time.

If you needed assassin’s mark to get power charges for the boss, you’re doing it wrong. As is relying on power charges for bossing in general.

You can always use Farrul’s Fur + Aspect of the Cat on one of your gear for permanent charge sustain.
You can also go for the pricier power charge on crit chest armor crafts.

Overall, assassin’s mark will be buffed for bossing because now it may be at 100% effectiveness due to bosses losing their resistances to it (in GGG’s own words but still might be changed)
andrew8448 wrote:

If you needed assassin’s mark to get power charges for the boss, you’re doing it wrong. As is relying on power charges for bossing in general.

You can always use Farrul’s Fur + Aspect of the Cat on one of your gear for permanent charge sustain.
You can also go for the pricier power charge on crit chest armor crafts.

Overall, assassin’s mark will be buffed for bossing because now it may be at 100% effectiveness due to bosses losing their resistances to it (in GGG’s own words but still might be changed)

Why would I care about bossing, I care about clearing. Finding another good source of charges for clearing is going to be annoying, It cant get any easier than Assassins mark. But much worse without the damage it gives its a 10% dps loss on POB. I guess we use frost bite ring but we lose some crit which sucks.
Last edited by phosTR on Sep 14, 2020, 8:31:49 AM

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