[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Hey, I've done a similar approach to the build and I feel like I need more defensive options, would you mind looking over my POB: https://pastebin.com/NyRkEZP1

Is it really enough 5% to gain frenzy on crit? How fast can you charge it vs map bosses? Aren't they dying before actually gaining full charges? Is Aspect of the Cat not good?
How much crit chance are we shooting for here? I've got about 42% with my inspiration charges up. I dont have assassins mark on hit yet, obviously that will boost it up a bit.

Alright, I feel like I'm pretty much starting to top out on my build and would be happy to hear any proposed upgrades or things I might have missed. I plan on crafting Aspect of the Spider on my amulet when I get a few friends online to grab the craft with me.

I have a double harted watcher's eye with crit and flat damage, a green nightmare (that I dont have socketed), and pretty decent aby jewels for xbone. I also have all the recommended cluster jewels.

Where am I missing out? I will start looking for temple modded gripped gloves, and have been slowly working on elusive boots with over 120 res. Help me get to the next level, hopefully without crafting a new bow :) fk that thing.

Edit: I also added these for bossing, just something I could craft quickly. Pretty much everything is self made.

Last edited by On Your Knees on May 1, 2020, 5:24:21 PM
Hi all!

I have below 2 bows.

Any good mod to try to keep it before try to craft something good?


Hi all!

I have below 2 bows.

Any good mod to try to keep it before try to craft something good?

Definitely not. Unless you are convinced you can land 5 annuls in a row and then slam exactly 2 additional projectiles and t1 or t2 flat phys / phys %. Probably have better odds winning the lottery for over $10m. Unless you are absolutely swimming in extra exalts to burn, I would recommend upgrading every other piece of gear you have that isn't min maxed already before attempting to craft a bow. Honestly though, the linked bows have dog shit stats so I doubt that is the case.
On Your Knees wrote:

Hi all!

I have below 2 bows.

Any good mod to try to keep it before try to craft something good?

Definitely not. Unless you are convinced you can land 5 annuls in a row and then slam exactly 2 additional projectiles and t1 or t2 flat phys / phys %. Probably have better odds winning the lottery for over $10m. Unless you are absolutely swimming in extra exalts to burn, I would recommend upgrading every other piece of gear you have that isn't min maxed already before attempting to craft a bow. Honestly though, the linked bows have dog shit stats so I doubt that is the case.

I did it!!!

Nah just joking, thanks for the answer. I will find something else


Is this worth multi-modding? Looks like the best I can do is inc phys % and flat phys but I'm not sure the craft rolls will be good enough to warrant the multi mod price?
Rajaion wrote:

So can you guys tell me what upgrade would net me the biggest boss dps. I've got about 7ex atm and unsure what I can buy with it that would make a meaningful boss dps increase. Any help is appreciated.

Not in a particular order, but stuff focused :
Enchant on helmet (easy with 7ex, got mine for 100c
Bottled Faith
better gloves, for example
better belt
boots with elusive or tailwind 5 to 30ex
About your ammy, is it better than Pandemonius? I'm not sure about that

I'd say, biggest dps boost with your budget would be the belt or the enchant.

I've looked at the belt you are suggesting it's nowhere near 2ex lol. The base alone worths about 2ex. Other than that I got a enchanted helmet and switched to cluster jewels crafted 3 myself, bought the large one. Pob now says I have 2.7m shaper dps. I still need better boots debating if I should give 10ex for elusive on critical boots or not. I think after this point it's very hard to scale the damage without investing 15-20ex a piece.

quality ur bow to 30%
get a cinderswallow
curse on ring lvl 12
you don't have frenzy on crit on quiver so dk how u do on bosses
you can still get a better belt for ~2ex
pandemonius might be better than ur amy
quality ur unique flasks


Is this worth multi-modding? Looks like the best I can do is inc phys % and flat phys but I'm not sure the craft rolls will be good enough to warrant the multi mod price?

If the +2 gems was T1 or T2 Flat Phys / Phys dmg %, yes. The linked one, no.

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