[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Need some help with gearing...switched from a cyclone champ to this build because i finally could afford HH. My clear is great, but my dmg is just not that great and i feel squish. can anyone check my character out and give me some guidance? Wondering if i should sell the HH and make another build without one.
Finally got my HH so wanted to give this build a try. Crafting an ammy, think this worth a multimod? Not much in the way of frenzy charges atm as I'm super low-level, but thinking longterm.

edit: nvm, went with this one for now - will probably just roll over the above and go for crit mutli + cold pen or phys as extra cold (not sure which is better)

Last edited by arelil on Apr 29, 2020, 12:06:32 AM
why is phys reflect hurting me with ice shot clear gems? I have the 40% on tree and 60% from skill gem...
what about lioneye`s jewel??? wasnt it crucial for the build?
samaell007 wrote:
what about lioneye`s jewel???
cluster jewels killed him...

(instead of spending 7 points on claw wheel you can spend them on good cluster)
If anyone has a moment to look at my character that would be great. I love bow builds and I know it is costly but still enjoying playing it. My items are kinda trash but I finally have a bit of currency (1 ex + ~ 100 c) and would like to upgrade some gear just looking for suggestions.

I know my build is a bit off track but it was at the chain of dex nodes so went for random passives until I can reach the health pool on the left and will then respec back to the guide.

Also I am going to do lab but 1. I hate it, 2. I havent found all the trials in maps. 3. I hate it.

If anyone does look - thanks!

it is Deli_Rang_First i never delete...
Last edited by zoidbergvii on Apr 29, 2020, 12:15:00 PM
Question for anyone that's still around - how important is the 'bow attacks fire an additional arrow' affix on your quiver? I understand that's boosting barrage dps with the extra projectile, but when I swap between the two following quivers, I'm still getting a higher DPS tooltip value for both barrage + ice shot with the non +1 arrow quiver. However, looking through the initial guide + last 10 or so pages of this thread it seems like thats the most-desired affix.

i have 2 brutal restraints jewels. wanted to know if they are decent as i didnt play that league at all and am only now checking out the jewels ccause my standard guy has top of the line abyss jewels.

the stats i am going to list are all benefiting me without any addition points spent as they are all already on skills i use (this is one i think i like better)

5% dex from king of hill
20% elem dmg from master fletcher
4% life from heartseeker
5% attack speed from frenzy charge
20% proj dmg from herbalist
5% extra dmg as cold from winter spirit

and the only clunker from flash freeze: poison mod. (i use a bit of a dex stack build, and run with about 750dex)

that one is my main jewel right now and i also had one earlier:
in same order of skills as above:
25% crit chance
5% dex
5 extra dmg as cold
20% evasion
5% attack speed
20% evasion
25% crit chance

the above jewel gives me more life and a bit more dmg than the one below it. are these decent? how much better can they be?
Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer

Hmmm. This give me about 30% increased damage at 450 dex. Think it's worth multimodding? I'm guessing I would be stuck crafting damage while leeching and life, and slam a suffix.

Edit: I guess the 10% dex is only giving me about a 3% damage increase, so seems like a useless stat on this build.
Last edited by On Your Knees on Apr 30, 2020, 4:00:17 AM
Rajaion wrote:

So can you guys tell me what upgrade would net me the biggest boss dps. I've got about 7ex atm and unsure what I can buy with it that would make a meaningful boss dps increase. Any help is appreciated.

Not in a particular order, but stuff focused :
Enchant on helmet (easy with 7ex, got mine for 100c
Bottled Faith
better gloves, for example
better belt
boots with elusive or tailwind 5 to 30ex
About your ammy, is it better than Pandemonius? I'm not sure about that

I'd say, biggest dps boost with your budget would be the belt or the enchant.

I've looked at the belt you are suggesting it's nowhere near 2ex lol. The base alone worths about 2ex. Other than that I got a enchanted helmet and switched to cluster jewels crafted 3 myself, bought the large one. Pob now says I have 2.7m shaper dps. I still need better boots debating if I should give 10ex for elusive on critical boots or not. I think after this point it's very hard to scale the damage without investing 15-20ex a piece.
Last edited by LenfantSauvag3 on Apr 30, 2020, 3:41:19 PM

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