[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Hi everyone :) , love the build but I got burned out of ranger/ranged skills willing to sell my gear in a bundle , you can contact me on discord (Queen#6703) or on forums.

all the skill gems are lvl 19-20.
I have checked small modification of Aquarism build. I try 2x gem like this
with two which Aqua sugessted (curses and shocking gem) and connected with 3x fettle gem, and one gem with "no wittness" (10% chance to gain elusive).
Now i have 5.2k life and almost no dying from random hit's.
But i have a lot of problems with Sirius. Can't kill him on awakened 8.
I use barrage support and want to buy helm with 40% ice shot dmg enchant. I think it's better now (low crit chance) but PoB can't show correct dmg. Second upgrade will be 2x hatred watcher's eye.

please check my build

Last edited by grabman on May 5, 2020, 7:18:28 AM
It would help having a gem with "Corrupted blood cannot be inflicted to you" and also Chaos Resistance. Pantheon "Soul of Ryslatha" does help a lot when you are out of life flask charges. The most important thing is to learn the fight and know how/when to dodge basically, mostly the last phase.

asap upgrades?

asap upgrades?

I would change the bow to Arborix or Death Opus, you need the helmets enchant, Multicraft the diamond ring and catalyst it, catalyst the mark of the elder ring, amulet is bad, change it to Pandemonium or at least something with hp, crit multi, flat phys or cold dmg, maybe change boots to something with higher stats, you could also slam mov speed with onslaught and change the anoint of the amulet.
I find that Dash+Second Wind is a great option for bow users as a movement skill. Do you really find smoke mine effective?
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Hey guys, i am having a problem with clearing maps...sometimes i can't one shot magic or rare monsters and don't know what to do with that.. https://pastebin.com/Vjxy2fEV
Nice build, congrats!
Last edited by Dhonarius on May 5, 2020, 11:11:02 AM

This was the most akward drunken craft ive ever made. note my self. always buy stuff in std cause dang it, needed to punch out some lights maan! yes gonna +28 it tomorrow. Dont even start it.
Last edited by Emalijones on May 4, 2020, 6:16:04 PM
thx for build

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