[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Glull wrote:
karolis78 wrote:
Holy fck, what i scam buim, with Medium build, i cant reach 200k... only i got 120k wtf on pob says 12ml what a joke. scam

Your character is level 71 with two labs and several items missing, and your skill tree is currently branching off to Africa. Perhaps you should at least follow the guide if you want to complain about your character not dealing damage?

He's also running Omen on the winds, I'm assuming he's probably got about 30-35% crit chance too, Pierce on the quiver breaking chain, Inc duration on the frost bomb for some reason, level 17 gems with no quality, super low roll armour, Perandus Blazon, no Acrobatics, sort that out and you'll have a lot more luck :)
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
karolis78 wrote:
Holy fck, what i scam buim, with Medium build, i cant reach 200k... only i got 120k wtf on pob says 12ml what a joke. scam
Dude you haven't even read the guide, it clearly says gathering winds first and what do you do? Lvl to 70 only do 2 labs and don't even pick gathering winds at all. I wonder what else did you conveniently skip and then wonder where did the damage go. Also gg for playing with omen on the winds and pierce voidfletcher so your ricochet probably doesn't even proc.

Also pretty sure you aren't meant to spec frenzy charges and slot ice bite if you aren't using a rare quiver generating frenzy charges. Not mentioning the 5 points on the tree that are going to absolutely nowhere atm so you're like lvl 66 in practice with 2 labs and expect millions of damage... yeeeeah...

Edit: I see when I was writing this SynixProcessing and Glull replied already and noticed the same issues.

Edit2: also your circle of fear and cinderswallow have probably the worst mods out of all variable ones you could pick on them.
Last edited by Viktranka on Apr 26, 2020, 4:33:54 PM
Hey everyone been trying to reach the amount of dps in the guide (i know i'm raider so rip free +1 chain, but free phasing/onslault is just too good to pass imo)

Here's my PoB : https://pastebin.com/W7TnHYQA

Got the helm, chest and neck locked down i think, i'm just wondering what to improve next. I've tried to find a better bow with +2 arrows, but they all sim way lower than the one i have atm. Should i just focus on awakened gems, or try to reshuffle my res with a MotE/shaper ring?

Thanks a bunch, can't wait to beat sirus with this guy!
Hey all, looking to build this character out in standard now that I have enough currency to buy a HH + some of the other essentials. I had a question re: our ring set up. Now that we have power charge generation through cluster jewels, is an assassin's mark ring necessary? I have a circle of fear with HOI buff effect / cold damage and would like to pair it with a Taming for extra resists and damage.
Last edited by fiestaforesta on Apr 26, 2020, 5:28:49 PM
When looking at this build and at others on poe ninja running this build, I am a bit unsure why almost no one picks up Vaal Pact, even more so if you are already going to the Duelist area anyway.

Could someone help me understand why and what I maybe missing? We have no real regen, so I don't see us really losing anything other then the skill points.
409force wrote:
Hey guys,

Need some advice on what to upgrade next for the biggest DPS/clearspeed boost?

Thinking either Bottled Faith, 2 Mod Watchers or Awakened Chain?

Here's my current gear:

Any help would be appreciated!


Picked up a dual mod watcher’s which was huge..

I see many high end build’s have Bottled Faith, is that mainly for bosses or does that help with clear speed too? Sorry, didn’t play synthesis league so don’t understand it’s interaction/mechanics. Also, would you prioritise this pick up first over awakened chain support?

Last edited by 409force on Apr 27, 2020, 12:55:01 AM
DancingCow wrote:
Hey everyone been trying to reach the amount of dps in the guide (i know i'm raider so rip free +1 chain, but free phasing/onslault is just too good to pass imo)

Here's my PoB : https://pastebin.com/W7TnHYQA

Got the helm, chest and neck locked down i think, i'm just wondering what to improve next. I've tried to find a better bow with +2 arrows, but they all sim way lower than the one i have atm. Should i just focus on awakened gems, or try to reshuffle my res with a MotE/shaper ring?

Thanks a bunch, can't wait to beat sirus with this guy!

Focus on your gear before adding awakened gems. Do the ring swap and recoup the resistances on your gloves (temple mod!) and belt.

fiestaforesta wrote:
Hey all, looking to build this character out in standard now that I have enough currency to buy a HH + some of the other essentials. I had a question re: our ring set up. Now that we have power charge generation through cluster jewels, is an assassin's mark ring necessary? I have a circle of fear with HOI buff effect / cold damage and would like to pair it with a Taming for extra resists and damage.

Assasin's Mark offers a ~2% base crit and 20% more crit bonus damage multiplier, which is pretty much unbeatable damage for mapping. Of course you can swap, but if there is any way you can get the resistances elsewhere the swap is probably not worth it. You also miss out on life in both slots with your setup.

Ghoro wrote:
When looking at this build and at others on poe ninja running this build, I am a bit unsure why almost no one picks up Vaal Pact, even more so if you are already going to the Duelist area anyway.

Could someone help me understand why and what I maybe missing? We have no real regen, so I don't see us really losing anything other then the skill points.

It's just not necessary, normal leech is fast enough. Having some regen also provides nice QoL for ground effect maps or small hits between packs. If you are running a Bottled Faith, the regeneration actually reaches valuable levels - none of which is useful with vaal pact.

409force wrote:

Picked up a dual mod watcher’s which was huge..

I see many high end build’s have Bottled Faith, is that mainly for bosses or does that help with clear speed too? Sorry, didn’t play synthesis league so don’t understand it’s interaction/mechanics. Also, would you prioritise this pick up first over awakened chain support?

Consecrated ground adds 100% crit chance and 6% life regeneration, which means you hit like a truck while using the flask and standing in the area. I would get the flask before the gem, it just makes gameplay much smoother since you pretty much cap your crit every time you press the button. Against all troublesome monsters (bosses and high delirium) standing in the area is also not a problem since enemy hp is high enough to warrant multiple shots.

Last edited by Glull on Apr 27, 2020, 1:53:31 AM

What passives would you get on the large cluster?
Last edited by XeroAyaki on Apr 27, 2020, 3:01:44 AM

So can you guys tell me what upgrade would net me the biggest boss dps. I've got about 7ex atm and unsure what I can buy with it that would make a meaningful boss dps increase. Any help is appreciated.
Last edited by LenfantSauvag3 on Apr 27, 2020, 5:43:24 PM

So can you guys tell me what upgrade would net me the biggest boss dps. I've got about 7ex atm and unsure what I can buy with it that would make a meaningful boss dps increase. Any help is appreciated.

Not in a particular order, but stuff focused :
Enchant on helmet (easy with 7ex, got mine for 100c
Bottled Faith
better gloves, for example
better belt
boots with elusive or tailwind 5 to 30ex
About your ammy, is it better than Pandemonius? I'm not sure about that

I'd say, biggest dps boost with your budget would be the belt or the enchant.

Glull wrote:

It's just not necessary, normal leech is fast enough. Having some regen also provides nice QoL for ground effect maps or small hits between packs. If you are running a Bottled Faith, the regeneration actually reaches valuable levels - none of which is useful with vaal pact.

I kinda disagree with that. I prefer to have a better life leech per second. It also means I am not dependent to my flasks. I think it's up to the player
Last edited by Rajaion on Apr 28, 2020, 4:42:48 AM

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