[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Aquarism wrote:
I did mention crafting is usually not worth it in the notes section of the crafting section, it is now moved to the opening sentence to making this more clear.

I'm experimenting with clusters jewels yet again, got inspired by ShAd0w3d on page 199.

Cool, glad you came to the same conclusion about the lioneye's fall node, you can also swap your large one in POB for a % Bow damage jewel for an extra 4% inc :). I'll have to try the curse jewel, would need to swap out my +1 frenzy tombfist for something though - I guess ideal gloves with the curse nodes would be +1 Frenzy charges + temple mod damage vs chilled enemies?

@Livewire I've been using it for a couple days now and haven't noticed any difference - you should almost always be at the Leech cap either way. I don't think the claw passives actually increase maximum life leech, just get you to max faster - but with our damage that shouldn't be an issue.

Also, if you want to sink some money into boots it seems like we should be using temple dodge boots - ideally slammed for Elusive. This pair has worked very well for me
Last edited by ShAd0w3d on Apr 25, 2020, 2:24:41 PM
ShAd0w3d wrote:

Cool, glad you came to the same conclusion about the lioneye's fall node, you can also swap your large one in POB for a % Bow damage jewel for an extra 4% inc :). I'll have to try the curse jewel, would need to swap out my +1 frenzy tombfist for something though - I guess ideal gloves with the curse nodes would be +1 Frenzy charges + temple mod damage vs chilled enemies?

the claw crit node is still incredibly strong. we can drop soul raker though. I might play with the clusters a bit more, so far its either drop dmg or life to use these clusters, kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place :/
My Ice Shot Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2660684

Standard Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623978
Aquarism wrote:
ShAd0w3d wrote:

Cool, glad you came to the same conclusion about the lioneye's fall node, you can also swap your large one in POB for a % Bow damage jewel for an extra 4% inc :). I'll have to try the curse jewel, would need to swap out my +1 frenzy tombfist for something though - I guess ideal gloves with the curse nodes would be +1 Frenzy charges + temple mod damage vs chilled enemies?

the claw crit node is still incredibly strong. we can drop soul raker though. I might play with the clusters a bit more, so far its either drop dmg or life to use these clusters, kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place :/

The claw nodes are worth 1.5 mil DPS alone, and would just scale with better gear.

It's a very strong node.
livewirejsp wrote:
Aquarism wrote:
ShAd0w3d wrote:

Cool, glad you came to the same conclusion about the lioneye's fall node, you can also swap your large one in POB for a % Bow damage jewel for an extra 4% inc :). I'll have to try the curse jewel, would need to swap out my +1 frenzy tombfist for something though - I guess ideal gloves with the curse nodes would be +1 Frenzy charges + temple mod damage vs chilled enemies?

the claw crit node is still incredibly strong. we can drop soul raker though. I might play with the clusters a bit more, so far its either drop dmg or life to use these clusters, kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place :/

The claw nodes are worth 1.5 mil DPS alone, and would just scale with better gear.

It's a very strong node.

The claw nodes are very good, but cost 10 points to take since you are spending 3 pts for almost nothing on Lioneye's fall. They are just less efficient than a Large Cluster at this point, and using a jewel slot on a lioneye's fall is a large opportunity cost.

7 points into a large cluster instead gets you 2 jewel slots that can give up to 37% crit multi each (or more realistically, ~25% crit multi + 7% life + one other stat). You can get close to the 55% crit multi that the Soul Raker path gives off two rare jewels alone while also getting 14% life, 2 other jewel affixes, and 3 notables on top of that.
Last edited by ShAd0w3d on Apr 25, 2020, 10:02:07 PM
Hey guys,

Need some advice on what to upgrade next for the biggest DPS/clearspeed boost?

Thinking either Bottled Faith, 2 Mod Watchers or Awakened Chain?

Here's my current gear:

Any help would be appreciated!

ShAd0w3d wrote:

The claw nodes are very good, but cost 10 points to take since you are spending 3 pts for almost nothing on Lioneye's fall. They are just less efficient than a Large Cluster at this point, and using a jewel slot on a lioneye's fall is a large opportunity cost.

7 points into a large cluster instead gets you 2 jewel slots that can give up to 37% crit multi each (or more realistically, ~25% crit multi + 7% life + one other stat). You can get close to the 55% crit multi that the Soul Raker path gives off two rare jewels alone while also getting 14% life, 2 other jewel affixes, and 3 notables on top of that.

I stopped at the dex passive right next to Point Blank and worked in a large cluster down on the bottom. So, it's really going all the way to Golem's blood, or staying with the Soul Raker cluster.
i decided to dive in and give clusters a chance.

i wiped out the full claw wheel and wiped out the 8 points leading to the life nodes at the duelist starting location with bravery as primary life mod.

i grabbed 2 fettle jewels and a curse medium cluster with culling strike and intimidation

i cant seem to stick those jewels into my msg in here from the tree. but my profile is public.
from appearances, while sheet dps is def greatly reduced the 250+ more hp and the abilities are actually noticeably stronger. pob seems fairly similar. i do not dig my large cluster jewel, i would have loved arcing shot as the final skill or have the 10hp per small passive (i do have 2 hp jewels already but dont have the leech nodes on them) but i got tired of chaos spamming.

i personally think a large cluster with fuel the fight for mana leech drive the destruction for life leech and 10hp per passive and 2 sockets is a top of the line bow jewel. the hp alone from the small passives would add a ton.

this is my budget setup. have done all stuff with it except uber elder (no frags yet and i do not do sirus on any lvl but zero) but have completed 1 out of 3 simulacrums

i run a double curse with whispers of doom anointment. it fun. most expensive item in the farrul fur.
Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer
Last edited by sendantes on Apr 26, 2020, 2:27:52 AM
For anyone using Tombfist, I did some more experimenting with the curse cluster, and found a way to add it while keeping the tombfist (which I Was having trouble replacing without losing significant life or damage). Tombfist covers intimidation which is a large draw from the curse cluster, but the Evil Eye notable is also pretty great, which gives a 5% more damage taken modifier to enemies, and an extra 5% dodge chance against cursed enemies.

After messing around in POB, it looks like the 7 points that would go towards Bravery can be replaced with a medium cluster + a well rolled 3-passive fettle and come out even in life with the Bravery nodes + the 7% life from a jewel socket you are giving up. Total gain is ~2% total dps (with culling factored in), no net change in life, and whatever other small passives you can get - so likely ~10-15% all res between the medium and small cluster. It definitely seems worth it for the Culling Strike QoL when bossing alone.

If you have one extra passive point (so 8 total) and are only running 1 large cluster, it looks like it would also be worth it to run an additional large cluster jewel + fettle rather than going for Bravery - allocating 5 nodes on the large jewel (2 notables, 2 sockets) + 3 on the fettle comes out significantly ahead of bravery in life and damage for those points.
Last edited by ShAd0w3d on Apr 26, 2020, 2:38:16 PM
Holy fck, what i scam buim, with Medium build, i cant reach 200k... only i got 120k wtf on pob says 12ml what a joke. scam
karolis78 wrote:
Holy fck, what i scam buim, with Medium build, i cant reach 200k... only i got 120k wtf on pob says 12ml what a joke. scam

Your character is level 71 with two labs and several items missing, and your skill tree is currently branching off to Africa. Perhaps you should at least follow the guide if you want to complain about your character not dealing damage?

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