[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

Mekrat wrote:
Norikmet wrote:
great build . I have nice clearing speed for very single tier even T16 bosses some melt some are a little harder . COuld you look at my profile ( Quarantine_LULZ ) and tell me if you would change anything but only when you have some spare time =) thank you so far lvl 92 and character is only 4 days old

To be honest there are some points you could improve.

- Helmet - I know its personal preference but I dont like Devotos. A rare one with barrage enchant would boost your dmg at bosses

- your quiver has a pierce implicit you dont want that, get a corrupted one with any other implicit ideal would be added cold dmg or something like that

- like I told before serveral times, if you dont run a HH why you always try to cap your resists through the jewellery slots I can cap my resits even with a HH and dont got any resists on my rings, amulett or belt! Jewellery should be used for dmg / Crit / life rolls only you can improve here alot

- if you switch to a decent rolled mark of the elder you can improve more dmg aswell

- try tog et a new shaped opal ring with assa mark on hit lvl 12, life and some other usefull mods.. yours is really shitty for this stage of the league

- aspect of the spiderr craft is missing

- upgrade your flasks, get a dying sun should be 70c, important here reduced charges as mod so you can use more than just 1 charge if you have enough currency get a cinderswallow aswell.. you want one with the crit mod here

- if you are able to cap your resis through a rare helmet, rare gloves and rare boots you can may free up a slot on your belt for ele dmg with attacks

And again, like so many guys before you..your flasks need quality!

can you please advice what kind of helmet will be good, not talking about the rolls, -9 cold res and barrage enchant is obvious, but, what about the base, except lion pelt, what else can be good, so that it will add dmg against bosses?

btw changed a bit the build, but still, need to change the helmet to get a bit int on it and then roll the jewels.

Börnie wrote:
What should be the last craft for this bow?
Its my first attempt at crafting something decent

Thanks in advance

Do you have enough currency or do you saved the mod via imprint? To be honest the mods chaos dmg and proj. speed are really useless for your build.

But after you have already multimodded that one.. I would suggest attack speed or flat cold dmg or attackspeed depands on what you have free (prefix or suffix)
Last edited by Mekrat on Apr 7, 2020, 8:16:32 AM
I guess i became too excited, that i finally got 2 additional arrows. mistakes were made i guess.
I crafted flat cold and i will stay with this bow for a while until i can afford something better.
I am still a rookie but thanks for helping me out :)
Börnie wrote:
I guess i became too excited, that i finally got 2 additional arrows. mistakes were made i guess.
I crafted flat cold and i will stay with this bow for a while until i can afford something better.
I am still a rookie but thanks for helping me out :)

I am not sure. Just coompare in POB...maybe a good rolled death opus outperform yours :/
Mekrat wrote:
Börnie wrote:
What should be the last craft for this bow?
Its my first attempt at crafting something decent

Thanks in advance

Do you have enough currency or do you saved the mod via imprint? To be honest the mods chaos dmg and proj. speed are really useless for your build.

But after you have already multimodded that one.. I would suggest attack speed or flat cold dmg or attackspeed depands on what you have free (prefix or suffix)

Damage is almost the same. So i lost a few ex, but gained experience lol
Hehe. Expensive experince ;-) you can ask next time if you are not sure how to continue.

Just buy a new base and try it from time to time to alt spam the 2 arrow mod...
Hey Mekrat,

can you please advice what kind of helmet will be good, not talking about the rolls, -9 cold res and barrage enchant is obvious, but, what about the base, except lion pelt, what else can be good, so that it will add dmg against bosses?

btw changed a bit the build, but still, need to change the helmet to get a bit int on it and then roll the jewels.

Sorry did not saw your post.

Now it looks better!

The -9 cold res is not so easy now after they nerfed the fossils in that way. I would not go for that atm.

I would say a base that fits your str/dex/int.. lion pelts are good, I still use a crap base great crown.. but the enchant and mods fits for me so I dont care. The enchant is the most important part, than the mods should fit your gear. Try to build arround the rest. If you cannot find a helmet just buy a base with enchant and craft the rest by your self.
Last edited by Mekrat on Apr 7, 2020, 1:05:01 PM
Thank you, i still need to replace the quiver to get flat dmg or crit multi, but im really struggling cause of the int problems...

and im trying to craft a bow, but its still kinda meh, just rolled the 2 arrows in 700 alts, was very happy, now only imprints and augs...

edit: im still having problems doing sirius lv8, probably cause im still too squishy and I dont have enough flat dmg, but i hope i will get there by the end of the week... (and uber elder....)
Last edited by Turentkm on Apr 7, 2020, 1:25:56 PM
Mekrat wrote:
Börnie wrote:
What should be the last craft for this bow?
Its my first attempt at crafting something decent

Thanks in advance

Do you have enough currency or do you saved the mod via imprint? To be honest the mods chaos dmg and proj. speed are really useless for your build.

But after you have already multimodded that one.. I would suggest attack speed or flat cold dmg or attackspeed depands on what you have free (prefix or suffix)

Funnily enough that'd make a great caustic arrow clear bow, shitty ST but good clear :D

(Please know I am joking)
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
Last edited by SynixProcessing on Apr 7, 2020, 3:46:44 PM

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