[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

GHOSTCL wrote:
Hello , I've been reading recent replies learningand following this guide. However i have no idea about game mechanics and crafting. Learning every day but need your help.
Please check my items and let me know what should i upgrade. My passive tree is the same that Aquarius posted im lvl 90 currently and sitting on 4.8 k life and couldn't kill sirus .

- can you tell me where can I found some guides/videos to learn how to craft ?
- I'm dying almost every map right now , i can do t16 maps but i lack dmg on bosses
- What can I upgrade ? i invested about 10 ex but feel like i dont have enough damage

For what I can see in a few that you did not read the first page. At bosses you need a crafted mod on your quiver witch generates frenzy charges on crit. Please read that post from aqa again!

To the bow topic.

I used a decent rolled Death Opus deep into the endgame before I craftede my actual beast! I could do shaper, elder, uberelder all guardians and conqs. I am to stupid for sirus .. but somebody know the fight.. I think its doable too.

If you have enough currency, than you can upgrade your bow! But its not needed.

edit: quote was missing...
Last edited by Mekrat on Apr 6, 2020, 10:13:56 AM
h4mi22 wrote:
Anybody who is good at this build can review my setup. What I should improve first I have issue with bossing, yesterday I killed Sirus deathless awakened 6 but took long time , even map bosses take too much time to kill them. I try to find bow, but I check some put in the POB no much dps for 8 ex .. so i still go with opus :/


No barrage enchant on your helmet and you are using a quiver without frenzy genration on crit. So you cannot generate frenzy charges if you just fight a boss with just barrage...I talked about the bow toic above
Last edited by Mekrat on Apr 6, 2020, 10:25:36 AM
Me likes some drunken crafting sessions so i ask this cause now its time. Any standard ilvl86 bow will do for + 2 additional arrow mod or is this delirium thing. I might face delirium tonight but it will be alcohol delirium. Just curious is it even a gamble to throw my alts on some bow same time i listen some music.. englighten me please.
h4mi22 wrote:
Anybody who is good at this build can review my setup. What I should improve first I have issue with bossing, yesterday I killed Sirus deathless awakened 6 but took long time , even map bosses take too much time to kill them. I try to find bow, but I check some put in the POB no much dps for 8 ex .. so i still go with opus :/


Any ilvl86 bow can roll that mod
Don't need elder or any influence?
If you only need the rolls like +2 arrows, flat phys. flat cold. attack speed and inc. phys dmg. its better to take one wihtout influcence cause there are just less mods you can hit...means the pool of mods is not so big and its more common to hit a mod you need
Last edited by Mekrat on Apr 6, 2020, 12:36:54 PM
Why my damage is low? I need about 10-20 sec to kill t14 boss, i thought this build can burst them all. In my profile MFchikas
Last edited by Aterochka on Apr 6, 2020, 1:20:07 PM
Mekrat wrote:
If you only need the rolls like +2 arrows, flat phys. flat cold. attack speed and inc. phys dmg. its better to take one wihtout influcence cause there are just less mods you can hit...means the pool of mods is not so big and its more common to hit a mod you need

Already bought this. With multicraft should be good for begginning. Just need to find a person who can craft crit + frenzy combo not easy.
Last edited by h4mi22 on Apr 6, 2020, 1:34:11 PM
Yea, for the starts its a really good base.. multi mod and crit on frenzy and I think there is still 1 open prefix for added cold or something
Aterochka wrote:
Why my damage is low? I need about 10-20 sec to kill t14 boss, i thought this build can burst them all. In my profile MFchikas

- Your quiver has the wrong base, Spike-Point is that what you want
- Im sure that even a decent rolled Death Opus outperforms your crap bow
- you have absoute min rolls on your Mark of the Elder Ring
- where is your apspect of the spider craft?
- your shaped ring has some not optimal mods like fire/lightning dmg and the dead mod on a ring for me resi
- your belt is not a stygien vise, where you would have a jewel slot for a jewel with flat dps, life and so on...the belt is also missing ele dmg to attacks...
- you are missing 2 jewel sockets on your tree too...flat dps, life and so on again....

To be honest.. all these points where shown in the first page.. and these are ranger basics...

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