[3.11] Aquarism's Ice Shot [All Content]

could this build do everything in the endgame?
Does this build still feel good without an HH?
Mathil Fan Girl
Currently level 91 and I love the clear speed. However, the single target leaves much to be desired with about 30ex investment.

My POB is nowhere close to your DPS and I was wondering if it's my equipment or passives. Can someone help me out on what I can improve?

POB: https://pastebin.com/thGXXycu

PS: Aspect of the Spider is disabled because I have yet to get a lvl 4 Enlighten. Even with lvl 4 enlighten I would only have 43 mana to work with.
Last edited by Rubba_DubdUb on Apr 8, 2020, 3:07:33 AM
Rubba_DubdUb wrote:
Currently level 91 and I love the clear speed. However, the single target leaves much to be desired with about 30ex investment.

My POB is nowhere close to your DPS and I was wondering if it's my equipment or passives. Can someone help me out on what I can improve?

POB: https://pastebin.com/thGXXycu

PS: Aspect of the Spider is disabled because I have yet to get a lvl 4 Enlighten. Even with lvl 4 enlighten I would only have 43 mana to work with.

Hey Rubba,

first of all, at boss fights even with icebite you cannot generate frenzy charges without the quiver mod gain a frenzy on crit, cause you dont kill an enemy to generate those charges. The dmg from at least 5 frenzys is huge. Just try to play with those numbers in pob and set the frenzy charges to 0 or 5 to check your barrage dmg at shaper or boss.

The aspect and mana topic was discussed some times before. I solve this by using an amulett witch grants me reduced mana reserveration for hatred. This and an enlighten lvl 3 is enough. My precision is lvl 5 atm and I have 69 mana left (ice shot costs 28)

For some guys the mana for just 1 shot is enough. I dont like it that way. I would try to get a decent amulett with good dmg rolls as well to compansate that.

ps: enlighten lvl 4 will give you INT problems for sure!

Last edited by Mekrat on Apr 8, 2020, 3:59:17 AM
bernera wrote:
could this build do everything in the endgame?

I say yes. But dont expect something that can faceroll over every content with just a tabula or a 5link.

To run a ranger and to clear all good content u need at least an investment of some exalts (I would say minimum 30ex) to make it really good. And even after that some bosses can just oneshot you.

I can melt Kosis at wave 20 in an eye blink or in a juieced map cause of my dmg, but if he just look at me he could waste me instant!
HorribleSubs wrote:
Does this build still feel good without an HH?

Depands on the content. I say yes. Its still very strong and good without HH if you have decent gear, not perfect but not the crap gear some guys on poe nija are using.

Btw. I am still playing an other version of iceshot but most of our ice shot builds have the same "roots".
Now a topic from my own.

Does anyone played a bit with this voices cluster? I mean the jackpot one... yea this 300ex one.. with 1 note...sounds amazing.. 3 jewel slots for more clusters .. or abyss.. or both.. omg ^^

I need to buy one.. my poor currency :)
Hey , I posted my gear few posts ago and received some advice from you Mekrat about quiver about frenzy charges ( dont know why i thought more arrows withour frenzy would be better ) , upgraded it to better one for 9 ex .

And now my build looks like this

Was also checking your gear Mekrat should i follow and buy what you have ?
Any advice to my gear ?
I have alocated Graceful Assault on my amulet however i bought jewel that has chance to generate onslaught. What would be the best choice/choices to change this ?
Thinking about changing my ring to have one with aspect of the spider , just to not make any mistakes this aspect of the spider reserves mana so i need to have enlighten lvl 3 with my hatred and herald ?
and to get assasins mark on ring also .
This is of what im thinking to upgrade right now , and to follow your build .
But if you have any advice please share
I would like to thank you for the great work with this build, with the post in the forum very detailed, it helped me a lot to understand some mechanics of the game, thank you very much.

When you can, look at my gear and tell me how I can improve, if I'm on the right track or where I'm going wrong, I would like to kill Sirus with it.

My Gear

Quick question: Which BOW is better among these options I have?

NOTE: Sorry, english is not my native language.
To make this clear. Its not my build and I play a different version of an ice shot build. I just use this thread to talk and discuss the ice shot build mechanic.

For your gear atm I would suggest to change your evasion flask to a Diamond flask (crit chance is lucky)

The next not to expsenive change could be new gloves with the incursion mod more dmg against chilled enemies.. (more dps than the gripped gloves in pob)

My onslogutht sources are the cinderswallow flask and an abyss jewel (jewel only grants on kill)

A big dmg boost is comeing from assa mark on hit and the aspect mod.

To make that clear here again. If you want to cast herald of ice, apsect of the spider, hatred and precision lvl1 with enlighten lvl 3 you will not have enough mana for 2 shots. For some guys its ok to deal with it. For me its not really smooth and I use a reduced mana mod for hatred on my amulett.

Keep that in mind.

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