3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Suenss wrote:
Suenss wrote:
Hi guys,

I almost finished the speed farming version but i dont know where to find this 240% minions damage jewels.
If some know, it would be a great help

Thanks :)


Elegant Hubris jewel. They only drop in the legion fight "domain of timeless conflict". You need 100 timeless splinters x 4 or better still x 5 to have a chance or just buy 1.

Then you need to put it into the jewel slot just below minion instability.
Now comes the fun part, you need to have a specific value on the jewel, say for instance you need 10,569. So to get that you need to divine, place in slot, check result - repeat if not correct.
You can easily use 100's of divines and still not get it.
Hope this helps.
Maybe this got nerfed?
Last edited by EDMOSES on Jul 27, 2020, 10:32:00 PM
Sharing my modified version of the build, I encorporated clusters, it's at 90.5M dps now.
Last edited by DaveNemesis26 on Jul 28, 2020, 2:22:00 AM
DaveNemesis26 wrote:
Sharing my modified version of the build, I encorporated clusters, it's at 90.5M dps now.

That a pretty nice dps, can you share your pob? or put your char in public?
Suenss wrote:
DaveNemesis26 wrote:
Sharing my modified version of the build, I encorporated clusters, it's at 90.5M dps now.

That a pretty nice dps, can you share your pob? or put your char in public?

Thank you. I forgot the pob my bad. https://pastebin.com/ARNvRRBT
Last edited by DaveNemesis26 on Jul 28, 2020, 2:23:40 AM
This is my first Baron build. I was Specter or Golem summoner to this point.

My thoughts:
- well balanced dps / defence
- much more flexible then fire golemancer / spectromancer (from time before adding new monsters to the available spectres pool)
- very demanding when it comes to gear for the endgame
- items needed for this build to shine are at least expensive (and I'm talking about league where crafting is way easier and accessible then ever before)

I can recommend it, but one have to remember that this build is not cheap. I can't tell if the gear is overpriced - I am not that familiar with the state of the economy right now - but hitting the dps sweet-spot took some time (and currency).

As I said before: this build is well balanced and flexible.

My modifications:

Support Spectres
With Blood Magic support frenzy/power charges uptime is 100% - we don't need second chieftains and can go for two other defensive spectres. I chose Arena Master (Drox minion; attack speed buff) and They of Tul (Breach; 20% dodge and dmg reduction cloud). With BM they buffs are up almost all the time. I picked ToT over "Bubble Alchemist" because it's buff is more dependable, has larger area of effect and minion is very tanky.

If you are looking for dmg-vise options my suggestions are:
- Mervils Retainer: powerful Vulnerability curse (50% more dmg)
- Ruin Helion (powefull Taunt / Rally Cry)

Cluster Jewel
I found using one, well-crafted Cluster Jewel a nice boost before I could get Elegant Hubris.
- as low added Passive Skills as possible
- Raze and Pillage (prefix), fire / physical -> added dmg
- Renewal (prefix), life -> added life and double dmg chance
- Vicious Bite (suffix), critical -> added dmg
- any second prefix you like/need

Crafting tips (valid in Harvest only probably):
- if you can buy Raze and Pillage + Renewal Cluster Jewel, it should have empty suffix
- Vicious Bite is the only Critical tag suffix, you can add this mod with Harvest crafting
- if you don't have RaP+R jewel it is easier to get Raze and Pillage (only Physical mod)
- it is possible to buy VB+R jewell and add RaP+R, but in my case the first approach was easier (got the base)

Support gems
We can use Awakened version of support gems now - Multistrike is awesome (but costs waaay too much). Awakened Physical Damage on the other hand is easier to get and with 20% quality adds Intimidation debuff (10% chance for 10% more dmg taken) to our arsenal

Shaper's Touch corruption
If you are not using cursing support spectre you can pick corrupted Shaper's Touch for Enfeeble / Temporal Chain / Vulnerability curse. But I recommend going for +% Max Life / ES corruption -> Mervils Retainer has very powerful version of Vulnerability curse (50% dmg increase vs 30% from corruption).

Holy Relic
Because we are attacking all the time (CwC Cyclone) and buff our minions (at least +2 to gem level) we can utilise Holy Relic. It gives ES Regen (because we have Zealot's Oath) that stacks well with Stone Golems regen. I also keeps our minions nice and healthy (Renewal's double dmg works only on max HP!) rising double dmg chance.

Vaal Lightning Trap
A small upgrade usable vs bossed or when there is a lot of enemies on the screen. Gives us dmg boost. Because you have 3 charges it can be used many times during the loner fights where you can't recharge Vaal Souls.

Glancing Blows
We are close enough to grab it. If you have high regen (life leech from zombies, es regen from relic and golem), dodge mechanics (snow cloud from spectre) taking smaller dmg all the time is better then sometimes taking big hits. Even when you are not using Bone Offering doubling block chance from Staff (20% attack or spell) and Rumi's flask (20% attack and 10% spell) gives you another dependable defensive mechanics. I prefer SpellBlock staff (I get 60% spellblock and 40% attack block), but it works well with Attack Block too (max attack block, 20% spell).

If author find this modifications useful I would be more then happy for putting them in the guide.
Last edited by Fukurokage on Jul 28, 2020, 5:47:37 PM
Hi again,

I have this build https://pastebin.com/Pt6V791C but i don't know how i can get more minions dps ("only" 172k per zombies) and i have the impression i dont tank enough (only 4104 life and 540 es)

Some advices?
Suenss wrote:
Hi again,

I have this build https://pastebin.com/Pt6V791C but i don't know how i can get more minions dps ("only" 172k per zombies) and i have the impression i dont tank enough (only 4104 life and 540 es)

Some advices?

Hi! I've checked your pob. it turns out you are not using Merveil Retainer. your dps is at 846,500 per zombies. and also determination won't do you good.

if you can link your flesh offering and desecrate with cast while channeling, it'll be quality of life. Bone barrier is also better because you are using flesh offering. Mistress of Sacrifice is okay if you are using bone offering.
DaveNemesis26 wrote:
Suenss wrote:
Hi again,

I have this build https://pastebin.com/Pt6V791C but i don't know how i can get more minions dps ("only" 172k per zombies) and i have the impression i dont tank enough (only 4104 life and 540 es)

Some advices?

Hi! I've checked your pob. it turns out you are not using Merveil Retainer. your dps is at 846,500 per zombies. and also determination won't do you good.

if you can link your flesh offering and desecrate with cast while channeling, it'll be quality of life. Bone barrier is also better because you are using flesh offering. Mistress of Sacrifice is okay if you are using bone offering.

Is merveil retainer for the spectres?

Does it work if i put cast while channeling with vaal Haste?
DaveNemesis26 wrote:
Sharing my modified version of the build, I encorporated clusters, it's at 90.5M dps now.

hello can i ask how to do this so i can also see how much minion damage i have ?
DaveNemesis26 wrote:
Sharing my modified version of the build, I encorporated clusters, it's at 90.5M dps now.

Wow nice damage, but what is your defense like, your health is quite low. I am getting 1 shotted at 9k ehp....your at like 4500? Awesome DPS though. I am impressed :)

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