3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Hi there, a noob question here: I have currently an all-around curse Summoner and want to switch to a Baron build - so the game play with this build is just to run into mobs triggering convocation? Is anybody usinga support curse like Vulnerabilty just to have a bit more active game play and another means of directing your minions?
Naz71 wrote:
Hi evryone here, I need help, I feel stucked at this point, and I dont know what Im doing wrong (this is my first league BTW) I was trying ranged spectres version but I was dying a lot, so I decided to change to a Kind of Tanky version of it, cuz I want to level up but, I still dying, sometimes just puff die and dont know why. I saw a video here of Bruno killing Sirus awakening level 8 with almost same gear as me, and he barely took damage from it, I can kill most of the conquerors at awakening level 8, sometimes I die at least once, but couldnt kill Sirus. I would like to improve it, so can someone take a look here a give me some advance, pls.


(that jewel over devotion is a Lethal pride giving me 5% strenght and 20% increased armour, 10% incresed effecto of fortify on me, 10% reduced extra dmg from crit hit)

change ur hungry loop to a ring with life , str and ES. use host chieftain, carnage , mervails and 1 arena master(optional). ur spectres are getting the kill so ur zombies arent dealing damage meaning they are not leeching much hp to u. so i suggest u to go full Zombie mode if u still dont feel tanky. and i personally use flesh offering for insane zombie attack speed and movespeed. since im resist cap etirely from my gear and i have 1500 str. the flesh offering is very nice for zombies. im also experimenting with bone armour. its a bit more hp to my zombies.

but yea u should give the mentioned spectres a try and see how tanky u get from them. im using discipline for that extra ES. ive got 6k HP and 4.4k ES rn and my zombies doing 1.2mil dps without elegant hubris.

try the clusters+end-game setup. its very good. only if u have the budget tho.
vox_popoli wrote:
Hi there, a noob question here: I have currently an all-around curse Summoner and want to switch to a Baron build - so the game play with this build is just to run into mobs triggering convocation? Is anybody usinga support curse like Vulnerabilty just to have a bit more active game play and another means of directing your minions?


u can also direct them using a spell towards a mob like i use my dececrate at bosses from very far. all my minions go the the place where i casted dececrate. and convocation is for mapping for the quick slaughter of groups and quick heal of ur minions.

also u dont need to curse urself if u use mervails retainer spectre. link ur specter to blood magic support and watch ur mervails retainer spam vulnerability in ur entire screen.

my play type is very active and contains a lot of dodging and running around. im using a bow and quiver btw so i can get more life, str and resist from quiver. im also then able to manually cast the before mentioned dececrate to direct all my minions towards tanky enemies while i dodge their attacks.
dragon15423 wrote:
Naz71 wrote:

change ur hungry loop to a ring with life , str and ES. use host chieftain, carnage , mervails and 1 arena master(optional). ur spectres are getting the kill so ur zombies arent dealing damage meaning they are not leeching much hp to u. so i suggest u to go full Zombie mode if u still dont feel tanky. and i personally use flesh offering for insane zombie attack speed and movespeed. since im resist cap etirely from my gear and i have 1500 str. the flesh offering is very nice for zombies. im also experimenting with bone armour. its a bit more hp to my zombies.

but yea u should give the mentioned spectres a try and see how tanky u get from them. im using discipline for that extra ES. ive got 6k HP and 4.4k ES rn and my zombies doing 1.2mil dps without elegant hubris.

try the clusters+end-game setup. its very good. only if u have the budget tho.

Thanks for the answer, I will try it. I didnt change the spectres cuz they are awesome didn't know that wasnt good.

Oh I see you are using cluster stacking,I think is too advanced for me to try it yet. I will check it thou.

I will make some changes and see how it goes.

BTW what u mean with "end game set up?"
Last edited by Naz71 on Jun 5, 2020, 6:59:14 AM
Thanks much for your answers! I think I need to get the vibe for playing this build :) Good idea with the vulnerability spectre.

dragon15423 wrote:


u can also direct them using a spell towards a mob like i use my dececrate at bosses from very far. all my minions go the the place where i casted dececrate. and convocation is for mapping for the quick slaughter of groups and quick heal of ur minions.

also u dont need to curse urself if u use mervails retainer spectre. link ur specter to blood magic support and watch ur mervails retainer spam vulnerability in ur entire screen.

my play type is very active and contains a lot of dodging and running around. im using a bow and quiver btw so i can get more life, str and resist from quiver. im also then able to manually cast the before mentioned dececrate to direct all my minions towards tanky enemies while i dodge their attacks.
Hi, what's better a six link femur or six link queen's escape?

Hi, I'm looking to start on one final build before league ends. Budget is around 40ex, can stretch a little bit more. Any recommended POB I can follow in here that can clear all content with that kind of budget?
Initial Posts and answers:
zzled wrote:
Bisrob wrote:
Hey guys,

I'm considering to play this as a league starter next league (assuming no patch notes impacts), but I'm struggeling with the early leveling.

Rolled a char and I'm lvl 14 so far.
The guide recommends to play with SRS until lvl 12, then transitioning to raise zombies and skeletons.

However at lvl 14, they barely do any decent damage (recommended links are used: zombie / skeleton + minion damage + melee splash).

I really doubt that I will enjoy the further progress, especially in a fresh league.

Do you guys have additional recommendations on how to level smoothly a minion build?

Thank you very much!

Edit1: I haven't linked my gear because the damage should come from the gem levels
Edit2: they die fast ^^

SRS + Minion Damage Support + Infernal Legion on a 3B may give you more mileage at early levels. I started a new SSF Witch yesterday, and she's speed clearing with SRS/Zombies at Lv 23. Some packs die to SRS even before my zombies get there. I haven't bothered to switch to Skeletons, though it gets a little tiring at times with the SRS spam.

You may also need to tweak your early passive skill allocation. Going straight for Enduring Bond is a huge boost, especially with SRS.

I previously followed the levelling guide in this thread, but it was a little slow until mid Act 3. It only sped up after I got Feeding Frenzy Support. I rerolled and am now loosely following the levelling guide from another thread. This one seems smoother for the early early game:

MrWay wrote:
Bisrob wrote:
Hey guys,

I'm considering to play this as a league starter next league (assuming no patch notes impacts), but I'm struggeling with the early leveling.

Rolled a char and I'm lvl 14 so far.
The guide recommends to play with SRS until lvl 12, then transitioning to raise zombies and skeletons.

However at lvl 14, they barely do any decent damage (recommended links are used: zombie / skeleton + minion damage + melee splash).

I really doubt that I will enjoy the further progress, especially in a fresh league.

Do you guys have additional recommendations on how to level smoothly a minion build?

Thank you very much!

Edit1: I haven't linked my gear because the damage should come from the gem levels
Edit2: they die fast ^^

I´ve tried the leveling yesterday for this build (never played it before) and at lvl 14 felt good. Did you level up the raise zombie gem since you got it even if you were using SRS? maybe you didn´t and it´s actually low level and that´s the problem.

For me the build only felt slow somewhere between acts 3 and 4 until i did the lab and crafted a +1 minion gems helmet (killing Dominus was really painful) Then it was pretty smooth again. Btw i linked minion life in a 4-link because zombies dying all the time was really annoying, and it worked really well, and i also tried Carrion Golem and i liked it.

@zzled @MrWay:
thank you guys for your response. I can assure that i used "raised zombie" at lvl 1 right from the start.

Currently I'm lvl 28/29 and I'm completely underwhelmed how the progress is going, compared to this exact build i played in 3.8
I think I might do something completely wrong.

Here is my setup (at least the pieces with gemlinks)

I killed A3 Piety now, the fight was horrible long. Zombies and Skellies are dying so fast and do barely any damage. I just got the Raise Spectre gem at lvl 28 so its just lvl 1.

However, it seems that my 4L Zombie (with minion life) and 3L Skellie Setup is not able to progress smoothly trhough the campaign at league start.

Do you guys have any further advices? Would love to play a summoner build again next league. My own survivability is not the problem, but during boss fights i don't have any minions because they are dying so fast and don't do any damage.
I'm just right before Dominus and I'm scared as hell imagine the long fight -.-

ps: right now i have 6 zombies and 7 skellies


Okay, i just respecced some passive points to grab "Enduring Bond" and "Sacrifice". And the difference is like day and night.
Thats said, I would not recommend to follow the leveling tree in the first post, instead grab those nodes first for minion damage and survivability.
Last edited by Bisrob on Jun 5, 2020, 1:38:36 PM

In one of your youtube videos you said that we don't use cyclone any more. So how does the Gem set up change now? I am assuming we don't just remove cyclone and start self casting Spirit (now Flesh) offering, instead we replace it with a new set up.

Also, will you be updating your guide (including gem set ups, etc) for Harvest league?

Vamii wrote:
Hi, what's better a six link femur or six link queen's escape?

Femur all the way, mainly because of the +1 socketed gems

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