3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

RDS1964 wrote:
Linus1985 wrote:
RDS1964 wrote:
I forgot to say: i die from strongboxes too...so sad, there are no anti-stupid points in the Skilltree.

Member to ID the strongboxes and avoid detonate corpses and freezes.

EDit: your profile is private.

i dont even read the Names on the fu..ing boxes when i am cruising lighting fast through T16 LOL

ok,joke mode OFF, ofc i read the Names..the last Box that killed me in T16 Phoenix Map was a yellow Artisian. I always press anti chill&freeze flask when opening those stuff but....doesnt help.

how do u identify that deadly stuff?

it took me few leagues to figure this out. strongboxes are like gear. you can use scrolls to identify. use currency to quality and reroll. always quality and reroll the div card box for example.
_SéT_ wrote:
Hey, i bought this weapon for tanky setup

There is no fortify on the weapon should i consider buying a new one or isnt it that important?

And i don't know what to buy next. I feel like i can't change anything in my setup now because the other stuff is so expensive like 50ex+ and i need the strenght that i have now.

Thats my Current setup:

Can't use Elegant hubris because i can't reach 1000 strenght if i equip it.

I have 26ex to spend. But that isn't nearly as much as i need.

My pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Hwt7B3PS

quality your amulet and rings. cheap upgrade.
Hello hello fellow necromancers,

I've been playing this build (cluster stacking version) this season (my first ever) and enjoying it so far.

I got all my watchstones a couple of days ago and popped Sirus A8 three times, and three times I have been obliterated : one shoted most of the time by the big beam on last phase...

I've tried to switch flasks, skills to incorporate vaal skeletons, switched ma carrion for a stone golem but same result each time...

Could some of you take a look at my character and tell me if there is something obvious ?


I had no problem at all dealing with the awakeners though...
michealcell wrote:
RDS1964 wrote:

My Question:
What the Hell must i do, to avoid dying? i am not talking about mechanics or movement. Just to make the Build more stable without weakening the Minions too much.

I was in the same boat as you, being the first in the dust and getting annoyed by dying every other T16 or so. I've made a hybrid speed/tank build and it is very hard for me to die, basically if I die it is because I stood in the bad or something; here is my PoB for reference: https://pastebin.com/Pa89J3wJ

As for your build, I took a look and here are some notes for more survivability:
- A Emperor's Mastery jewel would help
- Are you using Mask of the Tribunal on your AG? I went with that as it is currently giving me 48% increased defenses and it really helps.
- Some more chaos resist wouldn't hurt
- I'd drop the Alberon's Warpath and Astramentis and get some good rare's, that way you can get some more ES and other stats

The bonus defense % to allies for Mask of the Tribunal says it's based off "your" strength, which in this case would be the Animated Guardian's strength, right? I don't know how much strength he has but I'm guessing it's probably not that much.
Is this correct?
Hello boys, what upgrades i can do in my build?
I know the next upgrade is the weapon who im trying to craft, it take some time, but i want to know anothers upgrades.

The stats is: 1006 Str
278 Int
190 Dex

Check my character for more details: kitinete
Sorry for poor english, gl exiles.
Ok great. So now all of you can see my character and build for Soze_Bubble lvl 97 necro on Standard. I am running my own hybrid of the build here. What makes my build a bit unique is that I am using the Pledge of Hands for a 6-socket Spectre outfitted with Slave Drivers. I get Raise Zombies through the 5-socket The Hungry Loop ring.

I run the following auras: Haste (free with ammy), Dread Banner, Purity of Elements (watchers eye gives huge chaos resist), Discipline, Flesh and Stone and Aspect of the Avian from armor/ring.

Also what makes me a bit unique is a really prefer the Soul Tether belt as it continuously grants me ES leech from zombies. I curse and Elemental Equilibrium with Armageddon brand, curse on hit, Conductivity to enable my Slave Drivers to hit bosses much harder.

This build is great and really fun but I have to admit she struggles at end game and dies REALLY fast. I go from FULL health to NO HEALTH in the matter of 1 to 2 seconds... I really don't know what to do about it. I was able to tank the lvl8 end game boss last season but this season he wipes the floor with me in a big way.

Any thoughts on what you see would be appreciated. I have never received feedback on a build before so please try to explain if you give me some. While I have played off and on over a few seasons, I am pretty much a solo only guy so I don't have a lot of game knowledge. I sure which I could understand what makes me lose 9,000 EHPs so freaking fast. I am max resist on the elements and about 44% on Chaos resistance. I want to get my chaos to 75% but to be honest I am not sure that is my problem. When I get hit hard... its game over.


Well im new at this and I have a problem: I have the exact same linked chest and the exact same skills that u show in the Badget Build

Im really new at this and i cant activate the "Purity of elements", "Dred banner", "Flesh and stone" And "Determination" buffs together.

Purity of elements takes 50% mana reserverd

Dred banner takes 10% of mana

Purity of elements 35%

F n S takes 25%

how can i fix this? :'(

Srry my english btw

This guide helped me so much! Thx very much
Any suggestion for CWDT setup. When I use delirium orbs on maps sometimes a monster kill me with one shot.
Fudsduds wrote:
michealcell wrote:
RDS1964 wrote:

My Question:
What the Hell must i do, to avoid dying? i am not talking about mechanics or movement. Just to make the Build more stable without weakening the Minions too much.

I was in the same boat as you, being the first in the dust and getting annoyed by dying every other T16 or so. I've made a hybrid speed/tank build and it is very hard for me to die, basically if I die it is because I stood in the bad or something; here is my PoB for reference: https://pastebin.com/Pa89J3wJ

As for your build, I took a look and here are some notes for more survivability:
- A Emperor's Mastery jewel would help
- Are you using Mask of the Tribunal on your AG? I went with that as it is currently giving me 48% increased defenses and it really helps.
- Some more chaos resist wouldn't hurt
- I'd drop the Alberon's Warpath and Astramentis and get some good rare's, that way you can get some more ES and other stats

The bonus defense % to allies for Mask of the Tribunal says it's based off "your" strength, which in this case would be the Animated Guardian's strength, right? I don't know how much strength he has but I'm guessing it's probably not that much.
Is this correct?

animate guardian itself has little strenght but baron gives it half of yours.
I've tried to kill Sirius A5 and seems impossible with the budget build. I get blasted in every try =(. Someone has killed him with this build?
Last edited by Konfer on May 6, 2020, 8:51:10 PM

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