3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Is Violent dead cobalt Jewel usable?? and is there a way to improve my build? https://pastebin.com/2J19Hggy. I've switched to cluster build but I'm lacking HP
Last edited by DaveNemesis26 on Apr 29, 2020, 9:13:00 PM
When do you switch off SRS when leveling?
wildangelsk wrote:
Fudsduds wrote:

Do you have Lord of the Dead allocated?

I am getting 7 from my level 21 zombie gem, 2 from baron helm, 2 from passives (death attunement and lord of the dead), so thats 11, where is the 12th coming from?

you can use amulet that +1 zombie. or your zombie gem lvl go high enough to enable additional one
kenukijr wrote:

I chose to go the tanky route but still find myself dying fairly frequently. Does anybody have any advice? I'm pretty much a noob so I could be missing something obvious. Thanks!

im also a new player and having gone the cluster stacking setup with similar gear to yours. im was also dying alot especially in the mist. then i took some life + strength rings that helped me a little bit. went from dying in every map to dying ocasonally in mists. i suggest you to try going cluster stack from here if u have like 450c.
Bobonha wrote:
Hello Friends,
So i was doing Tanky Build, but after i read a little im trying do Cluster Build. I only have one Large and one Medium at moment
Here is my POB https://pastebin.com/WVnj70gk

Anyone can give me some advices ? What next upgrade i should do ? Im thinking farm a little and buy another Large with Renewal, Rotten CLaws and Vicious Bite, this is right ?
Sorry buy im new on POE and with Cluster Jewels

i switched to cluster jewels setup and i can say its definitely satisfying to see your zombies on full life almost all the time.(zombies only at 50k hp cause of level 3 empower gem)
i suggest you to follow the cluster jewels stacking guide in the first post. gear wise id say you need a bit more hp and es. i have way worse gear than you and still doing high level contents fairly easily (if i could just stop dying once in every 5 maps)
I cant find the Cluster Jewel Guide in Page 1. Can you Link it?

(Sorry it seems to be obvious but i cant find it)
walez wrote:
I cant find the Cluster Jewel Guide in Page 1. Can you Link it?

(Sorry it seems to be obvious but i cant find it)

Build details
Gear, gems.Tree, POB Code
Cluster Stacking set up.

Relies on your minions having 100% health. Works to a degree but I prefer raw damage. Doesn't work on 99.9999% or below minion health.
Last edited by Sed1tion on Apr 30, 2020, 4:15:58 AM
BigBudda87 wrote:
Need some advice on my build have great damage but always im dying and i dont know why. thanks so much in advise. (take a look on my profile or add me ingame)

I take it your stone Golem is dying all the time.

You need more levels, do content in which you dont die to get them up. Don't do T16 maps if your dying vs doing T14 where your not.

Cyclone set up adds very little defence anymore since in 3.10.

Low chaos res and Cold res not capped. A lot of your gems not leveled and have 0% quality.You dont have enough mana to run all your auras ect.

Hubris in the lower position removes the abilty to use some good options that help with survival. Its also using a lot of points "8". You should be looking at 4 for the same thing.

Tanky set-up has a major flaw, once the energy shield is down your open to being one-shot until its back up. Unless you have around 5750 life.
walez wrote:
I cant find the Cluster Jewel Guide in Page 1. Can you Link it?

(Sorry it seems to be obvious but i cant find it)

Elorathiel wrote:
I've been asked by some to drop a small build guide in the thread when it's finalized so here goes:

Let me preface this guide by saying that you don't have to have my gear. I understand that my gear may not be obtainable for everybody, at least not immediately. The gear is not GG but it is fairly expensive to players not involved in crafting/selling. I have several friends running this build with lesser gear. It's working just fine.

My friend Adriano447 and I put this together when we were discussing whether it might be able to take my single cluster area HUGE ZOMBIE build and possible do two large clusters for even bigger zombies. The build is very tight on points. Expect to have most of your points at 97/98. It depends on your Lethal Pride rolls.

This is NOT strictly a dual wand build. I am using dual wands, yes. I prefer them. However, the passive tree will work just fine with a typical zombie 2H weapon. Simply change the skill gems around to match your preferences. You could even use a Bow/Quiver if you want and manually cast Offerings. It doesn't matter.

This is a very powerful endgame build. Those of you who don't like your minions to die, ever. This is for you. My minions are nigh unkillable. The video below shows minion health (32 zombie, 28 AG, 26 Golem):


The build:

Note: You will need the community PoB fork to utilize clusters, see impale damage, etc.
Instructions for modifying PoB to fork:

Build Overview Video:

Casual Mapping with a 2H weapon:

Mapping with dual wands:

Dual wands vs Chimera:

Dual wands vs Al-Hezmin:

Cluster crafting guide (Not by me):

Wand crafting:
Brunowa has already added my wand crafting guide to the first post. Check it out.

Quick note about trigger wands:
Trigger wands trigger a socketed ability when you cast any ability. They are cast in order, from top to bottom. If you need something to go off first, place it at the top of the wand. I like my Phase Run up there. But others may like Desecrate up top with Spirit offering following it to ensure they have Spirit Offering up as soon as possible.

Please use the normal builds to level. This is an end game build. Whether you are new or not to the game and necromancers, please use the existing build guide to level up your necromancer. When you hit about 85 or so, you can start thinking about migrating to this build. The large clusters are expensive (for good reason) and have a level restriction. And yes, they are essential to the build. All of them.

If you have any questions, I'm available in game. Keep in mind, I'm a player like you and I might be busy. Please don't take offense. I will get to you.
DaveNemesis26 wrote:
Is Violent dead cobalt Jewel usable?? and is there a way to improve my build? https://pastebin.com/2J19Hggy. I've switched to cluster build but I'm lacking HP

Violent Dead is a legacy item in Standard and not available in Delirium League.
I have a few of those still in standard I use.

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