3.11 NEBULOCH JUG. TECTONIC SLAM, HC SUPER TANK, 3.11 BUFFED! Featured by Goodgaming!

SnarkieShark wrote:
Hey am I missing something? Why is Call to Arms and Second Wind both used in the endgame POB?

Won't the Call to Arms make the warcries instant, therefore it wont give the warcries charges. Given that, which should be ditched in the build? My instincts tell me Second Wind is more important but I'm not sure.

Call to Arms is only useful if you plan on only using 1 warcry and want to bind it to left click/move for constant uptime.

Sounds good, but if you grab the warcry passives its much better to run atleast 2 warcries, with +warcry speed and duration it feels alot less clunky and is even easier to maintain uptime than flasks.
Victtorius wrote:
SnarkieShark wrote:
Hey am I missing something? Why is Call to Arms and Second Wind both used in the endgame POB?

Won't the Call to Arms make the warcries instant, therefore it wont give the warcries charges. Given that, which should be ditched in the build? My instincts tell me Second Wind is more important but I'm not sure.

Can't check now but Call to arms was in outdated version of this build's POB. Don't use it, it's indeed bad. I mean if you want to use 2 warcries, use second wind, it's awesome.

I was so concerned about Warcry cool down before the league started but I honestly can't recall ever trying to warcry and it not being available once I started using Second Wind.

I have not even bothered investing into any cool down on the tree yet.

The slow play style of the 2 hander is allowing me a significantly higher percentage of exerted strikes to regular strikes than I anticipated.

I find myself counting each slam I make and when I get to 5 I seismic Cry again and its always ready.
Nickolai20599 wrote:
Hey guys, just now swapped into the nebulochs and it's feeling pretty good in terms of defense although not perfect just yet. Something that's way off though is my bossing dps, any bright ideas on what would be major upgrades next for my character? Obviously got some poor rares, would love to set some new goals.


Looks really solid!

For damage upgrades your next goals could be:

1) get your 10th endurance charge via corruption on boots

2) Get The Wise Oak Flask (make sure your Fire resist is your highest ele resist)

3) Get gloves that have Elemental Curse on hit corruption.


someone got an pob tree for me?
the link in the mainpost tells me always "unknown version number" :(
Now that I have switched to Elemental Overload, it is fabulous when it is up but I am having a hard time procing it due to my REALLY low crit strike chance.

How have you guys been handling this? Should I use a Diamond Flask?
Nickolai20599 wrote:
Hey guys, just now swapped into the nebulochs and it's feeling pretty good in terms of defense although not perfect just yet. Something that's way off though is my bossing dps, any bright ideas on what would be major upgrades next for my character? Obviously got some poor rares, would love to set some new goals.


Looks really solid!

For damage upgrades your next goals could be:

1) get your 10th endurance charge via corruption on boots

2) Get The Wise Oak Flask (make sure your Fire resist is your highest ele resist)

3) Get gloves that have Elemental Curse on hit corruption.

Ah yeah the elemental weakness on hit is probably a good idea, as for Wise Oak, the updtime during bossing wouldn't help that much for me since the fights are just that long, was hoping for more possible upgrades specifically that helps during boss fights. Flasks are great when a boss fight is less than 40-50 seconds without flasks since it lowers the time by a decent chunk, but some of these fights I get into take longer than that.
Nickolai20599 wrote:
Nickolai20599 wrote:
Hey guys, just now swapped into the nebulochs and it's feeling pretty good in terms of defense although not perfect just yet. Something that's way off though is my bossing dps, any bright ideas on what would be major upgrades next for my character? Obviously got some poor rares, would love to set some new goals.


Looks really solid!

For damage upgrades your next goals could be:

1) get your 10th endurance charge via corruption on boots

2) Get The Wise Oak Flask (make sure your Fire resist is your highest ele resist)

3) Get gloves that have Elemental Curse on hit corruption.

Ah yeah the elemental weakness on hit is probably a good idea, as for Wise Oak, the updtime during bossing wouldn't help that much for me since the fights are just that long, was hoping for more possible upgrades specifically that helps during boss fights. Flasks are great when a boss fight is less than 40-50 seconds without flasks since it lowers the time by a decent chunk, but some of these fights I get into take longer than that.

I have just told myself to be patient.

This build is not a boss killer even in its most luxuiors state, so taking lots and lots of whacks to get a boss down is what I am expecting.

I am a bit scared of bosses that have large life regen. These might take for ever to chop down :)

Of course this slow boss killing is perfectly balanced with us having strong resistance to being one shot and having unlimited life flasks.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Jun 23, 2020, 11:28:22 AM
holdat wrote:
infectreality wrote:
I'm really sorry, i'm not a smart person to begin with, but I am struggling just simply leveling. I am dying constantly to trash that are the same level as me. I am maxed on the three resistances too. Between the trash mobs and it taking many hits to kill anything its obvious I am doing something very very wrong. I am level 45 now and it is only getting worse. If anyone could take pity on an idiot, I would greatly appreciate it. I am confused with the path of building links as there are multiple ones, I have tried the leveling one and selected the different trees and tried to mirror them, but I am still just getting wrecked against standard white minions.

It's really hard for others to help you out when they can't see your character on your profile.

I'm not smart on theory crafting or understanding builds entirely as well.

You're probably and should be using this POB to level: https://pastebin.com/qf4gPevR

By 45, you should've done your first ascendancy by now. You should have Herald of Ash, Purity/Blood and Sand as your auras.

You should have a 4-socketed-red link item to put Tec Slam, Fortify, Melee Phys Dmg, Ele attacks on. It is REALLY easy this league to get sockets and colors using the Harvest mechanic.

Get a 2-Greeen and 2-Red socketed and linked item. Use Enduring Cry, Seismic Cry, Dash, and Second Wind on this item.

Use Ancestral Warchief with Combustion.

If you have some chaos to spend, buy Ngamahu's Flame. This cost me 2C. The rest of your items are pretty standard. I didn't even need capped res to finish the campaign. Rolled through the campaign with 1900HP and 0-20% fire, lightning, cold res. Just following the item suggestions on the POB notes (armor or armor/evasion items).

Thank you a bunch. That tree helped me a lot, I can survive a few more hits, I still die but not literally with every group, its every other yellow group. One question, on that dash skill one. How does that work? I have the four gems (seismic, enduring cry, second wind and dash linked together. I still have to use the warcries separately and the reason for the link is because of the cool down from second wind right? Also I am sorry, I am not sure how to get a character to show up for everyone.
Did a few tweaks to my build when I realized my Xoph amulet (with Avatar of Fire) is far better than Magmatic Strikes, and I have to boost my Physical Damage in order to boost my Fire one.
And here I go : https://pastebin.com/pEy6z9UH
Now that I have switched to Elemental Overload, it is fabulous when it is up but I am having a hard time procing it due to my REALLY low crit strike chance.

How have you guys been handling this? Should I use a Diamond Flask?

Probably one of the easier ways to increase crit chance is to use Assassin's Mark + Blasphemy support or get an assassin's mark ring.

I guess 2-handers aren't fast enough to reliably maintain EO.

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