3.11 NEBULOCH JUG. TECTONIC SLAM, HC SUPER TANK, 3.11 BUFFED! Featured by Goodgaming!

No offense, but your build needs some housekeeping.

I don't think is the build fault.
This game is just really deep. Like even too deep tight now.
So not closely noob friendly.

A 3.10 leveling guide would be great but you can just find other leveling guides out there.
Hi there! I love tanky builds in ARPGs. A tanky build that is actually able to kill stuff feels just so rewarding. It has been my luckiest league ever and so I was able to invest heavily into the build. Thanks for posting this :)

love build but Im dying a lot. I can't seem to get my damage high enough. could anybody look at this and give suggestions. I know i have a lot of tree points to get but I think I should be doing better then I am. Be kind I don't do forums so this is first time. https://pastebin.com/QnSdMRJ7

Thank you
Is soul raker the best annointment to get or is there something better? What do you think about the Disciple of the Unyielding as an annointment?
Is soul raker the best annointment to get or is there something better? What do you think about the Disciple of the Unyielding as an annointment?

Galvanic Hammer (top left in the tree) if you are softcore is a nice damage Option.
Last edited by Schiriki on Apr 18, 2020, 4:50:06 PM
Nah, I am hardcore.
Any tips on improvements? (ignore jewel in belt, just using for int, upgrading atm)
I just don't feel Sirus worthy

Last edited by wurklash on Apr 18, 2020, 9:47:31 PM
Here's a video of a Simulacrum wave 18, which spawned both bosses for me.

You can pretty much tank them both at the same time with this build. I'm at 6k life and didn't have to use vaal molten shell, which would give me a 20-25k buff. I did some Simulacrums 20/20 deathless, so I really can recommend this build to farm this league mechanic.

I tweaked the build so I can play with molten shell but all in all it's the same build. Thanks Duke :)

//Sorry for the music in the video. That was just a random playlist :D
Last edited by Haezr on Apr 19, 2020, 10:33:56 AM
I could use some tips on fighting high-level Al-Hezmin with this build. I have 9 end charges and therefore only 48% chaos res with all endurance charges up, which is usually never the case because Tectonic Slam is consuming them. I'm considering dropping both Kaom's Way for rings with high chaos res specifically for this fight to keep my chaos res as high as possible. Thoughts?
Get the Upgrade for Soul of Shakari minor Pantheon, which makes you poison immune. That should help a lot in that fight.

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