[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

I really don't like using discipline. You're using mana to get ES, which doesn't change much with EB+MoM (the EHP gain is minuscule)
My current setup in the diadem is second wind + flame dash, and malevolence + enlighten
I just put F&S in the boots extra slot. This build is socket starved.
Last edited by Shuggananas on Jun 30, 2020, 2:05:44 PM
ktankw wrote:
Hi, im using Devouring Diadem and its 20% reduced mana reserve is able to sustain 3 auras (discipline, f&s, malev)

Is there still a reason why enlighten T4 is needed?
With enlighten 4 and diadem you can fit malevolence, discipline, f&s and aspect of the spider with exactly full mana reserved. With enlighten 3 you need 4% reduced reserved from tree additionally to fit it.
So, I am following this guide and tried spellslinger at 26 or so. Well, I dont know about unkillable but it is the definition of glass cannon. Can destroy everything both single and multi target (am 41 in no time) but can die like nothing. If they touch me, I die. If there is a projectile, I die!
Hey guys, i just got a helm enchant "Soulrend fires an additional projectile", do you think that now it might be better for me to make a blight - cwc - soulrend links o should i keep the 6l blight?

hey guys anyone has any suggestion on this?.

Also do you still recomend Null and void if i get gloves like this:
Last edited by matiasgil on Jun 30, 2020, 5:04:12 PM
I need a bit of advice.

Currently trying to get up to speed, and having much fun doing so. Just hit t10 maps and while I'm having trouble sustaining, the real issue is what to upgrade next as I'm borderline too squishy in boss fights and the last thing I did before logging off today was a long (felt like 10min) t10 veritania where I ran around in circles without flask charges and relying on Ed dot to sloooowly tick her down.

My plan is to get a six link hyrris next, then vertex (hopefully dropped in price), then finish the bow and fix the shit jewels and jewellery during all this. But maybe I need some faster upgrades.

Instead of going from 5 link cane to 6 link cane, I bought porcupines, alt spammed (like 8, super lucky) for -1 to sockets and just regaled it. Finishing the craft after hyrris.

I know what's missing from the build, so please don't tell me to lvl empower. :) I'm working on it. I'm just not sure of the best path forward.

I have about 1ex and 150c.

Any advice much appreciated!

EDIT: Forgot link: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/chrishobbel/characters
Last edited by chrishobbel on Jun 30, 2020, 5:28:13 PM
Shinfel wrote:
So, I am following this guide and tried spellslinger at 26 or so. Well, I dont know about unkillable but it is the definition of glass cannon. Can destroy everything both single and multi target (am 41 in no time) but can die like nothing. If they touch me, I die. If there is a projectile, I die!

Dude you're supposed to be unkillable in the endgame lol
Shinfel wrote:
So, I am following this guide and tried spellslinger at 26 or so. Well, I dont know about unkillable but it is the definition of glass cannon. Can destroy everything both single and multi target (am 41 in no time) but can die like nothing. If they touch me, I die. If there is a projectile, I die!
Your characters are hidden, but if you die at lvl 26 that usually means 1 of the 2 (or both):
1. Not resist capped
2. Not enough life on gear (or tree, but tree you can copy while gear is more questionnable)
The last league I did well with an +1 int/chaos dot amulet but now I'm seeing amulets with +1 int/+1 chaos, how better is the last one compared to only +1 gems + chaos dot? some ppl even has +2 gems and chaos dot, anyone know how to craft it?
Get an amulet with +1 int
Spam "augment chaos", you'll hit the +1 chaos eventually.

WIP on my char :

Next chaos augment will be either chaos resistance, chaos DOT or chaos gems.
Ideally I hit chaos dot or chaos gems, so I can block the last suffix and augment the last one I need.

Once I'm done, I will "remove a life affix and add a life affix" to remove the shitty leech and hope for a good life roll
Last edited by Shuggananas on Jun 30, 2020, 6:31:47 PM
On the topic of amulet, I have a question:

I managed to alt-spam and get to this:

It's an item-level 83. How should I proceed from here to get that +1 chaos?

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