[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

With Arcanist brand you could make that part of you six link blight and utilize spreading rot to inflict wither.
Problem is both wither and blight are channelled spells and I'm not sure if they will work with the brand support as they don't work with spellslinger already (or cwdt).
I’m haven’t payed temporarily league in a while but I’m looking to jump back in next league. Will this build still be strong and viable?
evouga wrote:
Will this build still be strong and viable?
Wait for patch notes.(tm)

P.S. ED is always a good league starter unless GGG goes nuts and decides to nerf it instead of cyclone, volatile dead, ball lightning mines or whatever else was overused last league before we got overran by herald stackers (that are 100% getting nerf together with archmage stormbrand, these were already hinted at).
really enjoying this build, Thank you! Just getting back into the game after leaving for while shortly after ascendancy was released...

confused on a point in your leveling guide, you say to ignore chaos res.. why is that? should we be getting max chaos res at some point?

thanks again
I think the whole wither totem setup can be dropped next league. With Arcanist brand you could make that part of you six link blight and utilize spreading rot to inflict wither. So now you get the single target blight and wither benefits, free up a four link, and you don’t have to stand there channeling blight. Also, brands can’t be destroyed like totems which is very nice.

Is there anything I’m missing, I haven’t played a brand build before.

It's very unlikely that arcanist brands will support chanelling skills. If they do, sure!
My gear at moment (i think from 10ex going to max i can)


At moment i can not have right colours in the body armor (lack of currency), so i ask, what i can do for stop to die again so easy in map and when i can kill sirius?

ty for suggestion

At moment i can not have right colours in the body armor (lack of currency), so i ask, what i can do for stop to die again so easy in map and when i can kill sirius?
Tbh I'm not sure which auras you have enabled atm, I imagine not the aspect of the cat, but even without it I can't fit all your auras when importing character.

But you have too low amount of life while having decent amount of ES. If you want to stop dying a lot, imo you need to get to ~5k life from 3.8k you have atm.

The idea is essence drain heals you but you need to be able to survive the initial hit to be healed back.

For example that ring that has 2 resists and no life on it? You should try to buy one with life on it. You could also find gloves with more life on them, current ones don't have many useful stats so there's room for improvement there.

Also what's up with that lvl 42 health flask? You should get a lvl 60 one if you roll instant recovery mod on it (bubbling or seething) or lvl 65 one if you use any other mod (however instant mods are recommended).

Btw I haven't checked prices recently, but awakened void manipulation and swift affliction used to be cheap across the season, consider them. Awakened controlled destruction used to be expensive though, so might have to skip that one unless anything changed.

I'd also check the prices of quivers with life + chaos dot multi, it's end of the league if you can snatch one cheap it should help.

Also flesh & stone should be in helmet for reduced mana reserved, you can put vaal molten shell from your boots (or steelskin) in the chest red slot for now if you can't recolour it and then flame dash on boots. You can change 4 link to 3 + 1 links if the totem support goes in the way. Did you unlock delve recipes to bench craft socket colour rerolls? It helps a lot to fix colours especially on small pieces (harder on chest).

About Sirus, I'd say getting your HP up helps a lot, the difference between "his hit 1 shots me" and "his hit brings me to 10% life" is the difference between failing him and killing him deathless even if it takes 20 minutes because anything that doesn't kill you instantly, you can outheal. Yes, that includes the dreaded "die beam", if you can survive 1 hit from it you can flame dash sideways from the subsequent casts and you will never die from it. If the initial hit 1 shots you though you'll be in for a bad experience. It can be spell dodged though so you might be lucky.

It's recommended to have corrupted blood immunity on a jewel for him, also no witnesses does nothing on sirus (there's no adds to kill), so you can unsocket it for free (no respec cost) and put anything else in there, like a life or defensive small cluster, or the aforementioned corrupted blood immune jewel. Just remember to swap back after.

You should also probably get culling strike somewhere for him, it made a lot of difference for me because his last phase is fairly annoying, he's jumping around all the time so the last 10% can feel like eternity.

And if you haven't, check a video explaining his moves, helps a lot to know what to do (don't be a noob like me and die from meteor trap because you didn't realize it was that ability lol).
Ok, so with the changes to wind dancer, we'll be able to pick up a new keystone "instead".
Back in legion, there was a guy advocating hard for Corrupted soul. But now that we are super stretched for passive points, we can remove WW+EB and gain points to grab wind dancer back.

What if we also remove mind over matter, and transform PA into Corrupted soul instead?
Of course, we'd remove discipline and take flesh and stone instead, to have enough unreserved mana. With the new keystones repartition, this just seems strong.

In total, we'd gain 14 points (5 from EB,9 from MoM) to loose damage repartition (which can be fixed for 0 points with corrupted soul), a jewel socket (which we can take for 3 points anyways), and a very subpar health cluster.

If we spend the same points to take wind dancer and a large cluster jewel, this just seem... better.
We'd gain EHP, not loose damage, get better health/es damage repartition and not loose quality of life.
The only thing that would need fixing is mana sustain. we'd have around 130 unreserved mana and very poor regen, which is not enough imo, even with patient reaper kicking in. Not sure I like enduring flasks for this, but it could work!
hello i try to make this build but idk whats the problem of my build i bought the exact items and everything the budget version but my effective crit chance is 21 % and nothing higer i the passive tree is ok everything is ok in my eyes if some one can help me that helps a lot couse i sold my last build to test this one and im out of currency tnx a lot this is my poe link : https://pastebin.com/ZSgE6VRL
HellellioooS wrote:
hello i try to make this build but idk whats the problem of my build i bought the exact items and everything the budget version but my effective crit chance is 21 % and nothing higer i the passive tree is ok everything is ok in my eyes if some one can help me that helps a lot couse i sold my last build to test this one and im out of currency tnx a lot this is my poe link : https://pastebin.com/ZSgE6VRL

You're on the wrong thread, sorry.
This isn't ball lightning CoC cyclone assassin, this is ED tank trickster here.

That said, your crit chance is so low because you forgot to check the relevant boxes in the "configuration" tab. Checking power charges will more than double your crit chance.
Also, don't forget to check your flasks, diamond is a big one.

That said, you seem to have a HUGE accuracy problem, that's more than halving your dps.
I don't know the build, but I would assume there is a way to deal with this in it. Either use a weapon that cannot miss, or the effigon + flesh and stone.
I would assume the way most people get around this is by using a weapon with Hits cannot be evaded prefix mastercraft.

Additionally, you should REALLY remove the curse on your elder ring, as it's overriding the curses in your helm. You also need awakened curse on hit for your helm setup to even work, you should replace elemental weakness by something else.
Last edited by Darkxellmc on Jun 9, 2020, 8:38:58 AM

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