[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Slava_N wrote:

Wanna say biiig thanks to @Vatinas for good explained guide and cool build!

For my 8-ish years experience in PoE it's one of the best unkillable/tankiness build I've played so far.

Well, goals which I did with ease
- Simalucrum 30-waves (1 death on last wave with 2 bosses, just get caught unlucky in bad spot, not build fault :D)
- Uber Atziri deathless
- Uber Elder - deathless (just need not to stay in dot pools, slams and other shit can't scratch you at all)
- Maven - (deathless, pure afk, just do memory puzzle with careful)
- Sirus (it's a joke, really)
- 100% delirium juiced map - slow cuz deeps not that high, but easy
- boosted to sky archnemesis in juiced 200IIQ map - easy

-8,2k ES (with 2 minion 16% dmg nodes) or 8,4k ES without (for Sim 30)
- 58k unbuffed armour / 90% phys dmg reduction (no molten shell, flasks)
- 5677 ES recharge / 378 ES/sec regen
- 77% fire / 82% cold / 78% lightning resists
- 75%/75% attack/spell block
~ 1160 ES on block unbuffed

By the way, feel free to check it in pob https://pastebin.com/pVQVJX4D

Awesome build!

Don't be missleading - gems like 21/20 Anomalous Vaal Discipline or Divergent Tempest Shield or rings with %inc Discipline Aura effect not need at all. With ~6k ES this build can do anything too without any deaths.

Edit: PoB link added

That helmet is amazing. How did you get it - none on standard or league. Crafting or purchase ?
Is there any useful gloves lab enchant?
Kamilplik wrote:
Is there any useful gloves lab enchant?

Shaper's Touch with Despair on hit (it's on the first page under the items section on gloves if you need to dig for it !) - though that is not a lab enchant (afaik). It's still good to have from a DPS pov.
Last edited by BowWizard on Apr 1, 2022, 1:23:30 PM
BowWizard wrote:

That helmet is amazing. How did you get it - none on standard or league. Crafting or purchase ?

Selfcrafted. I like crafting and it's my one of the best way to earn currency in the leagues. This one was not too expensive vs result I can say:

- Bought 86ilvl Hubris base with enchant, craft 30% quality with perfect fossils
- chaos spam for gamble a lil bit (around 200c this one) - got t1 Unassailable and t3 ES+Stun and 2 shitty suffixes
- With 2 new influences and eldritch currency we have cheap solutions to remove/add prefixes/suffixes on item. Removed shitty suffixes with Eldritch Orb of Annulment (Eater of Worlds Dominant here - greater mod vs lesser Exarch mod on helmet)
- So got 2 good prefix mods, than add suffixes with Eldritch Exalted orbs
- other option - you can reroll suffixes with Eldritch Chaos orb too
- rinse and repeat till something like this :D

Eldritch currency are cheap vs normal currencies so it's a good way to craft your gear much much cheaper than before.

Spend around 10ex summary mats on this one, feels pretty cheap for me for the result.
Abaxoth for map boss!!!
I'm getting hammered by Heretical Flare. On a rare occasion I can press all flasks and just stay alive but in most cases I can press all flasks and I still die (shield completely disappears and life being 1 drain before I can blink). HF is a physical DOT debuff.

I can't always avoid it. How does everyone else survive these (and other debuffs) ?. Soul of Ralakesh would help but I don't know when I will encounter this crap and I need to use another pantheon more most of the time (and I hate swapping). My current POB is below (working on the resistances but easy to manage with a flask anyway). let me know if there is something obvious I can fix or help to mitigate !

Last edited by BowWizard on Apr 2, 2022, 9:04:16 PM
BowWizard wrote:
I'm getting hammered by Heretical Flare. On a rare occasion I can press all flasks and just stay alive but in most cases I can press all flasks and I still die (shield completely disappears and life being 1 drain before I can blink). HF is a physical DOT debuff.

I can't always avoid it. How does everyone else survive these (and other debuffs) ?. Soul of Ralakesh would help but I don't know when I will encounter this crap and I need to use another pantheon more most of the time (and I hate swapping). My current POB is below (working on the resistances but easy to manage with a flask anyway). let me know if there is something obvious I can fix or help to mitigate !


1. You're losing a lot of defence without using basalt and granite flasks with proper mods on'em
2. Manual flasks? Why? Use Instilling orbs for auto using - a lot of options here, but I prefer "used when charges reach full" one.
3. Avoid Heretical Flare, if I remember correct it's a Defiled Cathedral boss.
4. You can use Crystal belt with resists, ES, Armour like some of us :D
5. Best defence is offence:
- Use Divergent Melee Splash vs normal Melee Splash - alternate quality solve "less damage" output
- Use Anomalous Withering Touch - 20% inc skill effect duration is a huge)
- so on so forth...

Here is my setup, but if you don't like Bottled Faith (10% inc damage for your minions on consecrated ground plus double ES regen - you can use Expedition flask with Ward and endurance charge generation.

Abaxoth for map boss!!!
Slava_N wrote:

1. You're losing a lot of defence without using basalt and granite flasks with proper mods on'em
2. Manual flasks? Why? Use Instilling orbs for auto using - a lot of options here, but I prefer "used when charges reach full" one.
3. Avoid Heretical Flare, if I remember correct it's a Defiled Cathedral boss.
4. You can use Crystal belt with resists, ES, Armour like some of us :D
5. Best defence is offence:
- Use Divergent Melee Splash vs normal Melee Splash - alternate quality solve "less damage" output
- Use Anomalous Withering Touch - 20% inc skill effect duration is a huge)
- so on so forth...

Here is my setup, but if you don't like Bottled Faith (10% inc damage for your minions on consecrated ground plus double ES regen - you can use Expedition flask with Ward and endurance charge generation.


Appreciate the review ! More armour won't help me against the physical debuff. It ignores armour if I'm not mistaken. I could avoid the map - not a great layout but it is a T14 so good for XP (Haunted Mansion but yes other map bosses also use the same type of damage). I can avoid the dmg in the arena but it was a metamorph that got me. I couldn't get near them to damage and kill. I can't afford the expensive flasks but the others I can have a go creating.

I wish I could get a crystal belt. Found one the other day but the seller was ignoring me or it was a troll setup with no intention of selling it. I'll keep looking for one, no rush. Will look at the two gems in setup and any others that can help min-max build dmg).

Edit: Managed to get a helmet and belt with much better ES plus some resistances so now have over 6.3K ES and resistances are all 77%+ (sadly no +1 to Sentinels yet. Guess I need to run lots of labs for that). Working on better gems and a pair of gloves with +2 instead of +1 for even more ES (should get me to around 6.7k ES eventually). Also changed flasks to "Used when charges are full" for more armour. Great not having to play piano keyboard for flask mgmt :-)
Last edited by BowWizard on Apr 3, 2022, 5:53:31 PM
Got to 100 yesterday in "ethical" way - just pure mapping/bossing. Amazing build!
Abaxoth for map boss!!!
Great build, it's allowed a noob like me a chance at some endgame. Is there an alternative to the spiders? I'm finding it really annoying to manage them in "pinnacle" encounters. I'm wondering if there is something I could run instead on a 4 link since I wouldn't need desecrate anymore so I can move everything else from the helmet to the weapon and dedicate the helmet sockets to the new skill.
Slava_N wrote:
Got to 100 yesterday in "ethical" way - just pure mapping/bossing. Amazing build!


Working my way there as well. Not as tanky as your build but don't have many issues dieing (except those pesky DOT's). For some reason the Shaper fight (not even the Uber Elder) is a nightmare for me. I die multiple times and it takes forever. The Elder fight is no problem. Same with Searing Exarch, Infinite Hunger and Eater of Worlds. Haven't tried Maven or Sirus yet. Hopefully soon

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