[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

What is a non-curse aura duration affecting here?

What is a non-curse aura duration affecting here?

Affects how long vaal discipline lasts.
Jaygel wrote:

What is a non-curse aura duration affecting here?

Affects how long vaal discipline lasts.

Thanks, build is strong as an ox , but playing this league with anything remotely close to melee even if u are not primary damage dealer is totally suicidal.
Shame i didn't record.
There are some new white trash mobs that simply obliterate you in melee i think it might be discharge? I'm not sure, but i never died so many times in a row. Pack of mobs , all white, no rare, no magic. On a white map no mods. At distance you desecrate ground, spawn minions and go to pack and then you just die as u approach first mob. Rinse and repast until all portals are gone. (white trash goat mob) I totally didnt understood whats going on. They had no auras no mods, its just white trash mobs

Map gone, exp gone.

Than, 100% delirium map, Abaxot + 2 other beyond bosses + onomatop (fat delirium boss) + breach + harbinger all in same spot And build survives everything. Just to ..again die on next white trash mob instantly , npc just wasted me no questions asked. There was no hit i didnt even see any spell casted or animation play i just ..died.
I had enough at that point
Last edited by IceLancerSR on Mar 20, 2022, 10:28:02 AM
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
I saw a video on youtube of someone playing this build in 3.17 and it looked pretty clunky and slow mapping. Like it took this dude 7-10 seconds per screen. Is the play style of this build clunky/slow or is it smooth once we desecrate twice, use the jars once or however many times then cyclone?

Give it a go, I can 100% confirm that it does not feel clunky.

When I'm mapping, I desecrate twice at the start of a map and cyclone + Frostblink to the end and watch everything die along the way.
I occasionally cast a predator mark on tougher Mobs, and refresh molten shell as I'm going. I also use Desecrate + Spirit Offering when bossing, or when I feel I need burst dps.

In terms of play style, I found this much nicer to play than Skeleton mages.
Sighted wrote:
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
I saw a video on youtube of someone playing this build in 3.17 and it looked pretty clunky and slow mapping. Like it took this dude 7-10 seconds per screen. Is the play style of this build clunky/slow or is it smooth once we desecrate twice, use the jars once or however many times then cyclone?

Give it a go, I can 100% confirm that it does not feel clunky.

When I'm mapping, I desecrate twice at the start of a map and cyclone + Frostblink to the end and watch everything die along the way.
I occasionally cast a predator mark on tougher Mobs, and refresh molten shell as I'm going. I also use Desecrate + Spirit Offering when bossing, or when I feel I need burst dps.

In terms of play style, I found this much nicer to play than Skeleton mages.

should be a lot tankier than skelly mage too?
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
Sighted wrote:
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
I saw a video on youtube of someone playing this build in 3.17 and it looked pretty clunky and slow mapping. Like it took this dude 7-10 seconds per screen. Is the play style of this build clunky/slow or is it smooth once we desecrate twice, use the jars once or however many times then cyclone?

Give it a go, I can 100% confirm that it does not feel clunky.

When I'm mapping, I desecrate twice at the start of a map and cyclone + Frostblink to the end and watch everything die along the way.
I occasionally cast a predator mark on tougher Mobs, and refresh molten shell as I'm going. I also use Desecrate + Spirit Offering when bossing, or when I feel I need burst dps.

In terms of play style, I found this much nicer to play than Skeleton mages.

should be a lot tankier than skelly mage too?

Yep, Fire degen effects were a pain to start with but I wisened up and now run abberath almost 100% of the time.
ES on block + ES regen + Endurance Charges + high resist caps + chaos immunity + auto-flasks + high phys mitigation = near invulnerability.

Just watch out on bosses as the above won't save you from 1-shot mechanics (unless you're extremely lucky).

Oh yeah, delving is great on this build as well. ES on block pretty much negates the darkness degen.
Lets laugh some, 3 searing exarch mobs vs you
dont go out of safety of your house without burning ground immunity
Last edited by IceLancerSR on Mar 21, 2022, 7:55:39 AM
Just finished acts. Died quite a few times, but not as many as other characters I've levelled up. Have some quick questions about how to setup gems correctly in gear to get the most out of build till I get to the point where I can start using the recommended uniques with spiders :-)

In the levelling guide it says to grab both determination and discipline. However I can't use all 4 (HoP, Discipline, Determination and Tempest Shield) atm the moment. Do I leave Tempest Shield off and run with the other 3 or some other combination till I get more mana from somewhere ?

Zombies go at some stage. Obviously I keep them till I'm able to use the spiders, but where do I put the Raise Zombies gem plus the supports for them till then - the guide does not really say (I have them in a Tabby along with HoP which is probably a bad mix) ?

I can now use all the end game gems in gear, so do I set up as per the end game gem config now or do I wait till I get the proper uniques for the build ?

Last but not least, is there better gear I should be using or is it good enough for now ?


This is a great build and a very well written guide. Looking forward to getting into maps soon (at act 9 atm. Died quite a few times but it is not as squishy a build as others I've played, even at this early point)

Last edited by BowWizard on Mar 21, 2022, 7:39:56 PM
BowWizard wrote:

u should be able to switch to full gear at around lvl 63.

dont go es with the shield, hybrid is fine but use life flask. It can easily keep you capped at block during leveling
as soon as u are able to equip all gear switch to CI and put gems in. Run 3 labs for ascension

But i see that u already switched to some of gear and have enough levels. Than i suggest immediately get dagger!
Last edited by IceLancerSR on Mar 21, 2022, 6:52:20 PM
IceLancerSR wrote:
BowWizard wrote:

u should be able to switch to full gear at around lvl 63.

dont go es with the shield, hybrid is fine but use life flask. It can easily keep you capped at block during leveling
as soon as u are able to equip all gear switch to CI and put gems in. Run 3 labs for ascension

But i see that u already switched to some of gear and have enough levels. Than i suggest immediately get dagger!

Thanks for the tips. I made a few changes after I posted the POB so things aren't quite what they were. I have now completed 3 of the 4 labs for ascendencies. Also upgraded the weapon a bit.

I have a dagger, currently on another character, but it says I can't use it till level 80, but this is just because of a gem in it, so i'm going to swap it out now. Was getting tired of zombies ;-). Have a pair of Stampede boots too. The rings will be an issue - there are none with the 44% Increased mana efficiency to be found :-( Will keep plugging away at it !
Last edited by BowWizard on Mar 21, 2022, 8:33:34 PM

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