[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Prof549 wrote:
khoatv1993 wrote:

I can not find the thread with Impale version, can you give me the link or a POB please,
The build still have danger to 1 shot died right?

https://pastebin.com/8wcBsQ1W - the example(my current setup)

And well, this is PoE. There is always a danger of being one-shotted. Even while you are standing in town :) But for the most part - you shouldn't.

Hi, i tried to change somethings like your POB and the damage i see it maybe improved a bit but i have some think to ask you because i do the same like you on POB and item but i can read some points like you
First: My Block spell damage is only 64%.
Second: I cannot cast all the aura, AOE if i dont use another Enlighted Gems on Helm,
Can you take a look and let me know what wrong im doing?
Here my current POB: https://pastebin.com/y4GVezSC
Thank you!
Last edited by khoatv1993 on Jun 7, 2021, 8:05:01 AM
Was late to start Ultimatum, but after making bit dough, (around 5 ex) I thought it was time to try something more serious.

I had my doubts on this build when i was at around lvl 83, most of the gear on and still couldn't blast my way through the game, even that i had most of the recommended gear on.

That being said it was also the turning point. Each passing level seemed to make great things to me and now at lvl 92 i can do everything i wanted to do. The build sure is tanky and easy to play. Which is more than okay with me. Damage is also nice enough and doesn't need any magic tricks or ultra expensive gear pieces to improve.

A grade build for sure and beginner friendly too.
Only things that bother me are the few minions destroying the worms (which was already addressed!) and Holy relic dying all the time. Any suggestion to Relic other than alternate quality?

Edit: Also i think chance to blind for minion on abyss jewel works pretty well.
Last edited by Paksuvladi on Jun 7, 2021, 2:44:39 AM
Paksuvladi wrote:
nd Holy relic dying all the time. Any suggestion to Relic other than alternate quality?

Edit: Also i think chance to blind for minion on abyss jewel works pretty well.

Some of us have switched to a Cast When Stunned linked to Flesh Offering. No buttons to press and the buff is up almost constantly when doing ultimatums. I gave up on Relic because like you said, it was never alive more than a second in any hard content.

Blind is good for most builds but not for ours. We thrive on blocking. If the monsters miss, we don't block, which means we don't recover ES which means DOT can be a problem.
Kadosh wrote:
Brothers, I saw that there is an official POB and another one with Impale. What would be the best option? If it's really the impalement, could you leave the correct POB here, please? Thanks and sorry for my English.

I liked the Impale version better. Higher DPS with same defenses.

Here is my version of the Impale build

Here's my setup: https://pastebin.com/yfU1naH0

Still need to get alternate quality gems. 2% Regen boots. Block corruption on shield. That sort of thing.

I can do A9 Sirus deathless. Maven would have been one shot if it weren't for that stupid memory game while dodging the beams. For Ultimatums, I don't even look at the rewards. I clear them all. Only maps I skip are lower block and lower/no regen.

I don't mind hitting Flesh Offering. Sure, I guess it'd be nice to have it on auto-cast during Ultimatums, but any other time like boss fights, I like being able to enable it when I want.

This has been by far my most successful build. This is now my go-to build for here on out.
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
Many thanks for the reply! I will try using the impale version.
khoatv1993 wrote:

First: My Block spell damage is only 64%.
Second: I cannot cast all the aura, AOE if i dont use another Enlighted Gems on Helm,
Can you take a look and let me know what wrong im doing?
Here my current POB: https://pastebin.com/y4GVezSC
Thank you!

1) Shield corruption 5% spell block chance.
2) 20% reduced mana reservation on rings for HoP.
Prof549 wrote:
khoatv1993 wrote:

First: My Block spell damage is only 64%.
Second: I cannot cast all the aura, AOE if i dont use another Enlighted Gems on Helm,
Can you take a look and let me know what wrong im doing?
Here my current POB: https://pastebin.com/y4GVezSC
Thank you!

1) Shield corruption 5% spell block chance.
2) 20% reduced mana reservation on rings for HoP.

Haha, i see the problems thank you, i use 2 rings with 19 and 18% reservation,
I didnt notice it. Thank you!
And just to clarify, you don't NEED 20% on the rings. You can get away with 18%. I think mine are 19 and 20. I got lucky and got a perfect roll on damage so I left the reserve lower.
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
Last edited by Westwood1121 on Jun 7, 2021, 10:43:11 AM
After a month semi-hiatus, I went back to my character, bought some Fertility essence... and realised it was nerfed...

Are we now stuck in keeping the herald reduction wheel or going banana with reduction clusters? I can't really run now a fully buffed impale HoP without some reduction investment (the wheel alone is no longer enough).

Any ideas? I am not looking to have pride (yet, assuming it is still possible).

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