[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

impale setup have less damage?
denhol wrote:
impale setup have less damage?

Could be just a placebo thing, but when I switched to Impale I tore through the maps. It felt a million times stronger.
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
denhol wrote:
impale setup have less damage?

Impale has more damage if you set it up correctly.

You can easily compare the two in POB to verify for yourself.
My version of the impale build if anyone wants another take. No big changes from original tree but have added impale and awakened multistrike to HoP.

6M sDps, 9k ES, ~60k Armor in HO, ~110k Armor with everything up. Currently 75/72 block, looking for a corrupted shield to cover the rest but feel fine for now.

Deathless Sirus A8, Shaper, Elder have not tried uber though as I dont like the fight and havent lost an ultimatum since hitting maps.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/ztKJ7k2F
Fencatffxi wrote:
My version of the impale build if anyone wants another take. No big changes from original tree but have added impale and awakened multistrike to HoP.

6M sDps, 9k ES, ~60k Armor in HO, ~110k Armor with everything up. Currently 75/72 block, looking for a corrupted shield to cover the rest but feel fine for now.

Deathless Sirus A8, Shaper, Elder have not tried uber though as I dont like the fight and havent lost an ultimatum since hitting maps.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/ztKJ7k2F

looks fantastic! congrats.

That +1 chest for all gems is so powerful!

Not that you need it but you could up your damage even more if you so wanted to. Your impale chance is a bit low and it could be raised with different cluster jewels.

But as I said, I doubt you need to do that. The Awakened Multistrike and +1 to Chest more than make up for the slightly low impale chance.
I am not getting enough use out of Spirit Offering or Rallying Cry.

They are not needed when mapping, and I don't want to stop moving to cast them in hard Ultimatums.

I would absolutely love to add in Feeding Frenzy in place of those two skills but I can't find a minion that will last more than a nano second in hard stuff (high tier ultimatums, juiced T16 maps etc).

Are there any tricks to sneaking in feeding frenzy? I don't care if the minion that provides it does literally anything else.

I have no idea if it would work but I was considering squeezing in Herald of Agony as I think the Spiders might proc the Agony Crawler, which could then theoretically give the feeding frenzy buff.

Even if that did work it might not be worth it...
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on May 25, 2021, 6:04:13 PM
But as I said, I doubt you need to do that. The Awakened Multistrike and +1 to Chest more than make up for the slightly low impale chance.

Low impale chance ? i dont know how you calculate that.
-> Rotten claws : 12% chance impale all minions (it may seem low but with that i have 100% impale chance for hop, and the increased damage is not bad)
-> Divergent Dread banner 25% chance impale all minions
-> Anomalous impale : 50% chance for Hop
=> 50% increased effect of aura, boost chance to impale for dread banner, on my pob hop have 100% chance to impale(12+25+50+13)

The best is to try some setup... For me i see 5 big increase for damage :
- Optimisation for all gem and armour +1 all or + 2 duration => Hop 28
- Flesh and stone link to maim
- Impale chance (impale + large cluster + dread banner) => 100% hop and spider 50%.
- Awakened multistrike (good synergy with impale)
- When high level, optimisation for the skill tree : I have 341% all minions damage without hubris. (~520% for Hop)

And after that the damage on endgame boss is a joke, and i'm not speaking about boss map T15/16, sometime i dont have the time to use prey and spirit/flesh offering before the boss die.

And Hop does not have big visual effect / attack speed like spider but i'll try some boss with only Hop and the damage is huge. For example kitava T15 is insta phase only with hop.

My current PoB :
=> Use bloodlust instead of awakened multistrike for lower budget
=> If you dont have shield corrupt with 5% spell block take arcane guarding
=> Arcane focus is a good alternative if you need ES
=> Energised armour instead of my corrupted blood immunity jewel for more armour.
=> For ALL stop using discord artisan you waste skill point and take helm with 30% hop reservation / OR take discord artisan and helm with +1 sentinel and loose 30-50% minions damage in the skill tree
Last edited by dextrelame on May 25, 2021, 7:04:20 PM
dextrelame wrote:
But as I said, I doubt you need to do that. The Awakened Multistrike and +1 to Chest more than make up for the slightly low impale chance.

Low impale chance ? i dont know how you calculate that.
-> Rotten claws : 12% chance impale all minions

I looked at his POB. I have a feeling you did not from your comment about Rotten Claws.

He does not use Rotten Claws.

Did you look at his POB? If/When you do you will see he has an 84% chance to Impale.

Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on May 25, 2021, 6:34:43 PM
His build (Fenca) is not calculating in PoB correctly. Its adding non existent feeding frenzy to all minions and breaking end result
IceLancerSR wrote:
His build (Fenca) is not calculating in PoB correctly. Its adding non existent feeding frenzy to all minions and breaking end result

yeah I saw that too.

I can't figure out where POB is getting the Feeding Frenzy from in his build. It is not selected in the config window nor does he even use the support gem.

It makes his DPS larger than it should be.

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