[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

dextrelame wrote:
Already overcaps without endurance charge.
Use signal prey for LMB

thank you for the LMB.

In your POB you have endurance charges set as active in the config window.

I am just trying to understand where in the build this defensive layer comes from.
thank you for the LMB.

In your POB you have endurance charges set as active in the config window.

I am just trying to understand where in the build this defensive layer comes from.

I think that was a mistake. The impale version of drex does not use the small jewel cluster and the Cyclopean Coil, so his build has enough room for jewels and resistance capped. The res are the only huge problem with this build, more than the reserved mana.

Dex are you italian?
Last edited by Jaykraist on May 21, 2021, 2:31:11 AM
Jaykraist wrote:
- Do you have 75% spell block ? If no take arcane guarding.

Yep! I have 8% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've taken Spell Damage Recently in my boots - 16 whit the Glancing Blows!

Dodge and Block is not the same. You want 75% spell and attack block for the ES regeneration from your shield.

Therkwar wrote:

how do you level ?

im 97 runing t16 maps and only get 20-30 mill XP
it will take 200 maps to get to 98

realy need some leveling tips

There is a reddit post where the xp/h and xp/chaos were analyzed some leagues ago. The most important thing, of course, is: dont die. If you want more exp than from regular maps, you can buy Poorjoy's Asylum T14 maps which are quite cheap and safe to run. If you are rich, you can run Pure Chayulas Breachstones.

Westwood1121 wrote:
I gave up at 93. XD

If you want to continue, you have several options to improve your build with low investment. The only thing you really need to understand is, that you need as much mana (reserved mana => ES) and armour (=> ES regeneration) as possible.

Jaykraist wrote:

I think that was a mistake. The impale version of drex does not use the small jewel cluster and the Cyclopean Coil, so his build has enough room for jewels and resistance capped. The res are the only huge problem with this build, more than the reserved mana.

Dex are you italian?

Resistances are not really a problem. You can get much more resistances from Darkness Enthroned Belt with good jewels. You should also look for at least one Resistance mod on Cluster Jewel small nodes. I removed - for example - Holy Dominion (+12% all res) which saves me 3 Skillpoints and I use Arcane Guardian instead.
Dodge and Block is not the same. You want 75% spell and attack block for the ES regeneration from your shield.

Ah. This thing caught me off guard.. I will fix.

Resistances are not really a problem. You can get much more resistances from Darkness Enthroned Belt with good jewels. You should also look for at least one Resistance mod on Cluster Jewel small nodes. I removed - for example - Holy Dominion (+12% all res) which saves me 3 Skillpoints and I use Arcane Guardian instead.

Yes you're right. What I meant is that if you don't use Darkness Enthroned then capped the resistances is tricky. Atm i am using a corrupted cyclopean (16% to all res),no Holy Dominion, no endurance charge, small cluster with + 2% all res, large cluster + 5% lightning, 2 jewel whit +12 cold and +12 cold / lightning and am barely maxed out.

ps: don't get me wrong, this build is so strong I'm 93 and I haven't reached 100/164 on the atlas yet.
I only died 5 times during the maps (2 times in strongbox with detonate lol, 1 ultimatum in t16 corrupted and 2 vs fu ** ing boss vaal temple t16 idk why)
Last edited by Jaykraist on May 21, 2021, 5:25:50 AM
Tiffiklotz wrote:

Westwood1121 wrote:
I gave up at 93. XD

If you want to continue, you have several options to improve your build with low investment. The only thing you really need to understand is, that you need as much mana (reserved mana => ES) and armour (=> ES regeneration) as possible.

Now and then I get clipped with an instant shot or a degen of some sort that drain my life before I can even react. And don't even get me started on connection issues.

I don't get the MOST playtime either, so one death sets me back a couple days of playing.
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
are two Writhing Jars required for this build or can we get away with just one and add in another defensive flask?
I have been leveling with Zombies and SRS and it has been going smoothly. They are sharing a tabula so they are both 5 links.

At level 31 I tried to switch to Cyclone and Herald of Purity but that was not working. It was taking forever to kill blue packs so I switched back to SRS.

What level did you guys make the switch to Cyclone and the Sentinels?
are two Writhing Jars required for this build or can we get away with just one and add in another defensive flask?

I find having the two pots is great for QOL. I always smash both pots.
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
Westwood1121 wrote:
are two Writhing Jars required for this build or can we get away with just one and add in another defensive flask?

I find having the two pots is great for QOL. I always smash both pots.

Thanks! I have never played a spider build so I will start with two pots and see how it feels.

How often do you use the pots when playing?
Curious build, but very confusing one.

PoB states one thing, the guide - another.

Then it says "follow the guide", later on it says "PoB is priority".

Gem setups differs from guide to PoB.

Last edited by Prof549 on May 21, 2021, 1:11:07 PM

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