[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

the spiders despawn pretty quickly, how do you deal with this in boss fights with limited or no ads? at some point you run out of flask charges to respawn your spiders. am I missing something?
Same here. And my HoP die super quick on some boss fights.
In your pantheon make sure you use Soul of Ryslatha as your 'worm' flasks will refill over time, helping in boss fights.
Just listen to Vat, he knows his business.

A passing-by friend.
NaineNoire wrote:
Just listen to Vat, he knows his business.

Vat is daddy for sure, but uncle dextrelame has some great advice for end game improvements. with just the new belt/amulet/clusters its taking a big step up. and im still missing the mana res on the amy/watchers clarity/the big jewel with 80% minion damage.

its a minion build, yes. its time based minions, yes. its a defense build, yes. but its going great here. lvl97, 71 deaths, 27/40 and i am a BAD player. i am loving this build.
dextrelame wrote:
Just recently killed Sirus with this build, decent for tanking beams I say but the DPS isn't quite I expected since I'm having trouble doing a 100% uptime of 4 purities and 20 spiders always any ideas how to increase my dps?

Here's my POB of defeating Sirus:

- Helmet with 30% reservation for herald
- shaper's touch with vulenrabilty on hit
- Circle of guilt 20%
- Redemption for 3 skill point
- Ravenous horde
- awakened minion damage / impale for herald
- Maim link and flesh and stone instead of cyclone
- Divergent Dread banner
- Divergent herald of purity 21/20

Here is my POB (about 60-65 ex for the stuff), doing boss T15/T16 fast, 10K ES / 70k armour : https://pastebin.com/As3W7gdv

I compare your setup with my and u have almost same build like me, but 4 mln dps and i have only 2. Where you stack this a lot of dps? From additional lvls of herald of purity?

Also i try your haralds gem setup and with all auras active i have only 30 mana left, spirit offering costs 35. There any way to raise mana by 5 points instead of buying 20% rings?

Also i try Drox today and with 2 additional dps mods he just one shot me from all attacks. He ignore phys mitigation? Or whats happening with him? Have 7000 es + endurance charges + 60k armor + other things.
Last edited by Mr_Neocronic on May 8, 2021, 1:33:31 PM
the game is gettin a lot of bugs i can facetank all monsters and bosses even sirus heal me instead of doing damage lol.. but i keep gettin oneshot sometimes
idk what kind of damage is, looks like corrupted blood but i have the jewel preventing corrupted blood, and ive noticed something if you get 90% phys reduction and low armour i mean low 60k- the ultimatums do more damage to you but 100k+ armour you dont even get hit at all...
heres my pob

Last edited by SignalSystem7 on May 8, 2021, 2:51:43 PM

I compare your setup with my and u have almost same build like me, but 4 mln dps and i have only 2. Where you stack this a lot of dps? From additional lvls of herald of purity?

Also i try your haralds gem setup and with all auras active i have only 30 mana left, spirit offering costs 35. There any way to raise mana by 5 points instead of buying 20% rings?

Also i try Drox today and with 2 additional dps mods he just one shot me from all attacks. He ignore phys mitigation? Or whats happening with him? Have 7000 es + endurance charges + 60k armor + other things.

Hop is level 28 on my setup and dread banner + anomalous impale increase the damage :

On circle of guilt the most important is a good implicit (after mana reservation / sentinel damage). You can spend 5-10 divine for the 20%. Already craft this 3 ring :

For high level boss, 7K ES in not enough if you tank high hit.
After a level up,I'll try phoenix with 2*100% additional elemental damage, -10 max res, maven, tormented spirit => 2 death :=)
With 10.5K ES i see sometime my ES close to 20/30%.
If you have map with less block you need a rumi with 10% block spell instead of granite. This is my flask setup :

Maybe shock immune is better and can help for taking less damage.

Small upgrade, drop increased duration and use divergent vitality 20/20 and enlighten on this 4L.

=> Give 200ES/s (and 4% increased damage), good for tanking dot or help for regen when azurite mine. Deactivate if no regen for 200 mana.
Last edited by dextrelame on May 8, 2021, 5:19:55 PM
so how can i improve my charakter more?

is 4r 2b that much of a dmg increase? i kinda like the impale - atleast it was a improvement with what i had before

overall my dmg improved quite a bit it feels like - but for awakener, conqueror and ultimatums its rly anyoingly low

i get it a bit - for the tradeoff for my tankyness i dont have the greatest dmg - but i think it shoudnt be that bad in ultimatums
Not sure if someone can look over my kit and advise what I need to get my damage up more (other than Woke mini damage lvling up)

Doing the Maven: Cortex/Chayula/Elder/Shaper/Atziri fight and I just seem to struggle to get damage out on targets, can use predator for focus.

I get the swap for tankyness for damage, and been trying to roll a +1/+2 Skin of the Loyal but gone through about 5 so far! haha

Any advice would be great

Also whats tthe best way to maintain spiders in fights? as no matter what I am doing, whatever summons I have out seem to just pop the worms I spawn.
Last edited by MisterTorgue on May 8, 2021, 7:19:48 PM

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