[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

just want to say thank you for the great build. i'm wrapping up but was able to kill uber elder and sirus (can do a8 deathless) for the first time ever. definitely a fun build.

Uber Atziri still kicks my ass but thats OK. going to try and tackle maven tonight
Exxi wrote:
Nearing the end of this league, want to share my 2 builds for lvl 100.

Boss/defense/overall (close to original guide):
This variant has some changes, an optimized tree and is the more budget friendly version. Spent around 50ex for this setup and some crafting. Reached 100 with this version (mostly in delve maps).

Mapping/Rituals/Fun (includes headhunter):
This is an alternate build of my overall setup, it utilises headhunter which performs great in any ritual, delve, blight map. Used additional 80ex for belt and another ring.

Both builds are very good when it comes for a copy & paste setup, there are alot of other "optimized" builds for dps, but those are not good in my opinion because of they required to many clustergems with elusive rolls and expensive harvest craft amulets (which won't be possible in future?).

What i learned during this league with this build:
++ all content is doable, but sometimes quite hard
+ invested currency is ok if you stay below 50ex for promised result
+ quite safe for doing lvl100 (died 5 times from 90 to 100)
+ fun
+ starter build (following the OPs guide)
-- lacks boss encounter dmg, especially maven unchartered realm invitations (the feared)
- too many skills are required to make it viable, lots of keybindings and standstill moments
- not very helpful in party, lacks in movementspeed and support
- mechanics are outdated and will lack in next seasons

Would i recommend it for future leagues?
No, cause of lack in boss encounter (dmg, spawning spiders and lots of standstill moments for recasting). I expect new challenges and boss encounters will become more unfriendly for this build.

copied your tree on my build, switched in precision (makes a HUGE difference holding up sentinels way better than the weapon accuracy buff obviously :D). Switched to weapon range buff on the sword, now the spiders are also easier to get.

Didnt choose the boots n belt though. Could not keep up maxblock or res with them. Also sitting on 7.9 es on lvl 98 already solid.

Totally agree to the downside of AoE nukes killing off minions and force to get static. Maven Shaper fight can get funny.
Hey there, coming to the end of the season i need some new advices how to best improve my build (besides Empower 4 ^^)

If someone has the time to check my gear and PoB, i would be very thankfull.
I have about 30 EX to spend, dont need to take them over to Standard League :P

My gear

My PoB


I just imported it new and only fixed the cluster jewels in the tree...
Stats are confusing me, i'm still very nobish here.
Game says: Armor: 55337, ES: 6785, Block 75/72 (have a watchers eye for 75/75)

thanks in advance
MrOuzo wrote:
Hey there, coming to the end of the season i need some new advices how to best improve my build (besides Empower 4 ^^)

If someone has the time to check my gear and PoB, i would be very thankfull.
I have about 30 EX to spend, dont need to take them over to Standard League :P

My gear

My PoB


I just imported it new and only fixed the cluster jewels in the tree...
Stats are confusing me, i'm still very nobish here.
Game says: Armor: 55337, ES: 6785, Block 75/72 (have a watchers eye for 75/75)

thanks in advance

you can get a chest with the +1 corruption (see my profile for an example)
Hi fellows Exiles!
First time playing this build.
If you like melee chars like an uber tank, that's your build.
I started following the OP build literally, and it makes me to rush T16 maps with a bunch of Chaos. All base build stay around the Uniques Itens.
It was my league start build and allowed me to get all currencies I got for it's own upgrades from Original Build until Cluster DPS version (better, in my opinion).

My final build: https://pastebin.com/GgSvWmfy

My impression:

NORMAL MAPS = fresh juice, even in A9 T16 high buffed. No prob with Map Bosses too;
CONQUEROR'S MAPS = Another round in the garden. Easy. (but is good to avoid Mino's Stomp and Quimera's Explosion, or use all defensive CDs)
FRACTURED MAPS = Only Full Delirium Maps could be hard, most because the damage then the defense

HARVEST GARDENS = high lv tiers is not easy, but doable
HEIST ROOMS (normal and big assaults) = another easy peasy.
RITUALS = all kind is fucking ridiculous easy.
DELVE (I did only lv 200 for crafts recipe) = easy easy
ALL MISSIONS (Alva, Cassia, Zana...) = easy like any maps

> Sirious A9 is fucking ridiculous. Summoning spiders is boring but not a deal, with some pratice. You can easily stop hitting boss and re-summon them, taking all the "die" beam and most of Sirious skills. Ridiculous!!
> Elder is easy too
> Shapper got me some troubles with budget gear, cause low dmg takes the fight too long and makes the room a big mess. With Cluster Build it was easy.
> Uber Elder and Uber Atziri, i don't recomend. Even with Cluster Build, both fights increases in dangerous dmg, even for our super defense.
> Harvest Boss was a pain to make all the phases with that low dmg, but could be done.
> Heist Bosses are chocolate cake. Easy.
> Sindicate Boss (Catharina) is a joke. You can almost stay stand on all the shit.

MAVEN'S FIGHTS = I guess one or another fight could be done with huge skill play and fight knowledge, playing Cluster DPS Build, but i really DON'T RECOMMEND. All fights here is a fucking mess and increases if bosses take too long to die. Normally one boss can't give us troubles, but here you will end up fighting all FOUR BOSSES in a small room, full of shit degenerated floors. Same for Maven's herself. Last phase takes too long and the room was a mess.

For all that said, this is the BEST BUILD i ever played. Not strongest, but easy, safe and cheap.

PS: for all the things I mentioned HARD or NOT RECOMMENDED, I ran with a Witch Golem Frost Bolt Critical Cluster Build. This build literally ERASED all the end game stuff, and even the HARDER fights weren't 1-2 min long. But it's not a cheap endgame build.

Again, thanks the OP Build and all guys that contributed here to improve the original build.
Hugs Exiles.
Last edited by saskioamaral on Apr 9, 2021, 10:30:18 AM
Thinking on playing witch next league. What's your build, @saskioamaral ?

In the end for me with this Templar build, I killed everything except the Maven herself, and Uber Atziri. The rest is all down.
I achieved more with this build than with my previous ones, but then again, I spent A LOT more money and time on this one than my previous ones.
LVL 98 was max.
Start to try this build to next league start, to play with a friend.
Already do some builds in the past years, but can't see where we put resist in the build...We don't need ??
Resists u get from rainbowstride and aegis. On the belt - Darkness Enthroned u have +75% increased effect. So any resist u still need u can get from sockets u put in it. Also u can get some resist from cluster jewels. It can get tricky somethimes, but is not hard to have max resist with this build. Also there is some variant of the build shared in the comments, u can check them out too. Some variants of Circle of Guilt are having resist on them.
bustara wrote:
Resists u get from rainbowstride and aegis. On the belt - Darkness Enthroned u have +75% increased effect. So any resist u still need u can get from sockets u put in it. Also u can get some resist from cluster jewels. It can get tricky somethimes, but is not hard to have max resist with this build. Also there is some variant of the build shared in the comments, u can check them out too. Some variants of Circle of Guilt are having resist on them.

Thanks for the quick replay, and the good information.
What's your build, @saskioamaral ?

Hello Bro.
My second char this season is a Nuke Cannon Ele Frost Bomb. It just delete all end game content, even Conquerors, Sirus, Elder, Shaper, Uber Elber, Uber Atziri and all core Maven's fights. The dmg is absurd as you can see in POB. And POB still has some limited calculations to show the REAL TOTAL DMG.
Of course this build is a little expensive to get this level of damage. But even in budget itens you can do almost all endgame content.

Witch Elementalist Frost Bomb: https://pastebin.com/g2Lzsc7v

Last edited by saskioamaral on Apr 9, 2021, 2:01:29 PM

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