[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

EwingCancer wrote:
Anyone have tips on improving damage with a high budget?

I also feel like my sentinels are always dying on bosses.

I'm running a 1:1 with the items listed. Have 12 ex stashed to improve the build further.

Improvements would be something like a skin of the loyal with +2 duration or +1 gems.

A amulet thats better than astramentis with mana and ES
something like this:

A astramentis with +5% spellblock corruption so you can ditch rainbowstride and buy good boots.

A watchers eye that has something like "10% of mana as extra energy shield " on top of your determination mod

A super GG amulet that has better stats than astramentis (you dont need the str.) AND +1 to all physical or strength gems.

If you ditch the clarity, annoint charisma and run dread banner. You can switch ruthless with awakened multistrike too.

Zerber wrote:
A amulet thats better than astramentis with mana and ES
something like this:

Just curious, how much currency would cost an amulet like that?
Read the guide thoroughly several times (it's very detailed and well written, props for that, got high roll on all gear etc etc, the only thing I'm missing is 20% quality on all gems and some of their alternate versions and a few passives. I keep getting destroyed, feel a lot more squishy than my semi-squishy bleed bow character and I do hardly any damage at all (I know it's not a single dps monster by any means). I must be missing something I don't know.
Last edited by Anoxida on Jan 29, 2021, 3:16:57 PM
FedeS wrote:
Zerber wrote:
A amulet thats better than astramentis with mana and ES
something like this:

Just curious, how much currency would cost an amulet like that?

Uhm hard to tell mana stacking is meta this league so it wont be cheap. You can sort rare amulets by total intelligence and maybee you can snipe something good for under a EX.

Zerber wrote:
Uhm hard to tell mana stacking is meta this league so it wont be cheap. You can sort rare amulets by total intelligence and maybee you can snipe something good for under a EX.

Interesting.. btw what do you think about Bottle Faith as 3rd flask to improve the build?
Last edited by FedeS on Jan 29, 2021, 5:36:02 PM
Read the guide thoroughly several times (it's very detailed and well written, props for that, got high roll on all gear etc etc, the only thing I'm missing is 20% quality on all gems and some of their alternate versions and a few passives. I keep getting destroyed, feel a lot more squishy than my semi-squishy bleed bow character and I do hardly any damage at all (I know it's not a single dps monster by any means). I must be missing something I don't know.

Regarding defenses, I don't know what you are doing wrong because your tree looks good so with decent gear you should sit somewhere near 7k ES / 50k armour / 75-75 block, which is by far the tankiest character I have ever played and should be near unkillable (DoT is a killer though, get corrupted blood ASAP).

Regarding DPS, do you have a reliable way to inflict Bleed? If you stick to the gems from the guide you will need either divergent maim or vulnerability on hit, overwise your bloodlust support is wasted and you are effectively running a 5L.
Also use abyss jewel that increase minions damage. They get 75% boost from the belt and you can have nice flat phy/chaos damage added.
Silkerin wrote:
Regarding DPS, do you have a reliable way to inflict Bleed? If you stick to the gems from the guide you will need either divergent maim or vulnerability on hit, overwise your bloodlust support is wasted and you are effectively running a 5L.
Also use abyss jewel that increase minions damage. They get 75% boost from the belt and you can have nice flat phy/chaos damage added.

Isn't even better if you have vulnerability on hit AND Divergent Maim?
Isn't even better if you have vulnerability on hit AND Divergent Maim?

Well, I guess so yeah. So honestly, I don't know what to say, I don't even stick to the build 100% and find it tanky with really good DPS. Of course it is not going to be aura stacker like immortal or flicker strike zoom-zoom DPS but that's still the most solid build I've played for a long time, both on the defense and the offense.
I don't see anything wrong with your tree and even if I can't see your gear it seems you have all that is needed. Maybe it is just not meant to fit everybody playstyle.
Hi first i like to say in love this build i am almost unkillable still a few gem upgrades etc but to be honest all content is more than doable anyways. I was doing lv 83 eternal lab to see if i could facetank the boss ( the answer is yes btw )

I did 6x helm enchants to see if i got anything i could use and i got this

Now i am not sure if i have borked my build Now with the 30% enchant harald of purity is Free or near enough

Here is my Gear

the Current gear without enchant put my ES about 7.1k with DMG reduction at 90 and 75/75 block you can probably guess my problem

YES Yep you got To much Mana. The question what do do with it, I have Enough for another Herald or which i have tested already or some other Aura

SO i am Now at a loss as what to do I am open to Suggestions

EDIT : Just checked Herald of Purity Mana Reserves is 0% AND 11% if i took off
one Ring.

EDIT Just done The Maven Invite the Breach lords Lots of elemental damage but still basically tank and spank Just remember to use your Molten Shell a lot and Vaal Discipline I found Popping it off when Esh starts his Lightning Nova the best time
Last edited by mrfb_1 on Jan 29, 2021, 11:53:09 PM
Does Anyone post your POB of POE character in Maven's Invitation: The Feared or Maven's Boss Fight?

I just finish my first 10 Bosses Fight with Maven witness. What a nightmare.
I finish fight using the last portal. Tanky is not very useful under 3~4 Bosses attacks. If I Got 0.2 second Stun or 0.2 second freeze, I got killed.

I think Maven's related fights required very high DPS, I am considering to reroll Ball Lighting Miner Saboteur.
Last edited by dennisleetw on Jan 29, 2021, 10:04:08 PM

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