[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

King_Haart wrote:
What's a good ES to transition to CI on? I'm at about 4.2K right now, with 9.4K armor before Memory Vault (waiting til I get the rings before using that).

Should I be waiting on any particular jewels or anything?

Also, I'm finding that even at 4.2K ES, I'm still getting my ES entirely removed at times, despite having the Aegis Aurora shield. I'm thinking of running with Energy Leech instead of one of the other Cyclone links in the meantime to compensate for that, would that make sense?

My attach block chance is 75% and spell block chance is at 44% with glancing blows, as the Blue Nightmare (or it's recipe) are still out of budget for me.

I'd look at your build but your profile is private. I got the rings last so I could switch to CI faster - memory vault is pretty key for survivability. Get one. Until you get the rings you can just use determination and 6L HoP. Mem vault will boost your energy shield and ES on block from aegis since your armour sounds low atm. Notice in the guide rings are even in the after most uniques section.
Kedaz31 wrote:
Lunethzz wrote:

I think it's fact that you need at least 45% reservation on your rings (in my case that 23% and 22%). You can calculate the amount of reservation a fertile catalyst gives.

10% of 15% reservation = 1.5 reservation. So 10% qual on a 15% reservation ring will give 16,5 total (I think the game rounds this of to 17%).
This could be calculated for every roll.
Summed up for you here:

20% on a 15% ring would give 18% mana reservation
20% on a 16% ring would give 19% mana reservation
20% on a 17% ring would give 20% mana reservation
20% on a 18% ring would give 22% mana reservation
20% on a 19% ring would give 23% mana reservation
20% on a 20% ring would give 24% mana reservation

Knowing we need atleast 45% you need atleast 1 ring with 19% reservation rolled. The other one can be 18%. It will take less catalysts if you start of with a better roll ofc.

So max 40 catalysts used when u have a 18% and 19% rings.
Only 25 catalysts when you have 2 20% rings.

Hope this helped. Good luck

Hey, math is good but... Where do you find your 22% with a 18% reserved mana base item ? I just made a test with a 18% reserved mana and the final is 21% and not 22%... It's +1% mana reserved every 6% Quality not 5% quality...

My ring was a 18% (buyed though the link of the guide), after added 20 catalyst, it isn't at 22% as listed but really at 21%.

On POB if you leave Clarity with a 21% and 23% you have 0 mana reserved, you have to remove empower aswell to get it work or get a 22% & 23% (base item with 19% and 20%) atleast (empower on, clarity off and you have 55 mana free which is enough tbh)..

I'm confused :) Something is wrong around there or can you explain it? Why my ring show 21 and not 22 if you are right? I don't understand :o


PS: implicits of my ring are shitty i know but can't afford better one for now :p

hmm, thnx for testing. It seems weird. Cuz 1% of 18 is 0,18%. This times 20 = 3,6%. this is 21,6. I would've thought that they rounded this of to 22%
dennisleetw wrote:
Exxi wrote:
One thing on prices:

I still think it's worth to mention in +/- of this build :)

You don't need "+1 Sentinel of Purity" to do all content.
If you read the whole content, you will see in the end of gear

"Getting the last uniques
By this point you're nearing the min-maxing phase, so keep in mind that you don't "need" do buy what I mention here, it's really just in case you absolutely love the build and want to keep pushing it, but you should be able to do all content even if you stop here."

It list in mix-maxing section just for the rich guy who have tons of mirrors to spend.

I think he just wanted to point it out to those who have too much currency
Lunethzz wrote:
hmm, thnx for testing. It seems weird. Cuz 1% of 18 is 0,18%. This times 20 = 3,6%. this is 21,6. I would've thought that they rounded this of to 22%

Yes it's weird cause it mean you need atleast a base item with 19% reserved mana and a 20% if you leave the clarity from the build, or a double base item 20% if you want to keep that clarity (which can be usefull with a watcher's eye with % energy shield while under clarity aura).


Is there a proballity of a tooltip issue which cause that loss of the rounded? I will make more test while i have ex to get a 20% base item and check with both ring 18 & 20 if that work but i doubt...
Last edited by Kedaz31 on Jan 27, 2021, 6:01:51 AM
Kedaz31 wrote:
Lunethzz wrote:
hmm, thnx for testing. It seems weird. Cuz 1% of 18 is 0,18%. This times 20 = 3,6%. this is 21,6. I would've thought that they rounded this of to 22%

Yes it's weird cause it mean you need atleast a base item with 19% reserved mana and a 20% if you leave the clarity from the build, or a double base item 20% if you want to keep that clarity (which can be usefull with a watcher's eye with % energy shield while under clarity aura).


Is there a proballity of a tooltip issue which cause that loss of the rounded? I will make more test while i have ex to get a 20% base item and check with both ring 18 & 20 if that work but i doubt...

I doubt that that will work. After all it seems that u need either 2 19%'s at least
I finally got a 6L 4R2B body armor, what i'm wondering is:
Predator skill level is not increased by empower support, but in your PoB it is - what is wrong here?
Has anyone done the Maven fight, the breachlord 4-way, etc with this build? How was it? Were the defences enough? Was the dps enough to not simply die from attrition?

I'm currently playing a Life Dom Blow Guardian and was considering switching to this for better end-game bossing potential, the above fights have been very rough for me due to the ramp up time of Dom Blow (especially if you die once they then become super hard). I'm willing to take a hit in mapping speed for a more comfortable bossing experience.
Lunethzz wrote:
I doubt that that will work. After all it seems that u need either 2 19%'s at least

Yeah i see what you heading on.

- Double 19% reserved mana base item = Clarity and Empower off

- 19% + 20% base item = Clarity off, Empower on (something like 55mana remaining)

- Double 20% base item = Clarity + Empower can be enable (100+ mana remaining)

I will go for 19 & 20 myself cause i can't afford the watcher's eye yet, so i don't really need that clarity for now.

Thanks for precision and so on ^^
unciuchino wrote:
Has anyone done the Maven fight, the breachlord 4-way, etc with this build? How was it? Were the defences enough? Was the dps enough to not simply die from attrition?

Did 4-way elder guardians an hour ago. Died once to a smash i forgot to dodge while at half ES but everything else was just face tanking.

You really need a dousing and staunching flask with "gain a charge when you get hit by an enemy" without dousing it would be near impossible.

Edit: Did it at lvl 88 with only 6,5K ES. A4 Sirus was super easy too. Oh and both accidently with melee splash spiders because i forgot to switch to melee phys.
Last edited by Zerber on Jan 27, 2021, 7:34:56 AM
Hi, I have been playing this build for the last 2 weeks and I just wanted to say thank you for this really well written guide. Build is fun and really strong, with my first deathless A8 Sirus done for example.

I saw few people complaining about the lack of DPS, but I don't have any problem at all. The guide is really well written but if you use common sense, you can adapt it to stay really efficient with less investment. I don't have any alternate quality gems, not the best rolls on items and only got 3R 1G 2B Skin of the Lords. So I swapped Bloodlust with Impale and got gloves with Despair on hit. And it is working really well. I play Standard so could get Legacy gloves and ring, which allows me to run 6L HoP with only one Guilt ring + Enlighten on the auras. I could get the catalyst instead but don't really need to fit an extra gem here.
Overall I reck everything with a 10-15 exalt build which still has massive room for improvement. Lvl 100 is still a long road ahead, but the defenses are really good and I am confident to reach level 95+ which is a big step ahead of my other builds.

So again, thanks for the time and effort you put in writing all of that.

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