[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Hi Vatinas,
Thanks a lot. It's really the best build and I finally beat Sirus Awkewned Level 6 for the first time(I should try AW0 but I forget to remove all watchstones). The build is cheap, tanky, easy(spiders do everything for you) and good dps all in one package. I really appreciate it.
hi, I am level 92 now, precisely followed skills development tree, got all the gear (except for minion damage jewel), got all the gear, but chance to block spell damage is stuck at 56%, how do you make it 75%? Thanks!
Apologies, post above should have been posted from this account, character in question is AlkistC
Okay, lvl 93 and have about 20ex. What should my next upgrade be?

Last edited by dennisleetw on Dec 16, 2020, 3:51:33 AM
saxisa wrote:
Okay, lvl 93 and have about 20ex. What should my next upgrade be?


By this point, you can consider yourself done. You've got everything, you're good. However, if you're still getting currency and love the build so much that you want to keep pushing, here is what you can do.

A "+1 sentinel" enchant on Memory Vault is a great damage boost, but is really rare, and thus expensive. You should expect at the very least 25ex. Running the lab yourself to get it is usually a bad idea; you can only get it in Uber lab, and with the amount of enchants available... Oof.

A "+1 to level of socketed gems" Skin of the Loyal is probably the single most powerful upgrade you can get. It increases the level of every support gem, plus the level of your main gem, HoP, by one, plus it increases the level of HoP by one more since it increases the level of Empower! I don't want to say a percentage damage increase in case the support gems / numerical values change in the future, but expect around 30% more damage from it.

Finally, it might sound stupid, but getting to a level as high as you have the patience for allows you to grab some very precious passives, like Righteous Army, and is a great way to get even more damage and tankiness without spending the slightest bit of currency. (:
saxisa wrote:
Okay, lvl 93 and have about 20ex. What should my next upgrade be?

I think get immunity to corrupted blood on your healthy mind jewel

+2 to duration gems or even better the extra +1 socketed gems on the chest

Boots enchant

Or work on upgrading more Gems to 21

One of your belt jewels missing 2% block

Awakened minion damage gem in the chest an option as well
Last edited by riniah on Dec 18, 2020, 12:59:43 PM
AlkistB wrote:
hi, I am level 92 now, precisely followed skills development tree, got all the gear (except for minion damage jewel), got all the gear, but chance to block spell damage is stuck at 56%, how do you make it 75%? Thanks!

Missing Mystic Bulwark on the tree.
Last edited by riniah on Dec 18, 2020, 12:53:25 PM
riniah wrote:
AlkistB wrote:
hi, I am level 92 now, precisely followed skills development tree, got all the gear (except for minion damage jewel), got all the gear, but chance to block spell damage is stuck at 56%, how do you make it 75%? Thanks!

Missing Mystic Bulwark on the tree.
Thank you very much!

I'm currently trying this build and i'm loving it! I wasn't a big fan of HoP (too clunky and unconsistent), but this build is super easy to get going.. and it include my favorite minions : Spiders!

I'm not fully geared yet (mainly missing a Circle of Guilt and Skin of the Loyal), but I was wondering if there are other good alternatives or even better alternatives to Skin of the Loyal? Because, its really hard to get one with the right colors on it (especially now at league launch (Playing Flashback btw)).

I was thinking about those two alternatives :

Vaal Regalia
- A ton of ES (about ~1k more ES on my planned PoB)
- Other usefull stats to fill the blanks or improve (like resistances, so I could respect a couple resistances skill tree nodes into something more usefull)

- Definitely way more expensive (but it would be the only expensive item of the build, so it's not too bad)
- Less armour (from 74k to 60k, but it's still an enormous amount)
- Loose 2% evade chance (does it make any goods anyway ?)
- Loose some +1 on gems (depends the mods on it) (means maybe a biut less damage on HoP)
- Hard to color (int based, but the bench can make it easy)

Brass Dome
- More expensive
- Big armor boost (from 74k to 96k)
- No crit (insane defensive layer)
- Easy to color (str based)

- Reduce movespeed (no big deal, at least for me)
- Less block chance (that hurts) (from 75% on both to 53% 55%)
- Increase shock effect by 50% (but we have a -30% on skill tree, so it's not too bad I suppose)
- Loose +1 HoP and +1 support gems (unless expensive corruption)

Anything i'm missing or any other suggestions ?

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