[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS

Heya, hoping someone could help an old man out here with some questions I'm left with,
This build looks crazy fun, and I want to use it for my final challenges (mainly the boss kills and conditional boss kills).
I have some currency so its not a league start sort of situation, do I start using the a dagger as soon as I can just not with cyclone? The "leveling" section focused more on league start rather than mid league.
Why are we not taking https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Unnatural_Calm (top left of passive tree)?
18% increased maximum Energy Shield
+1% to maximum Lightning Resistance
15% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Hi, great great guide, the best i've see in times. There is a lot of work on it. Thanks Vatinas.
I have one question, how goes the build in the high-end content like T19 100% Deliriums Maps, Simulacrums, Grandmasters, etc?
IGN Now with MssDeath
Uyuhk wrote:
Why are we not taking https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Unnatural_Calm (top left of passive tree)?
18% increased maximum Energy Shield
+1% to maximum Lightning Resistance
15% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate

That will cost another 3 skill points and the extra ES and max lightning res isn't really needed. If you want you can always take them and skip some other nodes with e.g. minion damage.

aaresmi wrote:
Hi, great great guide, the best i've see in times. There is a lot of work on it. Thanks Vatinas.
I have one question, how goes the build in the high-end content like T19 100% Deliriums Maps, Simulacrums, Grandmasters, etc?

T19 100% delirium will be doable but slow imho. Simulacrums are easy, did a few and worked fine. I did a HOGM run for my atlas after hitting lvl100 and destroyed all but 1... think he was called Zami. Tried with a balefire as often, masters are vulnerable to scorching ray but also didn't work. Then I asked someone with an actual scorching ray build but he also could not get him down.. not even damage him. Eventually the trick was to use frost bomb as the master apparently healed up faster than any damage done.

I've done my first uber elder solo kill and also did uber atziri. Both not deathless but that is more because of my bad positioning. Sirus A8 is a breeze. The only things that this build isn't really shining in is blighted maps and legion encounters.

You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
Thank you for making this great guide. It was my league starter and right now is almost unkillable (I'm bad at positioning on bosses). Here's POB:https://pastebin.com/nNFcsRY9. Will definitly try to reach 100lvl. If you guys have some ideas on improving my build, please let me know.
Hi, how am I supposed to sustain 20 spiders during maps/heists? I keep losing them and have to stop, desacrate twice, use the flasks and cyclone on the worms to summon them and most of the times my minions kill the worms before me (yes, I've red the FAQ, but I can't wait for senstinels to despawn middle map); I must be doing something wrong for sure.
My dps is kinda weak aswell.

Keep in mind I geared this guy 2 days ago and leveled up to 93 doing party breachstones and beachheads to figure out wether my low level was my problem.
Also I misclicked a vaal on predator, I'm going to fix gems and quality in the dagger later.

The main differences with the original build are:
1. No watcher's eye;
2. No 23% cyrcle of guilt, I'm using 1% reduced mana reserved energised armour to fit both auras and the herald perfectly;
3. No vuln on hit shaper's touch;
4. Empower level 3;
5. Medium cluster jewel with only cult leader;

Since I made this build only for running heists without worrying too much about dying, as I said in my first post, and spent around 3-4ex for this gear (yes, I was lucky to find some generous people), I'm only going to do cost efficient upgrades, only if necessary (e.g. empower lvl 4 for 3ex is not cost efficient). What do you suggest?
Also what's the best gem setup for running heists? I was thinking about withering touch, minion damage, melee splash.


character: GuySpidersinger
Uyuhk wrote:
Hi, how am I supposed to sustain 20 spiders during maps/heists? I keep losing them and have to stop, desacrate twice, use the flasks and cyclone on the worms to summon them and most of the times my minions kill the worms before me (yes, I've red the FAQ, but I can't wait for senstinels to despawn middle map); I must be doing something wrong for sure.
My dps is kinda weak aswell.

Keep in mind I geared this guy 2 days ago and leveled up to 93 doing party breachstones and beachheads to figure out wether my low level was my problem.
Also I misclicked a vaal on predator, I'm going to fix gems and quality in the dagger later.

The main differences with the original build are:
1. No watcher's eye;
2. No 23% cyrcle of guilt, I'm using 1% reduced mana reserved energised armour to fit both auras and the herald perfectly;
3. No vuln on hit shaper's touch;
4. Empower level 3;
5. Medium cluster jewel with only cult leader;

Since I made this build only for running heists without worrying too much about dying, as I said in my first post, and spent around 3-4ex for this gear (yes, I was lucky to find some generous people), I'm only going to do cost efficient upgrades, only if necessary (e.g. empower lvl 4 for 3ex is not cost efficient). What do you suggest?
Also what's the best gem setup for running heists? I was thinking about withering touch, minion damage, melee splash.


character: GuySpidersinger

Herald of purity damage scales greatly with gem level. Because of this, you should focus on raising your herald of purity gem as much as possible. You should get a 21 23 hop gem as soon as possible and spend the money for empower level 4. A pricier upgrade would be a skin of loyal with a good implicit such as +2 duration gems. Also, you are missing sentinel damage on one of your rings.

For sustaining spiders, try and keep them active for as long as possible. What I mean by this is instead of waiting for them to run out, summon more worms occasionally while your minions are distracted killing a pack. If there are already corpses on the ground just pop worms, if not then desecrate.

Also, you are using bloodlust on your 6L but you have no source of bleed.

You have two options for bleed source: divergent maim or vuln on hit gloves. You can pick up gloves for ~1 ex. I would prioritize getting the gloves ASAP. Then raise your HoP gem levels any way you can and also switch to divergent melee splash instead of regular melee splash for spiders.
Last edited by Shadafaka on Nov 20, 2020, 5:24:17 PM
Shadafaka wrote:
Uyuhk wrote:
Hi, how am I supposed to sustain 20 spiders during maps/heists? I keep losing them and have to stop, desacrate twice, use the flasks and cyclone on the worms to summon them and most of the times my minions kill the worms before me (yes, I've red the FAQ, but I can't wait for senstinels to despawn middle map); I must be doing something wrong for sure.
My dps is kinda weak aswell.

Keep in mind I geared this guy 2 days ago and leveled up to 93 doing party breachstones and beachheads to figure out wether my low level was my problem.
Also I misclicked a vaal on predator, I'm going to fix gems and quality in the dagger later.

The main differences with the original build are:
1. No watcher's eye;
2. No 23% cyrcle of guilt, I'm using 1% reduced mana reserved energised armour to fit both auras and the herald perfectly;
3. No vuln on hit shaper's touch;
4. Empower level 3;
5. Medium cluster jewel with only cult leader;

Since I made this build only for running heists without worrying too much about dying, as I said in my first post, and spent around 3-4ex for this gear (yes, I was lucky to find some generous people), I'm only going to do cost efficient upgrades, only if necessary (e.g. empower lvl 4 for 3ex is not cost efficient). What do you suggest?
Also what's the best gem setup for running heists? I was thinking about withering touch, minion damage, melee splash.


character: GuySpidersinger

Herald of purity damage scales greatly with gem level. Because of this, you should focus on raising your herald of purity gem as much as possible. You should get a 21 23 hop gem as soon as possible and spend the money for empower level 4. A pricier upgrade would be a skin of loyal with a good implicit such as +2 duration gems. Also, you are missing sentinel damage on one of your rings.

For sustaining spiders, try and keep them active for as long as possible. What I mean by this is instead of waiting for them to run out, summon more worms occasionally while your minions are distracted killing a pack. If there are already corpses on the ground just pop worms, if not then desecrate.

Also, you are using bloodlust on your 6L but you have no source of bleed.

You have two options for bleed source: divergent maim or vuln on hit gloves. You can pick up gloves for ~1 ex. I would prioritize getting the gloves ASAP. Then raise your HoP gem levels any way you can and also switch to divergent melee splash instead of regular melee splash for spiders.

Thanks, I was thinking about the gloves aswell. Also I've been doing some t15+ mapping and bossing today and I think that I just need to desacrate more, also many gems hit level 20 today and put them at 20 quality so I felt the difference.
Uyuhk wrote:
Hi, how am I supposed to sustain 20 spiders during maps/heists? I keep losing them and have to stop, desacrate twice, use the flasks and cyclone on the worms to summon them and most of the times my minions kill the worms before me (yes, I've red the FAQ, but I can't wait for senstinels to despawn middle map); I must be doing something wrong for sure.

1. Desecrate ONCE.
2. Use 2 flasks with worms ONCE.
3. Kill the worms. Now you have 10 spiders.
4. Wait 5-10 seconds.
5. Repeat 1-2-3. Now you have 20 spiders. Start mapping.

When the first 10 spiders will be unsummoned, the second 10 will kill some mobs and summon 10 more, if you will keep cycloning of course.
gelion228 wrote:
Uyuhk wrote:
Hi, how am I supposed to sustain 20 spiders during maps/heists? I keep losing them and have to stop, desacrate twice, use the flasks and cyclone on the worms to summon them and most of the times my minions kill the worms before me (yes, I've red the FAQ, but I can't wait for senstinels to despawn middle map); I must be doing something wrong for sure.

1. Desecrate ONCE.
2. Use 2 flasks with worms ONCE.
3. Kill the worms. Now you have 10 spiders.
4. Wait 5-10 seconds.
5. Repeat 1-2-3. Now you have 20 spiders. Start mapping.

When the first 10 spiders will be unsummoned, the second 10 will kill some mobs and summon 10 more, if you will keep cycloning of course.

I'll try this, thanks for the reply.

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