
Newbie here. I’m enjoying the game and build so far. May I ask why dual swords instead of axes? Also I’ve seen lots of love for Resolute Techniques, why not in this build?
Last edited by mygod23 on Jun 10, 2019, 9:20:51 PM
Newbie here. I’m enjoying the game and build so far. May I ask why dual swords instead of axes? Also I’ve seen lots of love for Resolute Techniques, why not in this build?

Resolute Techniques is an easy way to cap accuracy. With this tree you get plenty of accuracy, so we can focus on crit. Can't crit with RT, so it's a huge damage boost.
I'm sure you can use axes if you want, just have to pick up all axe nodes instead of swords, though I think swords are easier to get accuracy with.
So, they fixed Multistrike with Bladestorm?
Or this guide is useless? Kappa
Hi there, awesome build! This is my third league and my first time playing a melee character. I was wondering if you foresee any issues with running out of mana on this build. Thanks!
Mana isn't really an issue once you get leech.
Phucie wrote:
Mana isn't really an issue once you get leech.

But if you manage to get -total mana cost on ring, you can wiggle Pride in and reserve almost all your mana :]
Vertor et revertor.
Phucie wrote:
Mana isn't really an issue once you get leech.

But if you manage to get -total mana cost on ring, you can wiggle Pride in and reserve almost all your mana :]

Actually you'd need one on each ring and one on amulet. Bladestorm in a 6L is 24 mana, if you drop herald of purity for pride in the current setup you'd have 13 unreserved mana. I'm pretty sure it's still worth but way more expensive as you prefixes can't be anything else than life / added phys / mana cost, and your suffixes will probably just be resists + intelligence.
Last edited by ploxirion on Jun 11, 2019, 4:23:55 AM
Tell me pls, i dont understand.. Can sandstorms apply impale?
nnunhtiek wrote:
The pastebin under the Bladestorm section is still missing all of the leveling steps in the trees. Only the level 90 tree has points. Was this supposed to be updated or still coming?

Must've forgotten about it, will fix!

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