
@UlyUly at Off-Hand gems, you have Berserk instead of Dread Banner linked :)
Vertor et revertor.
teslabear wrote:

Yea it reminds me of running damage on full life support, trying to balance the large damage increases vs the down time (having to continually land hits to proc the damage with impale). Or rutheless/multistrike for that matter. Theoretical look awesome but realistic dps is hard to assume. I believe it is pre mitigation which is also nice against mobs that are anti-phys.

Just recolored my chest to 3R3G so adding in pulverise now, I'll let you know how it feels. Currently have foritfy in leap slam so running:
Lacerate - Brutality - Close Combat - Impale - Multistrike - Pulverise

About to start running T10+ maps if you want me to experiment with anything.

Yeah, I definitely see it as a single-target exclusive DPS upgrade. I'm looking forward to hearing from you about your experiences.
aqrunnr wrote:
I'd like to add that I really didn't like using Lion's Roar with this, and actually banked it in favor of a sulphur flask. The knockback just doesn't synergize very well.

I enjoyed using it on enemies near walls. It basically locks them in place, making them unable to attack if they are melee.
nnunhtiek wrote:

I checked the pastebin link under the Bladestorm section but it seems to still be the same. Did you update it in a different place?

Thanks for the effort and great guide!

Will check it once I get back home, thanks for pointing that out!
aqrunnr wrote:
Finishing the weekend with a 14 Red Elder kill on less than 40c w/ Tabula still. Build potential is high but it definitely won't be a build for everyone.

The biggest complaint is the QoL surrounding Rage. If you need to idle at all in a map to whisper or look at an item, you're going to degen most of your health and need to be careful not to get killed outright.

Otherwise, really loving it. Can't wait to start working on gear and see how much potential it really has.

Pop Berserk and burn it? I'm playing HC and wondering if Vaal Pact is worth it, atm I don't degen from Blood Rage which I like (don't have the Rite of Ruin yet)

I mostly use Berserk as a buff for map bosses.

Come into the arena, place Warchief, change to Blood, slap Berserk and annihilate the boss.
aqrunnr wrote:
Finishing the weekend with a 14 Red Elder kill on less than 40c w/ Tabula still. Build potential is high but it definitely won't be a build for everyone.

The biggest complaint is the QoL surrounding Rage. If you need to idle at all in a map to whisper or look at an item, you're going to degen most of your health and need to be careful not to get killed outright.

Otherwise, really loving it. Can't wait to start working on gear and see how much potential it really has.

Do you have any idea on how to fix this issue? Thought about unspeccing Vaal Pact, but it needs some further testing :/
May take me a little longer to reply today as I'm having my braces taken off (just wanted to give you guys a heads up + I'm happy about that).
UlyUly wrote:
May take me a little longer to reply today as I'm having my braces taken off (just wanted to give you guys a heads up + I'm happy about that).

Thank you so much for this build guide and hard work improving it plus supporting all the questions here! Exactly the guide I was looking for this league with the new skill.
Morclye wrote:
UlyUly wrote:
May take me a little longer to reply today as I'm having my braces taken off (just wanted to give you guys a heads up + I'm happy about that).

Thank you so much for this build guide and hard work improving it plus supporting all the questions here! Exactly the guide I was looking for this league with the new skill.

Thanks for your support :)
Having some issues with Vaal Pact right now I think.
I sometimes stop leeching completely and start losing life, but when I hit my life flask I see the bar being topped and instantly being depleted again even when there are no monsters being left.
Running no blood rage currently and being not affected by the rage degen.
It feels a little bit odd, but when I unspecc VP, life leech feels way better, never stopping my leech effect with a way smoother sustain.
Am I stupid or does VP disable my life flasks?

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