Balance in Path of Exile: Legion

BlaqWolf wrote:
IMO, I'm not chuffed so much about WOrb (never played), bane, or the like.

Warlord mana leech removal was just... uhm, okay, why? Where are mana leech nodes going to be put on the tree for any builds on the left side? Melee skills are *hella* mana expensive. With no way to gain mana and relying solely on laughable mana regen means melee is going to be stuck with 'default attack' a LOT.

What *does* chuff me is the gutting of defensive mechanics, mitigation, et al and sundry. Which pretty much says: go speed, go insane dps, or die. Defenses will avail you nothing so don't even bother.

I assume you mean spell casters and not melee. There are a ton of melee mana leech nodes available on the tree for duellist/marauder builds.
Shame I really was starting to like Vortex Occultist. :(
I played an Occultist to lvl 97 this league. Getting geared was a freaking Joke. You basically pick up something, throw 1-5 Dense fossils on it and you're good.
I am all for a slight nerf to ES numbers and especially to the method of acquiring. I just really really hope they don't overdo it this time (again).

I totally see how Occultist and Trickster were too strong. Hopefully they get tuned and not gutted. But Elementalist? Really? Was that neccessary?
Wow, you guys always blow my mind when i realize you are probably the only game company that actually tackle the problems from the core mechanisms of their game, and seriously work on those aspects each big update. For this alone you have my respect.

So now i'll just make a proposition about this aspect:

Canceling after the events of an action won't let you perform any actions until the first action would have completed, other than moving. This lets you move in short bursts between attacks or casts.

Animation canceling is one of the thing missing in the game, and i'm pretty sure it will significantly impact the feeling of combat in a positive way. This kind of feature usually belong to AAA games and i think poe belong to this category of game; it's no more an "indy game".

Now that being said i think enabling skill weaving is probably a good idea for few skills. First it would reduce the problems we have between single target and aoe oriented skill, and also the apparition of a lot of "instant" skills (that i see as a band aid to fix problems), as it could let you weave them and gain performance using combinations of those (thus no need to have instant skills). It would significantly reduce the importance of very high attack speed (as the trend is just problematic and don't look right in my opinion), because weaving skills would become a valid option to high attack speed, and boost slow hitting skill if they can combine with other skills. It would reduce the problems with the limitation of gem sockets, especially with the dual weapon/weapon shield compared to 2h that gain access to 2x6 sockets and other don't. And last but not least it would significantly raise the ceiling of player skill needed to perform well, which is always very welcome.

I know this is probably an entire domain of revamp and work by itself and probably wasn't considered for this alone, but it could be enabled for very few skill to begin with, and imo should be considered in future developments.

Now I have dilemma, SLAYER or BERSERKER...
I wonder if the splash damage included in melee is effective for minions that deal melee damage (zombie, spectre from melee mobs,..)

PS: making HH harder to obtain will change nothing: it will be only more expensive and very experimented players that can make currencies very fast and early will have it. the only difference is that less lucky "common" players will have it.
Now people will actually have to actively play the game or else they will get one shot easily.
Oh my lord i'm loosing faith in humanity ;d I feel like ppl who actually think objectively here are 0.1% ...
That Warlord's Mark nerf is so unnecessary.
does the current abyss jewel mods go legacy?

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