Balance in Path of Exile: Legion

--Multistrike roll all 3 hit on 1st hit (chance to hit, critical ect ect...)
mean if i miss (and happen more time then u think) in the middle of pack (...cos im melee in this case) I die like noob cos i miss 3 times, just the "time to die" Qhat about fix this instead nerf the reason for what this skill is made ?

-- "Certain very powerful unique items will be harder to obtain now"
Another LOLOED expression
I've been playing for 4 years 12/7 and I've never seen half of the uniques in this game. Try to find certain items in a league that lasts just 3 months. GL League ppl.

-- "As a result of changes to the accuracy calculation, monsters will have a higher chance to hit players as well."

Eva Rip of(Eva Rip of(Eva Rip of(Eva Rip of(Eva Rip of))))

READ: nested NERF

♪ ♫ . M u s i c I s T h e A n s w e r . ♫
RNG = Common taboo affect video game players who believe in "fortune" instead of Decimal fraction.
Do you like the new League? No ty, I dont like "Survival" games! (STD best league ever)
Last edited by psycatz on Jun 4, 2019, 3:41:19 AM
the changes are almost all good, very good manifesto patch.

i think the level of salt its generated... you know u could avoid a lot of this by simply not adding stuff you should really know if broken to begin with right? How many times do u see people in the feedback forums just saying "wtf is this broken shit uve added?"

theyre almost always right, you almost always have to then nerf them and then this happens, the tears. It could be avoided.

a lot of hard caster nerfs in 1 hit, maybe could have spaced them a bit? lol. Maybe its for the best tho, just pull off the bandaid now and let people get over it before 4.0 comes, that way 4.0 isnt dragged into the nerf muck by containing a bunch of this stuff?

i dunno. its good changes anyway for the most.

the warlords mana thing, yes warlords was stupid, that shouldnt be the answer. But you might have to look at mana regen again tbh. You improved it, it got better a while back after myself and a lot of others made comments, ziggy made some comments. Its better, but its still in a situation where you could literally take every mana notable in the top half of the tree, get mana regen on all 3 jewelery slots, run a boosted lvl22 clarity, have arcane surge up and still completely fail to sustain your mana costs on a 6L spell, like not even come close to sustaining it.

youre gonna push people away from self cast into totems, traps, mines, coc, cwc etc if they literally cannot sustain mana costs despite huge investment. sure, make them invest, but there has to be an investment there to make that actually works. Id argue in too many cases its not even possible to sustain with mana regen still. You might wanna buff some of the mana regen nodes around witch a fair bit before this goes live tbh.

Iamod wrote:
slindimasq wrote:
Iam really happy that you have Tencent to support you guys end of the month paycheck .Doubt the player base will.

Synthesis was the start of me not supporting GGG anymore. A bad league is one thing, but a bad game means I move on. Spells casters are getting actual spell nerfs, Super leech nerfs, ES nerfs. It's like, I can't play ES on SSF anymore because my 9k es turns into 6k which b4 your damage buff is 1 shot anyway, and i can't leech life unless i sacrifice a skill gem which is a 30-50% dmg multiplier. Great balancing work team.I was excited to play this league, but I'm so digusted now, I'm almost debating reneging my vacation to play for the first time ever..

MaraWuti wrote:
The curse easily solved mana problems for casters with minimal investment

Mana wasn't the problem, life leech was. Where the fuck are casters supposed to consistently get life leech from now? Attack-based characters get life leech out the ass for no investment, but casters aren't allowed have even one single curse for it?

energy shield leech gem provides 39% more damage while leeching at max level, its almost as good as a regular damage gem and gives you essentially the same life leech warlords had, without needing ghost reaver.

Most of the nerfs I don't really care about, as I've found some recent trends uninteresting. And they ware too pricey for what they do on top of that.

The this time true side of buffs looks however very epic.
misu2315 wrote:
Do only people which play standard reply to this thread?
One ascendancy is ruined so what? You start from nothing every few months is it that hard to pick a new one?
I understand the pain from people that play standard and their chars are ruined but what's the big deal when a new league comes out?
And it's always the same.
GGG nerfs a thing that was very powerful
-Everyone that plays that thing will be mad
GGG instead buffs the other things that are not so powerful as that, leaving the original very powerful thing, not so good anymore.
-Everyone that plays that thing will be mad

Anyways maybe i'm wrong but i have exam right now i have to go, good luck everyone!

It's not really the same. Imagine 2 scenarios:

1) I'm enjoying clearing my 5 uber elders per day with worb. GGG buffs melee so they can clear 6 uber elders per day. I can switch, or live with my 5.

2) I'm enjoying clearing my 5 uber elders per day with worb. GGG nerfs worb so that I can't kill uber elder any more.

See the difference? This is what makes people with heavy character investements cry.
Headhunter, Eternity Shroud and Solstice Vigil just got even rarer ? Damn...

Trickster Worb build just got an even more ridonkulous pricetag, and we don't even know how hard Worb is gonna get nerfed yet :o

I guess wait tomorrow for Legion patch notes to see how hard they nerf-hammered it ^^
Nasty builds nerfed while melee upped. So far so good.
Wow! Way to ruin everything good. GGG you nerf everything except the new release items/skills to make it so you have to play those to clear. If you found something good to play before, well it is nerfed to dust the next league or maybe two if you are lucky. Idk man, this might be the last straw for me. All the things I enjoyed this past Synthesis league have been nerfed. My support for GGG is definitely lessening. GGG plans to center around certain items/skills one league, and when proven to be "too" good that just can't stand. Whomever is in the room making these decisions you are causing your company to lose money. This is just the manifesto, so going to get worse when the full patch notes come out. I doubt this will ever be read anyways by any GGG member that will pass it along for improvement of the game, so not going to waste my time responding further.
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"Powerful Unique Item Rarity
Certain very powerful unique items will be harder to obtain now. This includes Headhunter, Eternity Shroud and Solstice Vigil."

Well its not like i had a chance to get a headhunter as casual anyways :P
Still no update regarding PS4 launch time on 10th...... love it how GGG cares about console players besides the GREAT trading experience on console....

lol. you can play what you want. but saying "force meleeshit down our throats." is literally saying you will only play meta builds. So that's your choice. You aren't forced to play anything. You didn't complain when they buffed spells and traps and left melee out of it did you? Did you say you were being forced to play spells?

Hell no , i fucking hate melee , i dont give a shit if it's shit or not , but gutting spells just to have melee being good isnt worth it.
Nothing wrong with playing meta tho , i'd rather play worb all leagues and fast clear than play some obscure build with snail tier speed.
With these changes we are forced to play melee if we wanna be efficient , spells are gutted basically.
Shit design.

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