[3.6] Tectonic Slam Jugg: MELT CONTENT (melee lives!) Razors build (discontinued)

Karathis wrote:
one thing has not been cleared up to me; why the hell arent you speccing into endurance charges. theyre supposed to be the bread and butter for juggs

Because Tectonic Slam expends them. No point stacking em.
How would Taste of Hate work with this build not at all?
ddd4175 wrote:
what other leveling weapons can you recommend apart from gryphon axes?

Well rolled corsair swords in the 50's range, or do what I did and use 2 Prismatic Eclipse swords 2 red 1 green and if you have mana issues roll the sockets 2red 1 blue on one.
M2T2 wrote:
As I understand damage conversion the physical damage is converted to fire before any multipliers.
0% physical, 100% fire here.

Why do you use the support gem melee physical damage then?

What do I miss?

Melee phys scales the phys damage before the conversion.

gokudin wrote:
So its shaper viable?

I haven't done the fight yet (someone please confirm if they do), but there's a 1mil shaper DPS build above you, so yes.

Br0man wrote:

How do you use your Flammability from your current setup?
Cant activate all 4 or did I miss something?

I was messing around with dropping Herald of Purrity and using Flammability with EE on Malachai's artifice. You can not run all together. I just left the gems there to finish leveling them up. The set up worked but was clunky enough that I wouldn't recommend it.

ddd4175 wrote:
what other leveling weapons can you recommend apart from gryphon axes?

Anything you can dual wield that has enough DPS and enough attack speed. You can just search for a DPS threshold and with a maximum level requirement for where you're and find something cheap.
Raschas wrote:
How would Taste of Hate work with this build not at all?

Sure will. I would replace the Wise Oak if I were to use it.
I was pretty skeptical regarding the power of this build tbh but after putting it through its paces, man does it perform well. Nice and smooth as Leap Slam based melee hero. TS's AOE is impressive and I managed to get exceptional dps veering away from your build. I haven't checked out Mathil's guide but am keen.


Xoph's brings a boatload of deeps (due mostly in part to the Ash debuff) but is expensive. Definitely need if you want to farm guardians. Would take too long otherwise with a rare.

I pathed towards Shadow as it actually nets us more life and damage. Dexterity (155) is also more important than Int (111).

Loreweave is still so hard to abandon, boosting eHP through the roof. And it also shines in this case. Onslaught can be had with a flask and I'd rather the 10% more damage multi it brings with it over Daresso'. Damage, attributes, elemental damage reduction, life, the chest just has it all. Competition for my endurance charges is not something I wanted.

I slapped this together with that I found on Standard. So far pushing just south of 1m Shaper dps. If I guessed the ceiling of the build, I'd say 2m might be possible. At least 1.5 with extremely optimized gear.

Performs exceptionally well, and could be just as well run with a Scion. A bit less dps, a bit more cumbersome thanks to a wonky EC generation method, she is immune to ele reflect if you opt for Elementalist. Unfortunately you end up trading that for TC immunity. I went for Marauder, more versatile.

This is very impressive. The first incarnation of this build (in BHC) had a tree similar to yours (I was grabbing phase/acro). I'm going to mess around this later, and may just post your pastebin in the guide. if you don't mind.

Are you able to maintain charges on solo bosses? Depending on the boss, I don't think I would get hit every 4 seconds to proc ash reliably, but I have been able to facetank harder combat so maybe I'm wrong. Being at max charges from Eye of Innocence/Unflinching is also really good. Attacking without endurance charges seems like the biggest DPS loss possible.

EDIT: Tree comparisons

Nothing was changed except the tree.

Guide 935k
Tiem 960k

Total Points used:
Guide 113
Tiem 121

Guide 206%
Tiem 227%

I hope i didn't miss a config setting, but they're comparable. I didn't see your double enlighten set up to use anger with the Watcher's Eye at first. Nice!
Last edited by sleevelessless on Dec 25, 2018, 12:58:05 PM
Where can i Improve? just respec to this build and i'm not feeling so tank

cAn i do ulab with this build?

Uber is easy, I facetank Izaro
I think i'm switching permanently to Eye of innocence. Having more uptime on my endurance charges seems to give me(much?) more survivability.
can we get updated path of building links, when i input the paste bin it says invalid version.

or take screen shots of the talents and post the pictures. would like to try this build out but i cant see any thing talent related.
Those who stand should never out number those who kneel.
Last edited by Virel_360 on Dec 25, 2018, 4:51:14 PM

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