[3.6] Tectonic Slam Jugg: MELT CONTENT (melee lives!) Razors build (discontinued)

rnbounty wrote:
hi what is the best tectonic slam helm enchant? 40% dmg or 20% more charged slams?

In several posts, the OP states that the 40% damage enchant is the best, it's also on the helm in Path of Building.

@sleevelessless thanks for the answer regarding the jewels.
rnbounty wrote:
hi what is the best tectonic slam helm enchant? 40% dmg or 20% more charged slams?

well wtf is that enchant ffs. More Charged Slams is not listed on wiki or use the word 'Tectonic.' I guess I should have re-read the patch notes.

sciferthesky wrote:

I have found what the enchant is and it is for tectonic slam for sure just wanted to post in case anyone else needed this info. Also it gives a flat 20% chance and doesn't take end charge to do so, rolls before the 35% chance so it will save you end charges.

So...it says "20% chance to create a Charged Slam," which would not use an endurance charge(?) to bring the chance up to 55% per hit, check 3 times per multistrike for about a 90% chance to have a charged slam. That seems...very good. It won't show up in PoB, and someone please correct me if I'm mistaken, but that seems very, very good.
This is very impressive. The first incarnation of this build (in BHC) had a tree similar to yours (I was grabbing phase/acro). I'm going to mess around this later, and may just post your pastebin in the guide. if you don't mind.

Are you able to maintain charges on solo bosses? Depending on the boss, I don't think I would get hit every 4 seconds to proc ash reliably, but I have been able to facetank harder combat so maybe I'm wrong. Being at max charges from Eye of Innocence/Unflinching is also really good. Attacking without endurance charges seems like the biggest DPS loss possible.

EDIT: Tree comparisons

Nothing was changed except the tree.

Guide 935k
Tiem 960k

Total Points used:
Guide 113
Tiem 121

Guide 206%
Tiem 227%

I hope i didn't miss a config setting, but they're comparable. I didn't see your double enlighten set up to use anger with the Watcher's Eye at first. Nice!

Yeah for sure, feel free to use the build info to make your own guide better. That's why I posted it. Always like exploring variations of a build.

I've taken it into 280 level delves and never felt pressed, it melted everything. Like I said TS's AOE is very impressive.

I do have issues one on one. ECs aren't that much of an issue to generate, but I'd love to be able to run a dual curse with flammability and warlord's, that would be amazing even for just mapping. But outside of that, I just feel it's not a good boss killer no matter what you do (I'd love it to be). I have an ele claw inquisitor and because of the ludicrous LGOH, it can out sustain this build. It also has far more damage. But MS is arduous to map with.

I'd love to toy with the idea of having another boss killing skill that's not just basically running with another chest that has something like BF on this. Which might be an option, I have lots of Loreweave's I could just fill up with gems and hot swap on boss fights. Or maybe we can tweak it to where it feels good but for now, bosses seem far too slow compared to other meta builds. TBH, however, I don't do many bosses these days anyways. Out of 25 you get one high tier map. Most are just big changes to rip for no or little reward.

This build is nice because of Unstoppable. That frees up so many mods you can run on a map. I think ele reflect and anti leech are the only ones this build can't run. I see temp chains on way to many I roll and I hate rerolling.

Deliver pain exquisite

Yeah, I've been chest swapping from Daresso's into Loreweave/Eye for bosses, and I don't have a better solution. The build's not going to be arc mines or BF, it was designed as a budget-ish mapping build (I rarely delve, but similar enough) and I think that's where TS shines. I agree, Unstoppable is great and rerolling maps sucks. I think it's the best melee build to fill out the atlas and/or chain maps.

Is there much value in Warlord's mark besides the leech?
Thanks for the build, sleevelessless!

For the lack of better gloves I'm currently running

I have a Consecrated Path setup in that one (duh, just saw it shows on the forums), which is actually nice for low-midtier maps. Not sure how well it will do in higher tier maps, but it makes the build even faster. I often just blink into a pack and then switch to Tec Slam, melting everything. The rampage those gloves provide is fun as hell, too.

Thought I'd leave that here for anyone who might be interested to give the build a spin / speed boost for Iceberg farming or something (:
Last edited by Hellborn90 on Dec 26, 2018, 3:38:57 AM

Is there much value in Warlord's mark besides the leech?

ECs. More QoL than anything. It's a cool skill and I've been dying to use a marauder for a long time now.

Deliver pain exquisite
Vultai wrote:
Karathis wrote:
one thing has not been cleared up to me; why the hell arent you speccing into endurance charges. theyre supposed to be the bread and butter for juggs

Because Tectonic Slam expends them. No point stacking em.

well how about the survivability then, wheres that coming from
Karathis wrote:
Vultai wrote:
Karathis wrote:
one thing has not been cleared up to me; why the hell arent you speccing into endurance charges. theyre supposed to be the bread and butter for juggs

Because Tectonic Slam expends them. No point stacking em.

well how about the survivability then, wheres that coming from

2% of life gained for each ignite, and our ignite chance is 100%. over 200% life. 80 percent max res if you want to wear Loreweave. Can't be stunned or slowed. AA. Can offscreen. There's a video of me facetanking red elder and surviving a slam to the face.

If you want 3 extra endurance charges and think they're more valuable than jewel slots, go ahead and take them. Since we're not scaling per endurance charges in any way besides aoe and damage, you would only get the base boost from each.
Last edited by sleevelessless on Dec 26, 2018, 11:18:24 AM
Loving this build. Clear speed is top notch. Even bossing isn't bad at all!

Got a lucky vaal and corrupted this! :D

diablomix wrote:
Loving this build. Clear speed is top notch. Even bossing isn't bad at all!

Got a lucky vaal and corrupted this! :D

Nice! me too!

Last edited by sleevelessless on Dec 26, 2018, 12:42:11 PM

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