[3.6] Tectonic Slam Jugg: MELT CONTENT (melee lives!) Razors build (discontinued)

So I checked both this and Mathil's PoB to compare the two.
While this one has around 300-400 more life, it also seems to have way lower DPS. I assume PoB calculates everything from the gear as well properly and if it does, this build does around 650k dps, while Mathil's version gets around 2M dps.

Why exactly should I choose this build over yours?

Honest question, I do not mean to be rude at all, I hope I don't come across that way.
I happen to have a 5L Daresso's Defiance and if I can use it properly for this build, I'd like to.
Wallwalker22 wrote:
Why exactly should I choose this build over yours?

androsh wrote:
Build looks good and I want to try it, but after seeing Mathil's build (which has a different passive tree style), I wanted to ask you what the differences are between the two.

To my newbie eyes they both look awesome, but I just wanted to figure out the pros/cons of each before I commit to one.

Thanks in advance!

This build is smoother for general mapping/delving, Mathil's does way more top end damage and is better for bossing. This build is cheaper, more defensive, faster, and can do any map mod besides ele reflect. Mathil's is crit with Abyssus and Oni, this is EO with large life gain on hit, buffed onslaught, and more life. Good luck!
Made this build for first char and leveling easy!
thx for the build!
Last edited by noldz on Dec 24, 2018, 1:21:59 PM
Here's a quick demo of a different set up you can use for bossing. It maintains charges for TS using Eye of Innocence, but we can't use Daresso's. Facetanking a red elder guardian on a 5L:


Detailed explanation added to the guide.

and Red Elder on a 5 link. Nice life gain from the Razor's:

Last edited by sleevelessless on Dec 24, 2018, 3:54:28 PM
@sleevelessless Grats on getting featured in Liftingbro's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD6M8A4o8HA&t=0s)

Also maybe, you want to use this PoB link.
It contains your leveling trees: https://pastebin.com/RZraSmEN
any changes you would recommend making to this build in HC?
Would "Kaom's Sign, Coral Ring" enhance this build at all?
seyandu wrote:
@sleevelessless Grats on getting featured in Liftingbro's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD6M8A4o8HA&t=0s)

Also maybe, you want to use this PoB link.
It contains your leveling trees: https://pastebin.com/RZraSmEN

Well that's cool, thanks.

Chumop wrote:
any changes you would recommend making to this build in HC?

Nothing that isn't obvious, it was designed as a HC build. Prioritize life and chaos res and your rares. No ele reflect. IF you're surrounded by mobs and you're hitting them, you'll live. Roll your flasks.

EliTheIceMan wrote:

Would "Kaom's Sign, Coral Ring" enhance this build at all?

Not compared to anything worth using.
Been using this thread and Mathil's build as a guide. Learned a lot from both so thank you. I was curious if you have ever tried Yoke of Suffering? I've been using one and the dps gain is very noticeable. Even on map bosses I'm getting big shocks and once I do they melt.

My current gear:

this build is a breze to lvl whit im at maping now and got the gear just now trying 2 6 link chest. got any rec on how to get the color the right on the links ?? and mby for bossing swap inn an conc effect ??

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