[3.6] Tectonic Slam Jugg: MELT CONTENT (melee lives!) Razors build (discontinued)

Multistrike change, if I'm reading it correctly (about 44% less attack speed and double damage on third hit, so 33% more damage), reduces this build's DPS by about 25 percent. Between this and the loss of a consistent way to proc Akaraali's life gain boost, I would not recommend this build for 3.7 unless there is a substantial buff to Razors or a rework of tectonic slam.

Chieftan's problem that it's endurance charge branch isn't very good for tech slam, providing up to 21% more (if always have charge for slam) and 15% more if you have consumed 5 charges recently, which will not have 100% uptime (esp. w/o multistrike).

If you want to use these swords or Oni or foils and go full fire conversion with covered in Ash (an average of up to 46% more damage with the added fire pendulum and a high phys weapon), you have to ignore the charge branch to take Tasalio, which is by far the reason to choose Chieftan. You can take the charge generation with your last point, but either totem option gives you more.

Changes from old multistrike:

-44% attack speed

no 30% less multiplier, new 33% of hits deal double damage (effectively 33% more) for net gain of 63% MORE dmg

Is this math correct? Did you account not having 30% less multiplier in your calculation of losing 25% of damage with the change? I really want to try Tectonic Slam next league and the whole concept depends on Multistrike still being viable.
Last edited by SolloPoE on Jun 4, 2019, 2:57:17 AM
Did you account not having 30% less multiplier in your calculation of losing 25% of damage with the change?

No, I did not see that in the manifesto. If that's the case it would only be a 5-10% loss, generously basing the reduced attack speed number on "This support now provides a lower attack speed multiplier, just over half that of the existing support gem."

Losing the attack speed will trash the life gain on hit and leech regardless. Maybe animation canceling will all be worth it <shrug> We'll know pretty soon.
Oh god... I didn't push that build in 3.6 (just lvled to 75) cause I wanted to do it in 3.7.. But I'm scared now that it will not be as good as before.. :'(

Please tell me it's gonna be fine !
This support now provides a lower attack speed multiplier, just over half that of the existing support gem. The previous iteration provided far too large an attack speed multiplier for a single gem, causing problems with performance, effects, animations and balance. The skill repeats now have a damage multiplier, dealing double damage on the third repeat.

You can now interrupt a multistrike attack between repeats, letting you avoid a dangerous boss ability or end an ongoing attack sequence when all enemies have already been dealt with. Overall, this makes Multistriking attacks much more responsive.

I'm really confused about this. It just reads like Ruthless now. Even more inconsistend damage - yay
"creating a noticeable difference between fast aggressive attacks and slower, much deadlier slams."
also seems like the individual gem adjustment for Tectonic Slam will feature a lower attack speed. I was trying to make a burn prolif tree but realized with blue and yellow mobs getting double life, that it was pointless. Hopefully melee will "feel" better with the changes...
Did you account not having 30% less multiplier in your calculation of losing 25% of damage with the change?

No, I did not see that in the manifesto. If that's the case it would only be a 5-10% loss, generously basing the reduced attack speed number on "This support now provides a lower attack speed multiplier, just over half that of the existing support gem."

Losing the attack speed will trash the life gain on hit and leech regardless. Maybe animation canceling will all be worth it <shrug> We'll know pretty soon.

New jewel (last one that got revealed) has 50% of lightning and cold damage taken as fire. Chieftan ascendancy has Tasalio which has built in 10% of physical taken as fire and 50% increased life recovery rate if we take fire damage from enemy hit recently...which would be every hit in this case meaning we would have insane life recovery if you take Tasalio, Valako and Tawhoa(12% life regen per second at 10 endurance charges or 11% on 8 charges (more realistic scenario) + whatever leech and life on hit we get). That sounds interesting.
Last edited by SolloPoE on Jun 4, 2019, 12:06:04 PM
Did you account not having 30% less multiplier in your calculation of losing 25% of damage with the change?

No, I did not see that in the manifesto. If that's the case it would only be a 5-10% loss, generously basing the reduced attack speed number on "This support now provides a lower attack speed multiplier, just over half that of the existing support gem."

Losing the attack speed will trash the life gain on hit and leech regardless. Maybe animation canceling will all be worth it <shrug> We'll know pretty soon.

New jewel (last one that got revealed) has 50% of lightning and cold damage taken as fire. Chieftan ascendancy has Tasalio which has built in 10% of physical taken as fire and 50% increased life recovery rate if we take fire damage from enemy hit recently...which would be every hit in this case meaning we would have insane life recovery if you take Tasalio, Valako and Tawhoa(12% life regen per second at 10 endurance charges or 11% on 8 charges (more realistic scenario) + whatever leech and life on hit we get). That sounds interesting.

The only extra proc of Tasalio would be when taking pure lightning and or cold damage if you have not taken any other kind of damage in the last 4 seconds. This is very conditional. I'm not sure how high you have to push your fire res for the jewel to be "worth it" otherwise, but it sure will be more than a loreweave. It seems like it's more for RF.

If you're playing tectonic slam, you will not have endurance charges since you are consuming them. The only exception to this is Jugg (or precursors with the same % chance to gain end charges up to max) with eye of innocence. In that case you will still not have max charges consistently and investing into additional charges will always be suboptimal with the current mechanics of the skill.

If you want to push regen on Chieftan, focus on being able to reliably proc Soul of Arakaali to give an additional 50% to life recovery rate to Tasalio
Last edited by sleevelessless on Jun 4, 2019, 12:38:28 PM

No, I did not see that in the manifesto. If that's the case it would only be a 5-10% loss, generously basing the reduced attack speed number on "This support now provides a lower attack speed multiplier, just over half that of the existing support gem."

Losing the attack speed will trash the life gain on hit and leech regardless. Maybe animation canceling will all be worth it <shrug> We'll know pretty soon.

New jewel (last one that got revealed) has 50% of lightning and cold damage taken as fire. Chieftan ascendancy has Tasalio which has built in 10% of physical taken as fire and 50% increased life recovery rate if we take fire damage from enemy hit recently...which would be every hit in this case meaning we would have insane life recovery if you take Tasalio, Valako and Tawhoa(12% life regen per second at 10 endurance charges or 11% on 8 charges (more realistic scenario) + whatever leech and life on hit we get). That sounds interesting.

The only extra proc of Tasalio would be when taking pure lightning and or cold damage if you have not taken any other kind of damage in the last 4 seconds. This is very conditional. I'm not sure how high you have to push your fire res for the jewel to be "worth it" otherwise, but it sure will be more than a loreweave. It seems like it's more for RF.

If you're playing tectonic slam, you will not have endurance charges since you are consuming them. The only exception to this is Jugg (or precursors with the same % chance to gain end charges up to max) with eye of innocence. In that case you will still not have max charges consistently and investing into additional charges will always be suboptimal with the current mechanics of the skill.

If you want to push regen on Chieftan, focus on being able to reliably proc Soul of Arakaali to give an additional 50% to life recovery rate to Tasalio

Are you sure that any hit wouldn't proc Tasalio 50% regen? If 50% of any cold or lightning damage and 10% of physical damage is converted to fire damage taken it should count as 'taken fire damage from an enemy hit recently'.

As for having max charges consistently, it would be hard with Chieftan I agree. Possibly having two insanely good rolled Precursors Emblems that have +1 endurance charge and 15% chance to gain maximum endurance charges when gaining one would solve that, or at least it would make uptime high enough for it to be worth it. Those rings would cost a mirror each at very least so it's not realistic.

edit: didn't see you adding precursors as an option :).
Last edited by SolloPoE on Jun 4, 2019, 1:05:51 PM

Are you sure that any hit wouldn't proc Tasalio 50% regen? If 50% of any cold or lightning damage and 10% of physical damage is converted to fire damage taken it should count as 'taken fire damage from an enemy hit recently'.

As for having max charges consistently, it would be hard with Chieftan I agree. Possibly having two insanely good rolled Precursors Emblems that have +1 endurance charge and 15% chance to gain maximum endurance charges when gaining one would solve that, or at least it would make uptime high enough for it to be worth it. Those rings would cost a mirror each at very least so it's not realistic.

Yes, any hit would proc it, but the only additional procs of Tasalio with the new jewel would be the ones I mentioned.

It's not worth trying to scale endurance charges with the skill as is.

Are you sure that any hit wouldn't proc Tasalio 50% regen? If 50% of any cold or lightning damage and 10% of physical damage is converted to fire damage taken it should count as 'taken fire damage from an enemy hit recently'.

As for having max charges consistently, it would be hard with Chieftan I agree. Possibly having two insanely good rolled Precursors Emblems that have +1 endurance charge and 15% chance to gain maximum endurance charges when gaining one would solve that, or at least it would make uptime high enough for it to be worth it. Those rings would cost a mirror each at very least so it's not realistic.

Yes, any hit would proc it, but the only additional procs of Tasalio with the new jewel would be the ones I mentioned.

It's not worth trying to scale endurance charges with the skill as is.

Thanks for the answers. If one would somehow attain two such rings (or one at least), how would it look? In theory they can roll 10% chance to gain endurance charge on kill as well but let's say all you have is 30% chance to gain max endurance charges instead of gaining one. Uptime on having maximum charges would be high enough for it to be worth it?

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