3.4 Holy Shepherd-Dominating Blow+HoP-Shaper&Uber Atziri down (Videos)

mrtoop wrote:
Iam allso struggeling with this build:) i have got the shaper and uber elder guardians down.
Only uber elder is left to die. To deal with his physical and cold damage, i can get to 88% physical damage reduction. Only cold damage is a problem i think. Iam using 3 tukohama's as spectre. Another problem meybe 5.5k hp:) (brass dome instead of belly and thirt spectre node in tree)

i have this setup:

Plus 9abyss jewels with life minion damage and minion adds physical damage.

any thouths on what i should upgrade to succeed?

Swap melee splash for ruthless at boss fights in main setup
I would change Maim with Faster Attacks in Herald of purity setup, specially because of the gloves you have.
That basalt flask seems a bit pointless in my opinion, you should consider using something else, considering you have the Brass Dome instead of belly.

That spectre setup on you helm seems cool, tanky spectres, but i really don't think the damage output of the spectres or their totems is that considerable.
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Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)
dr0guletz wrote:
mrtoop wrote:
Iam allso struggeling with this build:) i have got the shaper and uber elder guardians down.
Only uber elder is left to die. To deal with his physical and cold damage, i can get to 88% physical damage reduction. Only cold damage is a problem i think. Iam using 3 tukohama's as spectre. Another problem meybe 5.5k hp:) (brass dome instead of belly and thirt spectre node in tree)

i have this setup:

Plus 9abyss jewels with life minion damage and minion adds physical damage.

any thouths on what i should upgrade to succeed?

Swap melee splash for ruthless at boss fights in main setup
I would change Maim with Faster Attacks in Herald of purity setup, specially because of the gloves you have.
That basalt flask seems a bit pointless in my opinion, you should consider using something else, considering you have the Brass Dome instead of belly.

That spectre setup on you helm seems cool, tanky spectres, but i really don't think the damage output of the spectres or their totems is that considerable.

thnx for reply. iam gonna try that.

iam aming for an 7 ore 8 link spectre helmet. iam chaos spamming this helmet whenever i can:). Tukohama's are the best boss killer's for all i know. Did not find a better physical damage spectre yet.

maybe a taste of hate for basalt flask.
mrtoop wrote:

thnx for reply. iam gonna try that.

iam aming for an 7 ore 8 link spectre helmet. iam chaos spamming this helmet whenever i can:). Tukohama's are the best boss killer's for all i know. Did not find a better physical damage spectre yet.

maybe a taste of hate for basalt flask.

There are much better physical spectres, but i don't know how much help they will be, i would personally try those giant skeletons that you encounter in abyss, those that dissapear and then slash with a black coloured skill. they are physical for sure, and that skill always deals a lot of dmg, considering you have a lot of added physical jewels i think they will do some damage.

But hey , i`m just speculating here ...it's your choice if you wanna try or not.
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Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)
kilgorek wrote:
+3 minion gem is not elder specific.
Only ilvl is important in this case.
Anyway this helm is insane for spectre summoner.
Rallying Cry is a nice concept. Ill also give it a try.

Yes, my bad, I was tired ;)

I want to say :
- ilvl 86 for the +3 minion gem
- Elder for minion damage/inc.damage

And I have buying it for 2c, without any hesitation :)
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Tukohama specre build is strong enough to do all content so I would rather go full summoner then mix it with HoP and DomBlow.
IF you are looking for physical spectres you can also try these guys:


although I don't think they will have big impact on the fight especially that your headpiece is perfect for tukohamas/fire golems/solar guards

I can't see your profile and tree so its hard for me to analyze what's going on inside (jewels, nodes ect).

dr0guletz suggestions are on point. At the end of the day it's your build so you can/should play it as you like :)
kilgorek wrote:
Tukohama specre build is strong enough to do all content so I would rather go full summoner then mix it with HoP and DomBlow.

For the specters, I thought of the same thing.
But atm, I don't play this build, I play a reave build champion.
I will resume the build DomBlow later (or in standard league).
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
I don't like using brutality. I'll diversify it a bit by showing a mixed phy/ele dom blow version. My char name: ThinkingOfNameTooHard

Maze of Minotaur
I watch Theuberelite atm with an ice golemancer in DHC.
I see that he use "phase run" for the invisibility.
May be a good idea for more survivability when you play a minions build.
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
titides wrote:
I watch Theuberelite atm with an ice golemancer in DHC.
I see that he use "phase run" for the invisibility.
May be a good idea for more survivability when you play a minions build.

Phase run just lets you go though monsters, doesn't give any damage mitigation.
Follow me on YouTube & Twitch for more info on new content.
Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)
Ofnir_ wrote:
I don't like using brutality. I'll diversify it a bit by showing a mixed phy/ele dom blow version. My char name: ThinkingOfNameTooHard

Maze of Minotaur

Sweet damage bro
Follow me on YouTube & Twitch for more info on new content.
Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)

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