3.4 Holy Shepherd-Dominating Blow+HoP-Shaper&Uber Atziri down (Videos)

kilgorek wrote:
I use it because of the mana reservation I simply cannot run Haste + Purity of Ice. I had to drop the Haste and try to compensate attack speed with something. Soultaker is fast + has nice no mana needed mod. I also switched gloves for more attack speed (using some generic ones for 10c)

How many AS have you for your minions ?
I think that the most important is HoP/DomBlow & your defense.
Haste is not bad, but 50% mana reservation is too higher.
It's must be good for LL build :)

Purity of ice = 35%, Hop = ?
May be Arctic Armor (25%) for the "less 13% physical damage taken when hit".
Kaltenhalt/soul & aegis aurora have +5% max cold res.

To have AS, options are :
Abyssal Jewel : x% to gain onslaught for 4 sec (20% AS + 20% ms)
Silver flask : to gain onslaught with anti freeze and reduced charges used.
Totem ancestral protector : if you can put it in your set up.
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Last edited by titides on Oct 11, 2018, 1:50:39 PM
An idea
I see Theubereulite run a golem build with a shaper staff (DHC) with 7,5K life.
Can be think to have 2*6L (HoP & DomBlow) ? may be on weapon's switch ?
His staff was very good : +3 sockets gem (cold for him) and maim lvl20 (7 links!).
You can see his profile (character is UberGolemsOP)

After checking Wiki/poe affix
Sword have a better AS than Axe, Staff or Mace.
Lion Sword have 1,4 AS (base).
Maim is a prefixe on sword, suffixe on other 2H weapon.
ilvl minimum is 75, 83 to gain onslaught has suffixe.
An other suffixe can be great is attack speed/double damage.

So a perfect word can have :
- % phys damage (P)
- flat phys (P)
- Maim lvl 20 (P)
- attack speed/double dmg (S)
- Gain Onslaught (S)
- Gain Freny charge on kill (84) (S)

edit : wiki say maim on prefixe, poedb say no. I try to craft a shaped lion sword.
I see cast on crit and I don't have maim on hit, I think it's a mistake.
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Last edited by titides on Oct 12, 2018, 12:46:08 AM
titides wrote:
An idea
I see Theubereulite run a golem build with a shaper staff (DHC) with 7,5K life.
Can be think to have 2*6L (HoP & DomBlow) ? may be on weapon's switch ?
His staff was very good : +3 sockets gem (cold for him) and maim lvl20 (7 links!).
You can see his profile (character is UberGolemsOP)

After checking Wiki/poe affix
Sword have a better AS than Axe, Staff or Mace.
Lion Sword have 1,4 AS (base).
Maim is a prefixe on sword, suffixe on other 2H weapon.
ilvl minimum is 75, 83 to gain onslaught has suffixe.
An other suffixe can be great is attack speed/double damage.

So a perfect word can have :
- % phys damage (P)
- flat phys (P)
- Maim lvl 20 (P)
- attack speed/double dmg (S)
- Gain Onslaught (S)
- Gain Freny charge on kill (84) (S)

edit : wiki say maim on prefixe, poedb say no. I try to craft a shaped lion sword.
I see cast on crit and I don't have maim on hit, I think it's a mistake.

Double damage wount go through to the dom blow minions
Frenzy charges will only give you AS, your damage isnt important, the minion damage is ...
Even if, let's say you get a perfect, wonder story 2 handed weapon with a 7 link, and all you want, i still don't think anything can beat the damage AND AS that dual scourge claw can give you.
Follow me on YouTube & Twitch for more info on new content.
Latest build : 3.4 Holy Shepherd - Dominating Blow

Stay safe exiles ;)
Can we have "The Hollow Lady" or "Kali The Crazed" as a spectre ?

Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Last edited by titides on Oct 12, 2018, 5:38:57 AM
titides wrote:
Can we have "The Hollow Lady" or "Kali The Crazed" as a spectre ?


nope. Raise Spectre: "Spectres will be the normal version of that monster type, lacking any additional modifiers they may have had. "

I change my build this day :)

Crafting unset ring and new spiked gloves.
I have 13 abyssals jewels, 2 scourges.
6K hp without body armour, 7K with belly 40%.
~100% at all resistances.
I can have 1 spectre & 1 animate guardian.
Life & Mana leech has good for survivability/provide no life/mana regen.
I can run haste/vaal haste; but I dont have it in my set up.
Good for mapping & delving
Cant try Red Elder, Uber Elder or Shaper (sick red map!).

Possible change :
- Body armour : loreweave (max res), belly (max life) or rare with life & maim
- Animate guardian with culling strike instead of spectre
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Last edited by titides on Oct 12, 2018, 9:36:39 AM
Buy a loreweave for 1 ex (very good roll)
420 fusing for 6L

faster attack on 6L
Maim instead of fortify on HoP
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
If you are looking for BIS armour for this build I would recommend one that have:

+socketed gems are supported with level 1 Maim,
+1XX to maximum life
+x% increased max life

Rest of your gear is more than enough to kill Shaper (fast).

With a Impresence, Vulnerability have no mana cost.
So I can use Blasphemy/Vulnerability + Haste + HoP.
Culling strike on animate guardian.

May be use a Soul taker for having no mana cost of skill.

My best is a Gemini claw with FA/AS mod (shaped) and minion damage (bound fossil)
Gain 14 mana by hit, I can have whirling blade/fortify/blood magic

Go to test this evening :)
Ten Thousand Ways To Die ...
Last edited by titides on Oct 12, 2018, 5:50:21 PM
dr0guletz wrote:

Special thanks to anyone who invested the time to record/made videos or helped in forum threads disscusion about the build.
Any contribution to the build has been appreciated and mentioned in the initial build guide page.

Hi guys! Can you help me to understand what's wrong with my geardian.

I play with this build, but have some difference (i want more abyss jewel).
In POB i have more damage, more life regen, more leech, more anyting that author, exept attack speed (POB link https://pastebin.com/Bj8QnrQy), but when i go to the Guardian (mino or Hydra), my damage was smaller than in video (that's why I kill them more time than you). Why? What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks to all
Last edited by LEAP0LD on Oct 12, 2018, 5:52:19 PM

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