[Closed Applications] [EU] Burning Oath | Small, tight-knit guild.

Hey there, I'm Sam. Im from the UK and I am 20. I usually play around 3-4 hours a day at the moment, and I have about 600 hours in POE since bestiary league. I have never really gone too far into the endgame, but with my current character I am the furthest I have been, and am looking to go much further in Synthesis. I am looking therefor for people who are experienced to help me, and give advice on what I can do to further this goal. I also would like some people to play with and post memes about poe, as none of my other friends play the game. Thanks for reading, have a good one!

I'm Arch, a 30 yo Romanian. I've played PoE a lot over the years, on and off. Leagues i've played include prophecy (not much - 14 or 16 challenges), bestiary (for a while - 17/40 i think), incursion (for a bit), Harbinger (36/40), betrayal (24/40). Also played perandus, delve, abyss for a small time. Harbinger was the first time i got serious with the game. Betrayal burned me out after the uberelder kill. Delve, abyss i played only for a week or two. I generally hit each league but how quickly i burn out depends.

I've killed shaper, U elder, atziri and had a few lab run chars. I've mostly played solo, got some challenges off 820 here and there. Semi-interested in group play. 100% for the social aspect - i love chilling, discussing builds, experience and day to day life with people and if i can do it while gaming all the better.

In all honesty the thing that keeps me going in leagues is testing out new builds. Looking forward to synthesis for the hand cast changes and the spell reworks. As for how active i am - it really depends. Real life does keep me busy at times but i try to log in about 4/7 days. The days i do log in i generally game for 5-7 hours (depending on my schedule and if it's a weekday or a weekend).

No clue how many hours i've got total.

Synthesis goals:
- down shaper/u elder and maybe farm a few watcher's eyes
- do my first poet's pen char (if i drop a pen or they're not too expensive)
- interact with the mechanic quite a bit - i love the look of it (protoooossss), the ideea behind it. Hopefully it'll feel good.
First char this league may be an occultist on chaos (the new bane spell) but will know for sure on thursday when the patch notes come out.
Never done a BV elementalist so also considering that.
Will definitely game friday and saturday evening.
(✿◕‿◕) synthesis waiting room (✿◕‿◕)
Hi my name's Thomas and am looking to find a guild to play with, started playing in this last month or so and would like to find a group to play with.

Ign: Vandaradin
Hey guys,

I'm 20 years old and started playing when betrayl came out. I'm a big fan of hack and Slash creating some builds and realizing how cool or most of times how stupid my idea was.

I'm planning to go hard in synthesis aswell but I like to play with people not solo. I did in betrayl but it was not the most fun.
Anyway I would really like to join your guild!

IGN: Marmelademan
Hey folks,

Early 30s Belgian here. Started playing PoE just before Betrayal, so this was my first league. Did the league start in a group of 3 and had a blast, playing long hours for about a week.

I ended up with 36 challenges completed, shaper and uber elder killed. I even carried someone through 2 player hp shaper, and killed shaper again on a 4300 hp SSF character I made just before the league ended.

I'm a fast learner, and love being challenged by a game as deep as PoE.

For the Synthesis league I'm teaming up with one of the people I played with last league, also early 30s, in the UK. He's interested in joining too. He's more experienced in the game than I am.

We're organizing a party for the league start and might have a few open slots. We're currently considering what our strategy will be to maximize atlas progression while also making a ton of currency as a group. Last league, we only really did atlas progression and weren't very efficient making currency while we did so. Not that we were poor, but we could've done better - and we will this time!

Our plan is to play a lot just as the league starts until Monday evening (of course with some breaks for sleep etc in between). My friend has to get back to work then, though I took the week off of work and will be online quite a bit.

We're interested in joining a guild to find more people to play with but also share some stuff like atlas progression, trials, etc. where it makes sense.

Let me know if you have any questions!
(✿◕‿◕) synthesis waiting room (✿◕‿◕)
Last edited by blank0815 on Mar 5, 2019, 12:27:22 PM
Hey! 24 year old dude from Latvia with a job here. Started playing when delve was about to end, didn't bother doing betrayal, decided to learn the game a bit more in standard. Completed all the quests, got to 97, finished the build, bought a HH, now I'm ready to try something new. Found a nice guild, but the leader turned out scamazing so I left. Ever since I am lonely.

Took a week off work to immerse myself into synthesis, but a couple of friends from abroad suddenly decided to visit me and crash at my place. Hopefully will sneak in some hours between shots. Still lacking knowledge in building though, so will most likely follow a guide, idk.

Really liked playing with people and sharing shit, so I'd love to join your guild!
(✿◕‿◕) synthesis waiting room (✿◕‿◕)
Greetings from greece. My name is Thomas i am 30 years old, i have played 3000 hours mostly in standard league. Played betrayal and looking forward for synthesis. Interesting in joining.

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