[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

tim603 wrote:
So I bought a watchers eye jewel that is similar to yours with the +25% phys damage as extra fire and my sheet dps went down from a simple jewel with only 7% attack speed on it (as far as damage goes). So why even use this jewel?

Check to make sure you don't have resists on the jewel you're replacing, because that could turn off your Wise Oak flask (if it's enabled in POB).
Just downed Uber Elder for the first time with this guy. My tooltip molten strike in hideout was just 33k with ancestral call so the fight took a bit longer (I don't have molten strike enchant either)

My mechanics werent great so I ended up using all 6 portals and it was damn heart-pounding lol but we made it. Thanks again for the great build.

Gear I had for the fight:

Possible best third aura if we have the 15% shield? I am already running ash+anger with out it no mana issues.

Thanks in advance.

Here is one of my run's with Gorno's build. Honestly I had gotten sloppy as the runs have become easy. Made a couple of mistakes, but you get the gist of the fight.
That was some craziness there! Well done, Zombie. And after that death in the corner, you killed them without even needing your auras!

Those "numerous top-notch" players are not all playing this build. Crappy glass cannon builds can die easily in Incursions. This build does not.
I have never ever died from the chaos projectiles in Incursions with this build. Yes maybe in Hardcore it would be smart to get chaos resist, but even still I would say it is optional/helpful rather than a requirement. And in softcore I would 100% say that chaos resist is a complete waste of space for better mods on your items.
This. Build. Does. Not. Need. Chaos. Resist.
Don't know why people find that so hard to understand. As I've already said, if you are dying to chaos projectiles in Incursions then it's because you are not gearing correctly or not playing correctly.


managed to reach 72,200 Hideout tooltip DPS with Ash+Anger+Ancestral Protector.

made little upgrade to my chest and got:

Also i found that Lightning golem is much better setup for this build, on lvl 21gem you get extra 10% attack speed.


https://github.com/ment2008/POE/releases - My Loot Filter
Last edited by ment2008 on Jun 24, 2018, 6:12:50 AM
Why should i keep Enfeeble and Tempest-Shield on lvl 5 and 7? Any specific reason i am missing?
WapitiDrumlin wrote:
Why should i keep Enfeeble and Tempest-Shield on lvl 5 and 7? Any specific reason i am missing?

You want it to proc often, that's why you keep that CWDT setup on low lvl.
The Higher CWDT lvl the higher damage you should receive in order to trigger the setup.

https://github.com/ment2008/POE/releases - My Loot Filter
Last edited by ment2008 on Jun 24, 2018, 6:24:28 AM
Yes, i understand that i must keep cwdt low to proc it often. but why enfeeble and tempest shield?

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