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loving the build so far and it has not let me down yet. just got me a shaper shield though with the 15% reduced mana reserve though, and you say that its needed to add a 3rd aura, but for the life of me I cannot find anywhere where a 3rd one is mentioned. im using currently anger and HoA and am wondering what would be the best 3rd choice here. thanks in advance. heres the shield, yes I know needing some work, but hey, it has the mod right? lol
The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists, until the moment you do not.
thanhdatFun wrote:
Hello guys. Thank for good build, but i have 2 question:
1. When I set up CWDT, it not cast "Flammability", only cast "Enfeeble". Why?? List my set up"
Weapon: CWDT + Flammability + Blood Rage
Shield: CWDT + Enfeeble + Tempest Shield

2. Can "Ancestral Protector + Fire Penetration Support" will ignore some portion of the target's fire resistance and "penetration" like when setup with main skill "Molten Strike + Fire Penetration Support"

I am planning to install the gem as follows, can you guys give me advice:
Weapon: CWDT + Blood Rage, Enduring Cry
Boots: Anger, Herald of Ash, Ancestral Protector + Fire Penetration Support

Thank you.

1) By default, you can only have 1 active curse at a time on a mob (you can increase this limit in various ways). So you should see either Flammability or Enfeeble on a mob with that setup (assuming that the curse gems are not over-leveled) but not both curses.

2) Yes, Fire Penetration can support Ancestral Protector when linked to it.
Last edited by hankinsohl on Jun 23, 2018, 5:31:55 AM
So I bought a watchers eye jewel that is similar to yours with the +25% phys damage as extra fire and my sheet dps went down from a simple jewel with only 7% attack speed on it (as far as damage goes). So why even use this jewel?
Last edited by hankinsohl on Jun 23, 2018, 8:00:32 AM
diablomix wrote:
In Incursion, 0% or more Chaos resist and the 35% Chaos DOT pantheon help A LOT.

Incursion is not really a league you want to have -60% chaos resist.

CResist helps immensely.

Chaos resist is a waste of time for this build, it doesn't need it.
I have -60 chaos resist and I never die in the Incursions. Ever.
If you are dying in Incursion then you are either not geared correctly or just bad.

Numerous top-notch (competing for first to 100 with first to 100 wins in the past) Hardcore Incursion players have died to Ancient Constructs - either when first entering an Incursion or when opening a door/rounding a corner in a temple.

What happens is this - you sometimes face a massive number of incoming chaos damage projectiles - if your chaos resist is -60 and you fail to dodge/evade/whatever the bulk of the projectiles, you're instantly dead - LGoH is obviously worthless in this situation; dodge/evade/high life helps a lot, but still, you may be unlucky and not dodge/evade enough and your life pool might not be high enough.
Chaos resist is likely optional if you're in Standard Incursion playing this toon.

But, if you're in Hardcore Incursion or in Standard Incursion pushing levels beyond 95, chaos resist is mandatory/extremely helpful.
tim603 wrote:
So I bought a watchers eye jewel that is similar to yours with the +25% phys damage as extra fire and my sheet dps went down from a simple jewel with only 7% attack speed on it (as far as damage goes). So why even use this jewel?

Are you sure you have one with Anger and you run this aura? Could you link your watchers eye or making your chars visible?
Last edited by Pyrazul on Jun 23, 2018, 9:40:48 AM
Finally I got 41k damage in hideout with fire pen - 35k with ancestral call, I dont have enough money to buy xoph blood yet (the price getting really crazy here in incursion) - I try to farm xoph but I only got rares and random uniques so far from him, are they reducing drop rate for breach bosses in incursion ?

another question, which one you guys prefer to use fire pen on ancestral call - I feel even tho ac have lower dps it clears mob and kill bosses quicker ?

hankinsohl wrote:
diablomix wrote:
In Incursion, 0% or more Chaos resist and the 35% Chaos DOT pantheon help A LOT.

Incursion is not really a league you want to have -60% chaos resist.

CResist helps immensely.

Chaos resist is a waste of time for this build, it doesn't need it.
I have -60 chaos resist and I never die in the Incursions. Ever.
If you are dying in Incursion then you are either not geared correctly or just bad.

Numerous top-notch (competing for first to 100 with first to 100 wins in the past) Hardcore Incursion players have died to Ancient Constructs - either when first entering an Incursion or when opening a door/rounding a corner in a temple.

What happens is this - you sometimes face a massive number of incoming chaos damage projectiles - if your chaos resist is -60 and you fail to dodge/evade/whatever the bulk of the projectiles, you're instantly dead - LGoH is obviously worthless in this situation; dodge/evade/high life helps a lot, but still, you may be unlucky and not dodge/evade enough and your life pool might not be high enough.
Chaos resist is likely optional if you're in Standard Incursion playing this toon.

But, if you're in Hardcore Incursion or in Standard Incursion pushing levels beyond 95, chaos resist is mandatory/extremely helpful.

Those "numerous top-notch" players are not all playing this build. Crappy glass cannon builds can die easily in Incursions. This build does not.
I have never ever died from the chaos projectiles in Incursions with this build. Yes maybe in Hardcore it would be smart to get chaos resist, but even still I would say it is optional/helpful rather than a requirement. And in softcore I would 100% say that chaos resist is a complete waste of space for better mods on your items.
This. Build. Does. Not. Need. Chaos. Resist.
Don't know why people find that so hard to understand. As I've already said, if you are dying to chaos projectiles in Incursions then it's because you are not gearing correctly or not playing correctly.
I'm getting confused by the phrasing.

Is ancestral call better than Firepen for packs or for bosses? (provided you don't use the trick)
Kaozium wrote:
I'm getting confused by the phrasing.

Is ancestral call better than Firepen for packs or for bosses? (provided you don't use the trick)

Ancestral call is an awesome thing you should try, at least while holding shift. it essentially makes your melee skill ranged sorta and spreads out the effect, so it's very useful for leveling and mapping. I still run it and only swap it for firepen vs single big bosses. To answer your question, packs.
[quote="g64" realm="pc"]Players are 'normal' monsters.

Unless you wear full demigod set, obviously.[/quote]

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