[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

foster21 wrote:
As someone who cant theorycraft to save his life this guide is perfection. I am curious if you have any tips on what you could tweak to make it strictly dedicated to uber elder, I have a build for everything else I want to do , this guy would solely be uber elder.

14 uber elder kills here, check my characters.
If you not lazy as me and can squeze more dmg, play shield version.
Thorak85 wrote:

first thanks for the build. I have some question on my character, molten strike is supposed to be a good boss killer skill but personally i'm strugling with single target DPS, i don't die with life on hit but its very long

what i know :
- i know i miss xoph's is it really dps enabling ?
- i know i miss helmet enchant is it really dps enabling ?
- i know i miss tomfist but i'm already strugling with resist
- i know most of my jewels are just 6+% life and shit

So my question is : what do i miss and what is for you the priority for increasing my DPS ?


Helmet enchant is a MASSIVE dps boost. Xophs is more of an endgame upgrade, its not the craziest dmg upgrade but its a fantastic overall package. Tombfist with double sockets is also decent dmg boost and the jewels can also hold resists. Watcher's Eye with 25% added phys as fire is also a bigger dmg boost.
In Incursion, 0% or more Chaos resist and the 35% Chaos DOT pantheon help A LOT.

Incursion is not really a league you want to have -60% chaos resist.

CResist helps immensely.
diablomix wrote:
In Incursion, 0% or more Chaos resist and the 35% Chaos DOT pantheon help A LOT.

Incursion is not really a league you want to have -60% chaos resist.

CResist helps immensely.

Chaos resist is a waste of time for this build, it doesn't need it.
I have -60 chaos resist and I never die in the Incursions. Ever.
If you are dying in Incursion then you are either not geared correctly or just bad.
diablomix wrote:
In Incursion, 0% or more Chaos resist and the 35% Chaos DOT pantheon help A LOT.

Incursion is not really a league you want to have -60% chaos resist.

CResist helps immensely.

Chaos resist is a waste of time for this build, it doesn't need it.
I have -60 chaos resist and I never die in the Incursions. Ever.
If you are dying in Incursion then you are either not geared correctly or just bad.

I disagree. L82 Temples with 0% CResist and 25% DOT CResist, I am taking NO damage from any of the mobs or Omnitech - none.

Basically with CResist, high level Temples are an EXP heaven that you never have to worry about. I can stand in the middle of a pack of L82 Temple mobs and my regen will tank all damage - without CResist good luck with that.
Last edited by diablomix on Jun 22, 2018, 2:10:58 PM
Sitting about 45k h/o damage, and it seems very hard for me to improve much any more.

haven't really played it for long. probably I need to spend more time to actually play with it

kudos for the good guide.
Last edited by Jianke on Jun 22, 2018, 3:17:07 PM
diablomix wrote:
diablomix wrote:
In Incursion, 0% or more Chaos resist and the 35% Chaos DOT pantheon help A LOT.

Incursion is not really a league you want to have -60% chaos resist.

CResist helps immensely.

Chaos resist is a waste of time for this build, it doesn't need it.
I have -60 chaos resist and I never die in the Incursions. Ever.
If you are dying in Incursion then you are either not geared correctly or just bad.

I disagree. L82 Temples with 0% CResist and 25% DOT CResist, I am taking NO damage from any of the mobs or Omnitech - none.

Basically with CResist, high level Temples are an EXP heaven that you never have to worry about. I can stand in the middle of a pack of L82 Temple mobs and my regen will tank all damage - without CResist good luck with that.

LGoH is more than enough to tank the omnitech and chaos sentinels. I speed farm temples in around 5 minutes (minus time to mess around with enchant/corrupt altars) without issue.
You do not need chaos resist, it's a waste of a mod on items.
Can this newbie get some advice please? I've started mapping but am nowhere near rich enough to afford loreweave yet. I currently have a 4L rare chest piece. Is it worth spending most of my chaos (abt 30 or so) on a 6L rare chest piece, just to start reaping the 6L benefits...or is it not worth it and I'd be better off just continue the grind until I can afford a 5L loreweave?
Hello guys. Thank for good build, but i have 2 question:
1. When I set up CWDT, it not cast "Flammability", only cast "Enfeeble". Why?? List my set up"
Weapon: CWDT + Flammability + Blood Rage
Shield: CWDT + Enfeeble + Tempest Shield

2. Can "Ancestral Protector + Fire Penetration Support" will ignore some portion of the target's fire resistance and "penetration" like when setup with main skill "Molten Strike + Fire Penetration Support"

I am planning to install the gem as follows, can you guys give me advice:
Weapon: CWDT + Blood Rage, Enduring Cry
Boots: Anger, Herald of Ash, Ancestral Protector + Fire Penetration Support

Thank you.
Cartz83 wrote:
Can this newbie get some advice please? I've started mapping but am nowhere near rich enough to afford loreweave yet. I currently have a 4L rare chest piece. Is it worth spending most of my chaos (abt 30 or so) on a 6L rare chest piece, just to start reaping the 6L benefits...or is it not worth it and I'd be better off just continue the grind until I can afford a 5L loreweave?

5 link on any random self found rare plate is more than enough for early mapping, most important is the leech on rings to stay alive (using thief's torment and it's great) and capped out resistances

Also, finally made my own loreweave and got quite lucky i think even though the damage could be a bit higher

[quote="g64" realm="pc"]Players are 'normal' monsters.

Unless you wear full demigod set, obviously.[/quote]
Last edited by Pandab1rd on Jun 23, 2018, 6:49:56 AM

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