[3.4] Ahn's Might Juggernaut - Uber Lab Farmer - League Starter - Shaper + End Game (Videos)

day 3 or 4 gear. it's fairly expensive to start but once you can afford those ahn's mights you are A GOD! i got the volatile dead corpse enchant on my 2nd uber lab so i was basically able to buy everything i need. i'm lvl 83 with 4.7k life. not sure what to even improve on my build at this point. i guess a good ammy with crit multi and good jewels with crit multi next. elder crit 6l chest isn't realistic at this point in the league :O
Last edited by Brinstar4 on Mar 5, 2018, 9:17:17 AM
Some options from a quick glance:
Full links with appropriate gems
Enlighten 3 for hatred
Better jewelry
Starkonja with cleave enchant
Kaoms roots for big hp boost

Like you mentioned elder chest. Possibly elder ammy as well. Both super luxury items though :)
Why not use Perseverance belt since you got fortify all the time?
Thx a lot for sharing this build, it has been a pretty good league start for me. Have been able to run uber lab from day one and already made some currency.

Will be saving up some money for some better jewellery and maybe a taste of hate.
Ordemarebys wrote:
Why not use Perseverance belt since you got fortify all the time?

That seems like a very good question and I can't think of a reason not to.

Build isn't as cheap as advertised, but this is easily the best character I've ever had 3 days into a league. Not that I hold the cost against OP here, it seems like this build blew up since it was written.

All that said, my character is ~200 chaos worth of gear give or take at this point and he blows through yellow maps without issue.

I tried doing my uber lab earlier today without success, charges were just too much for me to handle.

Resists and life are on the low end, with my life sitting around 4200, and any upgrade from here will likely be in the dozens of chaos range.

Some good, some bad for me so far, but the power is definitely there once you get things in place.
Thanks for the build!
Since items you have used in your build became a bit expensive this league, I made some changes in gear section:
I use only one Ahn's Might with a cheap statstic (25% additionat fire dmg)
I am planning to use Maligaro's Virtuosity cause Oskarm is around 2ex (and i have to cast assasins mark from blasphemy with no hatred)
DMG is pretty the same (it feels the same and PoB says same thing) but it's much cheaper (later i will use oskarm or shaper's ring with curse ass mark on hit)
Also I changed Cleave to BladeFlurry cause I like it more (and DPS is better with comparable clearspeed)
As a small bonus now I have two free jewels (or 6 free skill points to get ranger Sword cluster much easier)
In defensive side, I will use good and cheap rare helmet and boots. I honestly dont know why Starkonja is here, cause we dont really need that extra 50 dex. I would rather get some int on helmet.
BTW i never get stunlocked because of 6k hp and I honestly hate Kaom's roots has no movement speed bonus nor any sockets, so I use another rare peice of gear(may be will go futher on deathdoor for extra endurance charge).
Futher I will utilize free sockets for Immortal Call CWDT setup.
And finally i prefer leap slam so i use it except whirling blades(statstick's).

If someone interested you can check my peice of crap gear it my profile in a couple of days when it will be finished.

P.S. I'am working on this build now so I would be happy to hear some constructive criticism if I've missed something :)
Ordemarebys wrote:
Why not use Perseverance belt since you got fortify all the time?

The main thing that makes Belt of Deciever userful is permanent intimidation (which means 10% more damage). I think you can use perseverance for better clearspeed, espetially, if you go in kaom's roots
So why are we really going for Oskarm over cheaper alternatives (at least in Beasteeleague right now)? We won't have power charges for bosses from them. Would definitely be more damage for mapping/clearing.

I'm just looking at my next upgrade and with them at 80~100c and climbing...I just don't see the value when something like Maligaro's gives similar damage (not including power charges). Or just a beefy rare.
JermStudDog wrote:

Resists and life are on the low end, with my life sitting around 4200, and any upgrade from here will likely be in the dozens of chaos range

Replace your chest ASAP. No life at all???? Or scour and use essence for a life roll at least.

Replace gear with low or no life rolls is probably your best bet. Most will be super cheap. Just don't look for triple T1 rolls ;)

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