[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Landy3 wrote:

Did you have all your flasks and buffs on when you took that screenshot? The only way I can get anywhere near that high is with evrything popped and buffs up

No it's just auras(HoI,HoT,Enfeeble) and golem is up - standing still.
With flasks/BR/ascendancy procs - it went to around 422k.
Last edited by FreshMeat93 on Feb 7, 2018, 6:48:03 AM
is it ok to get +3 proj helmet enchant on a cheaper help like abyssus or devoto's? (5-7 ex vs 25ex on rat's nest / starkonja)
So after spending the last 2 weeks of league playing different builds on my Templar, and making new chars to 80+ and trying builds on Ranger/Witch/Duelist I have to say -- I shouldn't have started my league with this Templar build. Now every other build sucks in comparison lol :/

The DPS output of this build is just insane for the investment. I've tried other builds with the same investment (30ex or so) and nothing even comes close. It's kind of ruined other builds for me and I don't know what to do next league :/

I think the biggest draw is the fact that MS does both amazing Area Dmg for mapping AND single target dps for boss killing. With all other builds I've tried.. you're either focusing on map clear or bosses, or running 2 skills like KB/Barrage for different content (I hate the way Barrage feels.. wish I didn't).
Last edited by bewsii on Feb 7, 2018, 7:34:16 AM
JooJ wrote:
Where does he get attack speed modifier of over 400%???? I have attack speed everywhere he does and I have only 148% in hideout with auras and lightning golem.

Other than my blood rage gem being 16%, nothing else really gives me attack speed more than he has...... I'm pretty sure that's what makes his damage skyrocket.

Otherwise I do need to update some of my gems for base damage and crit but right now sitting at 50k in hideout.

Look at your weapon and reread. He has a 2+ aps weapon while you have 1.7. Your weapon's aps is what your aps is scaled off, which is why he said attack speed is the most important stat on the weapon.
Thanks for the reply! I thought that might be the case. Back to poetrade i guess lol
It's ok to go +2 proj instead of a +3 helm or it make a big difference ?

and idk what's the best for farming boss , rat's nest or starkonja ?

And also what's the solution against freezing ? No flask so ?
Last edited by Sizleke on Feb 7, 2018, 1:31:17 PM
Hi! This build looks amazing! Can't wait to give it a try! I'd appreciate if you fill in the blanks.

1.How do you handle mana? I couldn't see a leech node on the passive tree. Do we leech with the claw or should I look for regeneration stats?

2. I already have an elder claw. Do you think it would be worthwile to use it with this build? It looks like a more physical claw, but maybe I can use it with Watcher's eye jewel?

Thanks in advance for your comments!
Hello Guys and Girls...
can anyone tell me how i upgrade my gear as next. Cheapest upgrades PLEASE as first :-)
ATM i search for a better weapon as first upgrade... a weapon with faster attack then my only 1.6
Whats most important on the Weapon in order?
element dmg (one, two or tree times enought?)

Xoph's Blood Amber Amulet

hey , i invested soo much on this char and yet my dps is still at 68k (using the VP build) does the nonevp build is more dps than vp? heres my stuff what im still doing wrong?should i drop ancestral call for elemental focus support? got like 12ex to spend, just want atleast 150k dps in hd , heres my stuff:


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