[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

I feel like an idiot. I've been missing out on a huge damage buff by not casting that.

This is a self cast skill right. Sorry this is my first claw build and I'm still learning a few things.
lghaze wrote:
Then the next question is should i sell my watcher's eye and pDPS weapon and go with a eDPS weapon and double heralds for clear speed?

Im trying to build this to do maps extremely fast, or as fast as possible and I feel that I slow down considerably without herald of ice (as stated earlier in this thread).

Yes, herald of ice is big for mapping. A well rolled ele claw + rare jewel is also just better damage, but a well rolled ele claw can be obscenely expensive. The OP's phys conversion suggestion is sort of a mid-budget option, since good phys claws are a lot cheaper.

Does anyone have reccomendations about making this build into a pure mapper? I am using this to build around and trying to use almost ALL abyss gems. I have 2sock Tombfist and abyssal belt as well

Spirit burst is a physical damage spell, so we don't really scale it at all. Still you might get the damage high enough to kill trash, but you should just be putting support gems in it, not active skill gems, to up the spirit burst damage. Try phys to lightning, added fire, inc crit.

If you don't so much want to kill things with it, try putting your orb of storms link in it (orb of storms, pcoc, inc crit), that way it will automatically manage power charges for you while mapping, and you can use the orb of storms for power charges on bosses.
lghaze wrote:
Then the next question is should i sell my watcher's eye and pDPS weapon and go with a eDPS weapon and double heralds for clear speed?

Im trying to build this to do maps extremely fast, or as fast as possible and I feel that I slow down considerably without herald of ice (as stated earlier in this thread).

Yes, herald of ice is big for mapping. A well rolled ele claw + rare jewel is also just better damage, but a well rolled ele claw can be obscenely expensive. The OP's phys conversion suggestion is sort of a mid-budget option, since good phys claws are a lot cheaper.

Does anyone have reccomendations about making this build into a pure mapper? I am using this to build around and trying to use almost ALL abyss gems. I have 2sock Tombfist and abyssal belt as well

Spirit burst is a physical damage spell, so we don't really scale it at all. Still you might get the damage high enough to kill trash, but you should just be putting support gems in it, not active skill gems, to up the spirit burst damage. Try phys to lightning, added fire, inc crit.

If you don't so much want to kill things with it, try putting your orb of storms link in it (orb of storms, pcoc, inc crit), that way it will automatically manage power charges for you while mapping, and you can use the orb of storms for power charges on bosses.

Im not sure I follow you @magicrectangle. I get spirit charges for ALL abyss jewels affecting me, including ones in my gloves, belt and passive tree. and i have a 20% change to gain charges on kill and anytime I use a skill (any skill not just slotted into the helm) it discharges. I knew it was phys damage which is why I was attempting to do the pDPS claw / wrath combo but it was just too slow.

Ive since bought a eDPS claw and put heralds back in.

lghaze wrote:
Im not sure I follow you @magicrectangle. I get spirit charges for ALL abyss jewels affecting me, including ones in my gloves, belt and passive tree. and i have a 20% change to gain charges on kill and anytime I use a skill (any skill not just slotted into the helm) it discharges.

Being able to store up extra spirit charges is nice, I guess, but doesn't effect the damage, and ultimately isn't even all that useful, since you mostly discharge them as soon as you get them. Might as well have them though, abyss jewels are great for us anyway.

But I'm talking about upping the damage of the spirit burst, which is done by scaling physical damage (which we don't), and spell damage (which we don't). If we convert it to elemental, our elemental damage scales it, but elemental attack damage does not, which is most of our elemental scaling. We do have some elemental scaling without the weapon tag in the tree, but not much. A little more if we use opal rings.

Aside from that, the way you increase the damage of spirit burst is by giving it support gems. Or you can give it utility by making it generate power charges.
Last edited by magicrectangle on Jan 25, 2018, 1:57:27 PM
Hey, i saw u use a different skill tree and wildstike on your abyss char. is it just for mapping purposes? or is the tree better as well like this for moltenstrike?
let me know pls if there are any changes to the setup and tree u posted in the guide here, thx
I really love this build. eye candy is good, works well against groups and single target. I am melting through stuff, great!

just a question though, is there any sort of stat priority i should look for.

I an having a hard time balancing out armour and evasion rating. Also, as a complete newby (only played a beta for a bit), any character advise would help.
Karetje wrote:
I really love this build. eye candy is good, works well against groups and single target. I am melting through stuff, great!

just a question though, is there any sort of stat priority i should look for.

This is all in the OP, there's a whole section entitled "how to gear your character."

I an having a hard time balancing out armour and evasion rating.

Evasion is better, since this is an acrobatics build. Acrobatics kills half your armor. Still, a piece with armor on it is fine if it works out with the rest of your stats or w/e.

Also, as a complete newby (only played a beta for a bit), any character advise would help.

We can't see your character because your profile is set to private. But the OP is quite detailed so I suggest digging through it to find your wisdom.
lghaze wrote:
lghaze wrote:

If i have a pDPS claw and im converting 40% via wrath with Watcher's Eye (100% physical converstion). Do I want to get as much physical stats as possible to scale? Or do I still want to stick with all +Elemental Damage to Attacks for gems and stuff.

You still want the +elemental, it is budgeted better, and we don't have enough %physical in tree to compensate for that.

Then the next question is should i sell my watcher's eye and pDPS weapon and go with a eDPS weapon and double heralds for clear speed?

Im trying to build this to do maps extremely fast, or as fast as possible and I feel that I slow down considerably without herald of ice (as stated earlier in this thread).

Does anyone have reccomendations about making this build into a pure mapper? I am using this to build around and trying to use almost ALL abyss gems. I have 2sock Tombfist and abyssal belt as well

If you want a good idea, my character's clear speed is quite high all the way up to T16. I swap out inc AOE for Ele focus with bosses.
Last edited by planeodds on Jan 25, 2018, 6:34:34 PM
Noob problem here - this is my first build in POE, although i'm not new to gaming or H&S in general.

This build seems almost OP for me now, one shotting almost everything, orange mobs takes like 3 sec to kill, and bosses are quite fast too. But there is one small problem. I can tank pretty much anything - EXEPT some things that like...2 shot me. A prime example would be Avarius fight. His beam melts me in 1 sec. Those yellow orbs - 2 of those and i've got a free ticket back to resp. Location earlier i meet an orange mob - he lookd like a piest and casted those yellow pillars of light (all those attacks look like some sort of holy damage) that followed me. Also almost insta- kill. So...i heve to be missing one crucial stat. Can you tell me what to improve, so i can be more versatile at my thoughness?

Partyczka3 wrote:
Noob problem here - this is my first build in POE, although i'm not new to gaming or H&S in general.

This build seems almost OP for me now, one shotting almost everything, orange mobs takes like 3 sec to kill, and bosses are quite fast too. But there is one small problem. I can tank pretty much anything - EXEPT some things that like...2 shot me. A prime example would be Avarius fight. His beam melts me in 1 sec. Those yellow orbs - 2 of those and i've got a free ticket back to resp. Location earlier i meet an orange mob - he lookd like a piest and casted those yellow pillars of light (all those attacks look like some sort of holy damage) that followed me. Also almost insta- kill. So...i heve to be missing one crucial stat. Can you tell me what to improve, so i can be more versatile at my thoughness?

For starters, your eva and fire res are crazy low

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