[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Hi everyone, need some advices, please take a look guys. What should i upgrade next to reach more damage. Btw it's not bad atm, however it's quite difficult on t15+ bosses. I know that my claws is quite crappy, but gonna change it in last case co 400+ edps is very expensive for me. Really appresiate any help and sorry for my english, gods of great random bless u, exiles
Tarlo your biggest upgrades would be getting crit on everything that can have it
HI, sorry for my english but can i up my gem to Q23 or max Q20 ???
thank u
Gems with 23% quality are a lucky result of corrupting a gem with 20% quality. If you corrupt a gem it can become a level higher, gain 3% quality, lose a level or remain as it is

When corrupting a gem make sure it is 20/20 AND make sure you don't really need the gem if it loses a level
Thank you for the build - killed everything - lab is quite easy, too!
Used shield charge attack speed enchant and three life flasks - ezpz.
Which gems you can get rid off to use 2 abyssal socket gloves ?
Thx guys
Either CWDT+Immortal Call or remove the buffs from your herald of ice
Why isn't dying sun anywhere on the build? Sounds like it would be great for molten strike
Does anyone know the easiest way to spec into inspired learning jewel just for fun? Trying to figure out a way to do it without losing a ton of DPS.
TehStruggle wrote:
Why isn't dying sun anywhere on the build? Sounds like it would be great for molten strike

Have you read the guide? Or it's just random msg

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